Unified Asset Ingestion Data Loaders V2

About the Unified Asset Ingestion Data Loader V2

The Unified Asset Ingestion data loader V2 allows a user to import data from an Excel workbook to populate Predix Essentials with equipment and functional location data.

  • In Predix Essentials, you should use this data loader to load equipment and functional location data into the database.
  • The Unified Asset Ingestion data loader should not be used for file sizes greater than 10 MB in a single load.
Note: GEDA: GE Digital Asset is a model representation of the Assets and its attributes.

About Unified Asset Ingestion Data Loader V2 Data Model

This topic describes the data models used by the Unified Asset Ingestion Data Loader V2.

About the Predix Essentials Equipment and Functional Location Data Model

The data for Equipment and Functional Location is loaded from a single Excel workbook containing multiple worksheets. This includes Functional Location and Equipment.

The Functional Location can be linked to a parent Functional Location using the relationship Functional Location Has Functional Location(s). Likewise, an Equipment can be linked to a parent Equipment using the Equipment has Equipment relationship, or an Equipment can be linked to a Functional Location using the Functional Location has Equipment relationship.

About the Predix Asset Data Model

Predix uses four classes to create the Asset Hierarchy Enterprise, Site, Segment, and Asset.

  • Enterprise
  • Site
  • Segment
  • Asset

The following image is an example Asset Hierarchy in Predix.

Predix Classifications, Instances, and Connections

Predix uses the following elements to facilitate the creation of the hierarchy:

  • Classifications: Defines the hierarchical levels of the asset model.
  • Instance: Relates to node or actual Instances (levels in the hierarchy tree) with classification and Class.
  • Connections: Defines parent-child relationships among nodes.

Classifications/types are created from the Class and Instances are derived from the Classifications and also associated to Class as shown in the following image:

Dynamic Classifications

The Unified Asset Ingestion Data Loader V2 has a capability to generate template and ingest data based on the classifications configured in the current tenant.

How Predix Records Correspond to Predix Essentials Records

Predix recordCorresponding Predix Essentials RecordComments
Enterprise recordThere is a Meridium equivalent in v4.6.0 called GE Digital Asset Enterprise.GE Digital Asset Enterprise records will be loaded into the Meridium database but they will not appear in the Meridium Asset Hierarchy database.
Site recordThere is a Meridium equivalent in v4.6.0 called GEDA Site. So when a Site is loaded a Site record is created along with a GEDA Site.

While these values match, how Sites are defined, configured, and used.

In Meridium, the Sites are used as filtering mechanisms; they are foreign keys in various records within the Meridium database. Meridium Sites are part of the user configuration to allow access by a user and are defined, and managed, by an administrator role. The site must exist in the Meridium database before running the data loader that creates the Predix Site object. The site information will also be used to create a record in the GEDA Site family.

In Predix, the Sites are defined in a JSON file.

For the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader, these must be consistent.

Segment recordFunctional Location record

Predix Segments are the equivalent to Meridium Functional Locations. The data loader job builds the correct hierarchy in both the databases.

GEDA Site records will be linked to Functional Location records based off of the content of the 'SitesToFuncLocs' worksheet.

Parent Functional Location records will be linked to child Functional Location records based off of the content in the 'FunctLocsToFuncLocs' worksheet.

Asset recordEquipment record

Predix Assets are the equivalent to Meridium Equipment. The data loader job builds the asset hierarchy based off of the data in the 'FuncLocsToEquipment' and in the 'EquipmentToEquipment' worksheets.

Although the data model differs between the Meridium and the Predix databases, the Unique ID value will be identical in both the databases and that value is used to ensure that the functionality works consistently.
Note: Predix connections are equivalent to Predix Essentials relationships.

About the Unified Asset Ingestion Workbook Layout and Use

This section provides a high-level overview and explanation of how the data loader workbook is constructed.

To import data using the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader, Predix Essentials provides an Excel workbook, Unified Asset Ingestion.xlsx, which supports baseline data loading of equipment and functional locations in Predix Essentials.

Access the workbook by downloading the Data Loader Workbook.

The following table lists the worksheets that are included in the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader workbook.

