About Exporting Data Entry Plans
Using the ERP Export REST Service, you can export a data entry plan from a Plant Applications environment. The export's response is used by the ERP Scheduler REST Service, located on another server, to import the same data entry plan into another environment.
Data entry plans are created by the system when operations of a route are defined to collect a set of variables. When importing a route to a destination system that contains data entry plans as part of its definition, the data entry plans must exist in the destination system. The data entry plans can be explicitly exported from the source system. The response is directly usable to import a data entry plan.
- exportMetaData.modelProperties
- exportMetaData.sourceProperties
- segmentDefinition
The import service will leverage the source names and IDs to replace IDs with the destination IDs, and create a valid route aligned to the destination server's data. This is the fastest and most convenient way to move a route from a source system to a target system.
Please refer to the JSON Data Entry Plan Export Document.