Important: To prevent load failures:
  • Columns can be removed or rename column captions, but do not rename fields in the worksheets.
  • Limit the workbook size for any data load to 10 MB.
ConfigurationThe Configuration worksheet is needed to describe the type of data that you will be loading and how that data should be handled during the data load. It also sets the rules of the data loading with regards to the inserts, updates, deletes, key fields, locating existing records, etc.
EnterprisesThis worksheet is used to define the Enterprise classifications in the Meridium and Predix databases.
SitesThis worksheet is used to define the Site classifications in the Meridium and Predix databases.
FunctionalLocationsThis worksheet is used to specify data for import to the Functional Location family. It also generates the corresponding segment nodes in the Predix database.
Equipment_GenericThis worksheet is used to specify data for import to the Equipment family. It also generates the corresponding asset nodes in the Predix database.
Equipment_ComplexThis worksheet is used to specify data for import complex Equipment into the Equipment family. It also generates the corresponding asset nodes in the Predix database. This worksheet will be created for every Complex Equipment type. Ex: For Pump type, the worksheet name would be Equipment_Pump.
EnterprisesToSitesThis worksheet is used to link Enterprise records to Site records. It will generate connections in the Predix database.
SitesToFuncLocsThis worksheet is used to link Site records to Functional Locations records. It will generate connections in the Predix database.
FuncLocsToFuncLocsThis worksheet is used to link Functional Locations to Functional Locations. It will also generate connections in the Predix database.
FuncLocsToEquipmentThis worksheet is used to link Functional Location records to Equipment records. It will generate connections in the Predix database.
EquipmentToEquipmentThis worksheet is used to link Equipment to Equipment records. It will also generate connections in the Predix database.

Configuration Worksheet

The Configuration worksheet tells the Data Loader - V2 what types of data are being loaded and how the data is to be loaded. The following table outlines the options that are valid or the values that are expected in each of the columns on the Configuration worksheet.
Note: For the Unified Asset Ingestion Data Loader, the only supported actions are ACTION_INSERTUPDATE, ACTION_LOCATE and ACTION_NONE.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Batch SizeBATCH_SIZECharacter

Modifying this field is required to determine the number of records processed in each batch. Enter the batch size you want, and the Data Loader will process that many records per batch.

For example, if you want to use a batch size of 100, enter 100, and the Data Loader - V2 will process 100 records per batch.

Note: The recommended batch size is 100. If the Batch Size column is removed from the source workbook, the data loader will default to a batch size of 100.

In addition to processing the data in batches, the log file reports progress by batch.

Important: This field determines the batch size for records added to the Meridium database. Records added to the Predix database are loaded in a single batch regardless of the value you specify in this column.
Data Worksheet IDDATA_WORKSHEET_IDCharacter

This column contains the name of the <data> worksheet where the actual data is located. It needs to have the same name as the <data> worksheet in the data loader workbook.

Load Data From WorksheetLOAD_DATA_WORKSHEETBoolean

Identifies if data from the corresponding worksheet identified in the Data Worksheet ID column will be loaded or not.

  • True: The corresponding worksheet will be processed.
  • False: The corresponding worksheet will not be loaded into the Meridium database.
Important: Because the Enterprise, Site, and Connection worksheets are specific to the Predix database, this value must be False for these worksheets to prevent loading the Meridium database with the data from these worksheets.
Primary Family IDPRIMARY_FAMILY_IDCharacter

Depending on the type of data that you are working with, this will contain the Relationship Family ID or the Entity Family ID where the data is being ingested. If the Family ID in the GE Digital APM metadata contains spaces, you must specify this value in < >.

Primary GEDA Type NamePRIMARY_GEDA_TYPE_NAMECharacterThe value represents the type of the data in the corresponding worksheet.
For example, you can define the basic types as
  • generic-enterprise-type
  • generic-site-type
  • generic-segment-type
  • generic-asset-type
  • <complex>-asset-type.
The field will be <none> when the Family type is Relationship.
Primary Family Key FieldsPRIMARY_FAMILY_KEY_FIELDSCharacter

This column contains the Field IDs associated with the Primary Family that are used to uniquely identify a record. If more than one field is to be used, each Field ID needs to be separated by a | (pipe) character. If you are loading data into a relationship and no keys fields exist or are used, then use the <none> constant.

If the Primary Action is ACTION_INSERTONLY, no key fields need to be specified, and you can use the <none> constant.

Family TypeFAMILY_TYPECharacterThe value is the column should be Entity or Relationship depending on the type of data that is being loaded.
Predecessor Family IDPRED_FAMILY_IDCharacterWhen the Family Type is Relationship, this column will contain the value of the Entity Family ID that acts as predecessor of the relationship. It should contain the <none> for the Entity FAMILY_TYPE row.
Predecessor GEDA Type NamePRED_GEDA_TYPE_NAMECharacterWhen the Family Type is Relationship, this column will contain the value of the type of the Entity Family ID that is the predecessor in the relationship. Otherwise, it should contain the <none> constant.
Predecessor Family Key FieldsPRED_FAMILY_KEY_FIELDSCharacter

This column contains the Field ID or IDs associated with the Predecessor Family that are used to uniquely identify the predecessor record. If more than one field is to be used, each Field ID needs to be separated by a | (pipe) character.

If the Predecessor Action is ACTION_INSERTONLY, no key fields need to be specified, so you can use the <none> constant.

Successor Family IDSUCC_FAMILY_IDCharacterWhen the Family Type is Relationship, this column will contain the value of the Entity Family ID that acts as successor of the relationship. It should contain the <none> for the Entity FAMILY_TYPE row.
Successor GEDA Type NameSUCC_GEDA_TYPE_NAMECharacterWhen the Family Type is Relationship, this column will contain the value of the type of the Entity Family ID that is the successor in the relationship. Otherwise, it should contain the <none> constant.
Successor Family Key FieldsSUCC_FAMILY_KEY_FIELDSCharacter

This column contains the Field ID or IDs associated with the Successor Family that are used to uniquely identify the successor record. If more than one field is to be used, each Field ID needs to be separated by a | (pipe) character.

If the Successor Action is ACTION_INSERTONLY, no key fields need to be specified, and you can use the <none> constant.

The value in this column will determine the action that will be applied to the Primary Family records. If the Family Type is Entity, the possible values are:

Deleting a record and purging a record will both delete the current record, the difference being that the purge action will delete the record and all the links or relationships tied to that record. The delete action will simply attempt to delete the record, and if it is related to another record, the delete will fail.

If the Family Type is Relationship, the possible values are:
Predecessor ActionPRED_ACTIONCharacter
The value in this column will determine the action that will be applied to the Predecessor Family records. The possible values are:
If the family type is Entity, the value needs to be:
Successor ActionSUCC_ACTIONCharacter
The value in this column will determine the action that will be applied to the Successor Family records. The possible values are:
If the family type is Entity, the value needs to be:
Insert with Null Values?OPTION_INSERT_ON_NULLBooleanWhen setting the field values on a new record, if a value coming across is NULL, the field values will be set to NULL if this option is set to True.
Update with Null Values?OPTION_UPDATE_ON_NULLBooleanWhen setting the field values on an existing record, if a value coming across is NULL, the field values will be set to NULL if this option is set to True.
Replace an Existing Link?OPTION_REPLACE_EXISTING_LINKBoolean

The Replace Existing Relationship option is used to determine how a relationship is to be maintained by its cardinality definition.

For example, the relationship Location Contains Asset is defined in the Configuration Manager. It has a cardinality defined as Zero or One to Zero or One, has a Location LP-2300, and contains the Asset P-2300. If in the data load, you assign the Asset P-5000 to be contained in the Location LP-2300, and you have set the Replace Existing Link property to True, the data loader will link P-5000 to LP-2300 and unlink P-2300 from LP-2300. This assumes that the P-5000 is not currently linked to another location. The same is true for a relationship that is defined as Zero or One to Zero or Many, or Zero or Many to Zero or One.

Allow Change of Family?OPTION_ALLOW_CHANGE_OF_FAMILYBoolean

Allows the data loader to move an entity from one family to another.

For example, this would allow an entity that is currently assigned to the Centrifugal Pump family to be moved to the Reciprocating Pump family.

All relationships will be maintained as long as the family to which the entity is being moved allows the same relationships.

Note: Because of the extra processing required, by selecting this option, the interface performance will decrease.

Enterprises Worksheet

This worksheet is used specifically to create the Enterprises Instances in the GEDA. This is a pre-requisite to generating the asset hierarchy.

Field CaptionField Column NameData Type (Length)Comments
IDMI_GEDA_ENTPR_UNIQUE_ID_CCharacterThis is a key field, and it represents the Enterprise ID in the Hierarchy.
NameMI_GEDA_ENTPR_NAME_CCharacterThis field represents the Enterprise Name.
DescriptionMI_GEDA_ENTPR_DESCR_CCharacterThis field represents the Enterprise Description.
GEDA Classification (Display only)MI_GEDA_ENTPR_CLASS_TYPE_CCharacterThis field represents the Classification. The default value is Generic Enterprise for the enterprise worksheet.

Sites Worksheet

The Site worksheet is used specifically to create the Site Instances in the GEDA. This is a pre-requisite to generating the asset hierarchy.
Note: Sites created in the Meridium database must match the sites created in the Predix database.
Field CaptionField Column NameData Type (Length)Comments
IDMI_GEDA_SITE_UNIQUE_ID_CCharacterThis is a key field, and it represents the Site in GEDA.
NameMI_GEDA_SITE_NAME_CCharacterThis field represents the Site Name in GEDA.
DescriptionMI_GEDA_SITE_DESCR_CCharacterThis field represents the Site Description in GEDA.
GEDA Classification (Display only)MI_GEDA_SITE_CLASS_TYPE_CCharacterThis field represents the GEDA Classification. The default value is Generic Enterprise for the Sites worksheet.

Functional Locations Worksheet

On the Functional Location worksheet, you will specify information for functional locations that are Segments in the Predix database.

  • Each row in this worksheet represents a unique functional location. You should not include the same functional location more than once.
  • The highest level (root) functional location must correspond to the Segment in Predix that is assigned to the appropriate site in the Connections worksheet.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Functional Location Internal IDMI_FNCLOC00_INTERNAL_ID_CCharacter (30)This value is the ID assigned by Predix Essentials to the functional location.

This is a key field.

Maintenance PlantMI_FNCLOC00_MAINT_PLNT_CCharacter (50)This value identifies the plant responsible for maintenance. This field is not required to contain a value, but entering a value is recommended as it could be useful for searches or data analysis.
CMMS SystemMI_FNCLOC00_SAP_SYSTEM_CCharacter (255)This value identifies the EAM system from which the data originated and is used by the data loader as part of a unique ID. This field is not required to contain a value, but entering a value is recommended as it could be useful for searches or data analysis.

This is a key field.

Functional LocationMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_CCharacter (50)This value is the functional location as defined by the EAM.
Unique IDMI_FNCLOC00_UNIQUE_ID_C Character (550)This field uniquely identifies the functional location using the format <CMMS System> - <Functional Location ID>.
Site Reference NameMI_SITE_NAMECharacter (255)
Important: Site Reference records must preexist in Predix Essentials. The data loader does not create Site Reference records, but simply provides foreign key data in the asset records as determined in the source workbook. If the site reference record does not already exist, you will receive an error.

Enter the value of the name field in the Sites record to designate the site by which the Functional Location record, once loaded into Predix Essentials, will be filtered.

Note: Only Super Users are permitted to update Site Reference records.
Functional Location DescriptionMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_DESC_CCharacter (255)None
Functional Location Long DescriptionMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_LNG_DESC_CTextNone
Business Area MI_FNCLOC00_BUS_AREA_C Character (50)None
Business Area Description MI_FNCLOC00_BUS_AREA_D_C Character (255)None
Catalog Profile MI_FNCLOC00_CAT_PROF_C Character (50)None
Catalog Profile Description MI_FNCLOC00_CAT_PROF_D_C Character (255)None
Category MI_FNCLOC00_CATEG_C Character (50)None
Category Description MI_FNCLOC00_CATEG_D_C Character (255)None
CO Area MI_FNCLOC00_CO_AREA_C Character (50)None
CO Area Description MI_FNCLOC00_CO_AREA_D_C Character (255)None
Company Code MI_FNCLOC00_CO_CD_C Character (50)None
Company Code Description MI_FNCLOC00_CO_CD_D_C Character (255)None
Construction Type MI_FNCLOC00_CONST_TYP_C Character (50)None
Construction Type Description MI_FNCLOC00_CONST_TYP_DESC_C Character (255)None
Cost Center MI_FNCLOC00_CST_CNR_C Character (50)None
Cost Center Description MI_FNCLOC00_CST_CNR_D_C Character (255)None
Criticality Indicator MI_FNCLOC00_CRTCAL_IND_C Character (50)None
Criticality Indicator Description MI_FNCLOC00_CRTCAL_IND_D_C Character (255)None
Installation Allowed MI_FNCLOC00_INSTLD_ALWBL_C Character (50)None
Location MI_FNCLOC00_LOCAT_C Character (50)None
Location Description MI_FNCLOC00_LOCAT_DESC_C Character (255)None
Maintenance Plant Description MI_FNCLOC00_MAINT_PLNT_D_C Character (255)None
Object TypeMI_FNCLOC00_OBJ_TYP_CCharacter (50)This field can associate the functional location to the corresponding Taxonomy classification. This field is not currently used; in the current release, only the default classification of Assets is provided.
Object Type Description MI_FNCLOC00_OBJ_TYP_DESC_C Character (255)None
Planning Plant MI_FNCLOC00_PLNNG_PLNT_C Character (50)None
Planning Plant Description MI_FNCLOC00_PLNNG_PLNT_D_C Character (255)None
Plant Section MI_FNCLOC00_PLNT_SECT_C Character (50)None
Plant Section Description MI_FNCLOC00_PLNT_SECT_D_C Character (255)None
Room MI_FNCLOC00_ROOM_C Character (50)None
Sort Field MI_FNCLOC00_SORT_FLD_C Character (50)None
Structure Indicator MI_FNCLOC00_STRUC_INDIC_C Character (50)None
Work CenterMI_FNCLOC00_WRK_CNTR_C Character (50)None
System StatusMI_FNCLOC00_SYS_STATUS_CCharacter (255)None
Work Center Description MI_FNCLOC00_WRK_CNTR_DESC_C Character (255)None
CMMS Last Changed Date MI_FNCLOC00_CHANGE_DATE_D DateNone
Planner Group MI_FNCLOC00_PLANNER_GROUP_C Character (50)None
Planner Group Description MI_FNCLOC00_PLANNER_GRP_DESC_C Character (255)None
Class MI_FNCLOC00_SAP_CLASS_C Character (50)None
Class Description MI_FNCLOC00_SAP_CLASS_DESC_C Character (255)None
Superior Functional Location MI_FNCLOC00_SUPR_FNC_LOC_C Character (50)None

Ensure that you define the taxonomy information correctly so your asset matches the taxonomy of your Meridium database. That is, the Object Type field is populated with an Equipment Type defined in the Taxonomy Mapping family. Consider this taxonomy mapping loaded from the Asset Answers/SmartSignal standard taxonomy:

Object Type (Taxonomy Mapping Value)
Centrifugal Pump
Gas Turbine

The MI_EQUIP000_OBJ_TYP_C value Gas Turbine corresponds to the Centrifugal Pump Object Type (Taxonomy Mapping Value) in the standard taxonomy.

You can also add new taxonomies using the Taxonomy data loader.

Equipment_Generic Worksheet

On the Equipment_Generic worksheet, you will specify Equipment that are assets in the GEDA.

  • Each row in this worksheet represents a unique asset. You should not include the same asset more than once.
  • In the GEDA database, Field Captions are added as custom attributes associated with the asset.
Field CaptionField Column NameData Type (Length)Comment
Maintenance PlantMI_EQUIP000_MAINT_PLANT_CCharacter (50)This field is required, and is used to group or batch the Equipment records.
CMMS SystemMI_EQUIP000_SAP_SYSTEM_CCharacter (255)

This is a key field.

Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (225)

This is a key field.

This is the Equipment ID in the Meridium database.

Unique IDMI_EQUIP000_UNIQUE_ID_CCharacter (550)This field uniquely identifies the equipment using the recommended format <CMMS System> - <Equipment ID>. This value is used to correlate the data in both the Meridium and Predix databases. If you use your own format, the ID must be unique for each item defined.
Site Reference NameMI_SITE_NAMECharacter (255)
Important: Site Reference records must preexist in Predix Essentials. The data loader does not create Site Reference records, but simply provides foreign key data in the asset records as determined in the source workbook. If the site reference record does not already exist, you will receive an error.

Enter the SITE_NAME value from the Site Worksheet to designate which site by which the Equipment record, once loaded into Predix Essentials, will be filtered.

Note: Only super users are permitted to update Site Reference records.
Equipment Short DescriptionMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_SHRT_DESC_CCharacter (255)None
Equipment Long DescriptionMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_LNG_DESC_TTextNone
Functional LocationMI_EQUIP000_FNC_LOC_C Character (50)None
Functional Location DescriptionMI_EQUIP000_FNC_LOC_DESC_C Character (255)None
ManufacturerMI_EQUIP000_MFR_CCharacter (255)None
Model NumberMI_EQUIP000_MOD_NO_CCharacter (255)None
Part NumberMI_EQUIP000_PRT_NO_C Character (50)None
Equipment Serial NumberMI_EQUIP000_SN_CCharacter (255)None
Equipment VendorMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_VNDR_C Character (50)None
ClassMI_EQUIP000_SAP_CLASS_C Character (50)None
Class Description MI_EQUIP000_SAP_CLASS_DESC_C Character (255)None
Size/Dimension MI_EQUIP000_SZ_C Character (50)None
System Status MI_EQUIP000_SYS_ST_C Character (255)None
Technical Drawing Number MI_EQUIP000_TECH_DRW_NO_C Character (50)None
Planner Group MI_EQUIP000_PLANG_GRP_C Character (50)None
Planner Group Description MI_EQUIP000_PLANG_GRP_DESC_C Character (255)None
Planning Plant MI_EQUIP000_PLNNG_PLNT_C Character (50)None
Planning Plant Description MI_EQUIP000_PLNNG_PLNT_DESC_C Character (255)None
Purchase Date MI_EQUIP000_PRCH_D DateNone
Purchase Order Number MI_EQUIP000_PO_NO_C Character (50)None
Object Type MI_EQUIP000_OBJ_TYP_C Character (50)This field can associate the Equipment with the corresponding Taxonomy classification. This field is not currently used; in the current release, only the default classification of Assets is provided.
Object Type Description MI_EQUIP000_OBJ_TYP_DESC_C Character (255)None
Catalog Profile MI_EQUIP000_CAT_PROF_C Character (50)None
Inventory Number MI_EQUIP000_INV_NO_C Character (50)None
Main Work Center MI_EQUIP000_MAIN_WRK_CNR_C Character (50)None
Main Work Center Description MI_EQUIP000_MAIN_WRK_CN_DESC_C Character (255)None
Valid From Date MI_EQUIP000_VLD_FRM_DAT_D DateNone
Warranty Expiration Date MI_EQUIP000_WRNTY_EXPR_D DateNone
WBS Element MI_EQUIP000_WBS_ELMNT_C Character (50)None
Year Constructed MI_EQUIP000_YR_CONSTRD_N NumericNone
Catalog Profile Description MI_EQUIP000_CAT_PROF_DESC_C Character (255)None
Construction Type MI_EQUIP000_CONSTN_TYP_C Character (50)None
Construction Type Description MI_EQUIP000_CONSTN_TYP_DESC_C Character (255)None
Criticality Indicator MI_EQUIP000_CRITI_IND_C Character (50)None
Criticality Indicator Description MI_EQUIP000_CRITI_IND_DESC_C Character (255)None
CMMS Last Changed Date MI_EQUIP000_CHANGE_DATE_D DateNone
CMMS Creation Date MI_EQUIP000_CREATE_DATE_D DateNone
Equipment Technical Number MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_C Character (255)None
Category MI_EQUIP000_SAP_CATEG_C Character (50)None
Category Description MI_EQUIP000_SAP_CATEG_DESC_C Character (255)None
Maintenance Plant Description MI_EQUIP000_MAINT_PLANT_DESC_C Character (255)None
Sort Field MI_EQUIP000_SORT_FIELD_C Character (50)None
Plant Section MI_EQUIP000_PLANT_SECTION_C Character (50)None
Person Responsible for Plant Section MI_EQUIP000_PLANT_SECT_DESC_C Character (255)None
Cost Center MI_EQUIP000_CST_CNR_C Character (50)None
Cost Center Description MI_EQUIP000_CST_CNR_D_C Character (255)None

Equipment_<Complex> Worksheet

On the Equipment_<Complex> worksheet, you will specify Equipment that are Complex type of assets in the GEDA.

  • Each row in this worksheet represents a unique asset. You should not include the same asset more than once.
  • In the GEDA database, Field Captions are added as custom attributes associated with the asset.
Field CaptionField Column NameData Type (Length)Comment
Maintenance PlantMI_EQUIP000_MAINT_PLANT_CCharacter (50)This field is required, and is used to group or batch the Equipment records.
CMMS SystemMI_EQUIP000_SAP_SYSTEM_CCharacter (255)This is a key field.
Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (225)This is a key field.

This is the Equipment ID in the Meridium database.

Unique IDMI_EQUIP000_UNIQUE_ID_CCharacter (550)This field uniquely identifies the equipment using the recommended format <CMMS System> - <Equipment ID>. This value is used to correlate the data in both the Meridium and Predix databases. If you use your own format, the ID must be unique for each item defined.
Site Reference NameMI_SITE_NAMECharacter (255)
Important: Site Reference records must preexist in Predix Essentials. The data loader does not create Site Reference records, but simply provides foreign key data in the asset records as determined in the source workbook. If the site reference record does not already exist, you will receive an error.

Enter the SITE_NAME value from the Site Worksheet to designate which site by which the Equipment record, once loaded into Predix Essentials, will be filtered.

Note: Only super users are permitted to update Site Reference records.
Equipment Short DescriptionMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_SHRT_DESC_CCharacter (255)None
Applied to Predix Essentials + GEDAMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_LNG_DE SC_TTextNone
only in GEDAint_attribute0_classificationCharacterNone
only in GEDAcharacter_attribute_classificationCharacterNone
only in GEDAfloat_attribute_classificationCharacterNone
only in GEDAboolean_attribute_classificationCharacterNone

EnterprisesToSites Worksheet

On the EnterprisestoSites worksheet, you specify the hierarchy between a Sites and its Enterprises. This generates the relationships between the entities in the Meridium database and the connections in GEDA.

Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Enterprise Source KeyPRED|MI_GEDA_ENTPR_UNIQUE_ID_CCharacter (30)The value in the column would be GEDA Enterprise Unique ID defined in Enterprises Sheet.
Site Source KeySUCC|MI_GEDA_SITE_UNIQUE_ID_CCharacter (255)The value in the column would be GEDA Site Unique ID defined in Sites Sheet.

SitesToFuncLocs Worksheet

On the SitestoFunctionalLocation worksheet, you specify the hierarchy between Functional Locations and its Sites. This generates the relationships between the entities in the Meridium database and the connections in the GEDA.
Note: Sites created in the Meridium database must match the sites created in the Predix database.
Field CaptionField Column NameData Type (Length)Comments
Site Source KeyPRED|MI_GEDA_SITE_UNIQUE_ID_CCharacter (30)The value in the column would be GEDA Site Unique ID defined in Site Sheet.
Functional Location Internal IDSUCC|MI_FNCLOC00_INTERNAL_ID_CCharacter (30)The value in the column would be Functional Location Internal ID defined in FunctionalLocations Sheet.
CMMS SystemSUCC|MI_FNCLOC00_SAP_SYSTEM_CCharacter (255)None
Unique IDSUCC|MI_FNCLOC00_UNIQUE_ID_CCharacter (255)The value in the column would be Functional Location Unique ID defined in FunctionalLocations Sheet.

FuncLocsToFuncLocs Worksheet

On the Functional Location to Functional Locations worksheet, you specify the hierarchy between a Functional Location and its Functional Location. This generates the relationships between the entities in the Meridium database and Connections in the Predix database.

The key values to assure the uniqueness of the functional locations include the CMMS System, Functional Location, Maintenance Plant, Predecessor and Successor Family, and Predecessor and Successor Functional Location Unique ID.

Field CaptionField Column NameData Type (Length)Comments
Functional Location Internal IDPRED|MI_FNCLOC00_INTERNAL_ID_CCharacter (30)In some workflows, this is used as the primary key for the functional location. If there is only one functional location, the value of this field can match the value of Functional Location.
CMMS SystemPRED|MI_FNCLOC00_SAP_SYSTEM_CCharacter (255)This is a key field.

This value identifies the parent family and EAM system as defined in GE Digital APM.

Predecessor Functional Location Unique IDPRED|MI_FNCLOC00_UNIQUE_ID_CCharacter (550)

This field uniquely identifiesthe functional location using the format <CMMS System>-<Functional Location ID>.

Functional Location Internal IDSUCC|MI_FNCLOC00_INTERNAL_ID_CCharacter (30)This value identifies the child family and functional location as defined in GE Digital APM.
CMMS SystemSUCC|MI_FNCLOC00_SAP_SYSTEM_CCharacter (255)This value identifies the child family and EAM system as defined in GE Digital APM.
Unique IDSUCC|MI_FNCLOC00_UNIQUE_ID_CCharacter (550)

This field uniquely identifiesthe functional location using the format <CMMS System> -<Functional Location ID>.

FuncLocsToEquipment Worksheet

On the FuncLocsToEquipment worksheet, you specify the hierarchy between a Functional Location and its associated Equipment. This generates the relationships between the entities in the Meridium database and Connections in the Predix database.

Field CaptionField Column NameData Type (Length)Comments
Functional Location Internal IDMI_FNCLOC00|MI_FNCLOC00_INTERNAL_ID_CCharacter (30)This value identifies the functional location ID as defined in the EAM system. This is a key field.
Functional Location CMMS SystemMI_FNCLOC00|MI_FNCLOC00_SAP_SYSTEM_CCharacter (255)This value identifies the functional location and EAM system as defined in GE Digital APM.
Unique IDMI_FNCLOC00|MI_FNCLOC00_UNIQUE_ID_CCharacter (550)

This field uniquely identifies the functional location using the format <CMMS System> - <Functional Location ID>.

Equipment CMMS SystemMI_EQUIP000|MI_EQUIP000_SAP_SYSTEM_CCharacter (255)This value identifies the equipment and EAM system as defined in GE Digital APM.
Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000|MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)This value identifies the equipment as defined in the EAM system. This is a key field.
Unique IDMI_EQUIP000|MI_EQUIP000_UNIQUE_ID_CCharacter (550)

This field uniquely identifies the equipment using the format <CMMS System> -<Equipment ID>.

EquipmentToEquipment Worksheet

On the EquipmentToEquipment worksheet, you specify the hierarchy between an Equipment and its Superior Equipment. This generates the relationships between the entities in the database.

Field CaptionField Column NameData Type (Length)Comments
CMMS SystemPRED|MI_EQUIP000_SAP_SYSTEM_CCharacter(255)This value identifies the parent family and EAM system as defined in GE Digital APM.
Equipment IDPRED|MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)This value identifies the parent family and equipment ID as defined in GE Digital APM.
Unique IDPRED|MI_EQUIP000_UNIQUE_ID_CCharacter (550)

This field uniquely identifies the equipment using the format <CMMS System>-<Equipment ID>.

CMMS SystemSUCC|MI_EQUIP000_SAP_SYSTEM_CCharacter (255)This value identifies the child family and EAM system as defined in GE Digital APM.
Equipment IDSUCC|MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)This value identifies the child family and equipment ID as defined in GE Digital APM.
Unique IDSUCC|MI_EQUIP000_UNIQUE_ID_CCharacter (550)

This field uniquely identifies the equipment using the format <CMMS System>-<Equipment ID>.

Data Loaders V2 can handle two Date field formats and below are the formats.

In case of GEDA format, the value of date field has the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SSZ. In case of Predix Essentials format, the value of date field has the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS, where as
  • YYYY is the 4-digit year
  • MM is the 2-digit month
  • DD is the 2-digit day
  • HH is the 2-digit hour in 24-hour time
  • mm is the 2-digit minute
  • SS is the 2-digit second
  • Z is the time zone

Create an Asset Hierarchy Using Data Loaders V2

About This Task

This topic provides the basic, high-level steps for creating an Asset Hierarchy using data loaders. You can create sites and equipment for a parent enterprise or create a parent enterprise for a set of existing sites and equipment to build a complete Asset Hierarchy.


  1. Create an enterprise or a site using the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader.
  2. Create top-level functional locations of the Asset Hierarchy.
  3. Create the associated site data such as equipment, functional locations, and connections using the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader.

Create an Enterprise and a Site Using Unified Asset Ingestion Data Loader


  1. Download a Data Loader - V2 workbook with Default Template.
    The Unified Asset Ingestion data loader template is downloaded.
  2. Open the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader workbook, and then perform the following operations:
    1. In the Enterprise and Site worksheets, specify the enterprises and sites, respectively.
      Note: If the enterprise that you want to associate with the site is available in Predix Essentials, specify the enterprise data in the Enterprise worksheet.
      Important: You must only specify data in the Enterprise, Site, and EnterprisesToSites worksheets. Additionally, ensure that only the appropriate enterprise, site, and connections data are available in the Enterprise, Site, and EnterprisesToSites worksheets, respectively.
    2. In the EnterprisesToSites worksheet, provide the following details:
      • In the Enterprise Source Key column, specify the enterprises.
      • In the Site Source Key column, specify the sites.
    3. In the Configuration worksheet, in the Load Data from Worksheet column, enter FALSE next to each Data worksheet ID expect Enterprises, Sites and EnterprisesToSites, and then save the workbook.
  3. Import data of the saved workbook.
    A job is scheduled, and the status of the job appears in the Status column. When the status is displayed as Complete, the enterprises and the sites that you specified in the workbook are created, and the hierarchy between the enterprises and the sites are established in Predix Essentials.
    Note: If an error occurs while importing the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader workbook, resolve the issues in the workbook, and then import the workbook.

Create Top-Level Functional Locations of an Asset Hierarchy

About This Task

This topic describes how to import the associated site data such as functional locations, and hierarchy to GE Digital APM using the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader.


  1. Download a Data Loader - V2 workbook with Default Template.
    The Unified Asset Ingestion data loader template is downloaded.
  2. Open the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader workbook, and then perform the following operations:
    1. Enter data in the following worksheets:
      • FunctionalLocations
      • SitesToFuncLocs
      • FuncLocsToFuncLocs
    2. In the FunctionalLocations and FuncLocsToFuncLocs worksheets, specify the functional locations that will create the Functional Locations hierarchy.
    3. In the SitesToFuncLocs worksheets, specify the functional locations that will be linked to the Site specified, and then save the Equipment and Functional Location data loader workbook.
  3. Import data of the saved workbook.
    A job is scheduled, and the status of the job appears in the Status column. When the status is displayed as Complete, the enterprises and the sites that you specified in the workbook are created, and the hierarchy between the enterprises and the sites are established in Predix Essentials.
    Note: If an error occurs while importing the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader workbook, resolve the issues in the workbook, and then import the workbook.

Create Functional Locations and Generic Equipment for an Asset Hierarchy

About This Task

This topic describes how to import the associated site data such as equipment, functional locations, and their relationship to GE Digital APM using the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader, which will be used to construct the Asset Hierarchy.


  1. Download a Data Loader - V2 workbook with Default Template.
    The Unified Asset Ingestion data loader template is downloaded.
  2. Open the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader workbook, and then perform the following operations:
    1. Enter data in the following worksheets:
      • FunctionalLocations
      • SitesToFuncLocs
      • Equipment_Generic
      • FuncLocsToFuncLocs
      • FuncLocsToEquipment
      • EquipmentToEquipment
  3. Import data of the saved workbook.
    A job is scheduled, and the status of the job appears in the Status column. When the status is displayed as Complete, the enterprises and the sites that you specified in the workbook are created, and the hierarchy between the enterprises and the sites are established in Predix Essentials.
    Note: If an error occurs while importing the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader workbook, resolve the issues in the workbook, and then import the workbook.

Create a Child-Level Equipment for a Functional Location


  1. Download a Data Loader - V2 workbook with Default Template.
    The Unified Asset Ingestion data loader template is downloaded.
  2. Open the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader workbook, and then perform the following operations:
    1. Enter data in the following worksheets:
      • Equipment
      • FuncLocsToEquipment
    2. In the Enterprise and Site worksheets, specify the enterprises and sites, respectively, and then save the workbook.
  3. Import data of the saved workbook.
    A job is scheduled, and the status of the job appears in the Status column. When the status is displayed as Complete, the enterprises and the sites that you specified in the workbook are created, and the hierarchy between the enterprises and the sites are established in Predix Essentials.
    Note: If an error occurs while importing the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader workbook, resolve the issues in the workbook, and then import the workbook.

Create a Child-Level Functional Location for a Functional Location


  1. Download a Data Loader - V2 workbook with Default Template.
    The Unified Asset Ingestion data loader template is downloaded.
  2. Open the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader workbook, and then perform the following operations:
    1. Enter data in the following worksheets:
      • FunctionalLocations
      • FuncLocsToFuncLocs
      Important: You must specify data only in the FunctionalLocations and FuncLocsToFuncLocs worksheets.
    2. In the Enterprise and Site worksheets, specify the enterprises and sites, respectively, and then save the workbook.
  3. Import data of the saved workbook.
    A job is scheduled, and the status of the job appears in the Status column. When the status is displayed as Complete, the enterprises and the sites that you specified in the workbook are created, and the hierarchy between the enterprises and the sites are established in Predix Essentials.
    Note: If an error occurs while importing the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader workbook, resolve the issues in the workbook, and then import the workbook.

Create a Child-Level Equipment for an Equipment


  1. Download a Data Loader - V2 workbook with Default Template.
    The Unified Asset Ingestion data loader template is downloaded.
  2. Open the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader workbook, and then perform the following operations:
    1. Enter data in the following worksheets:
      • Equipment
      • EquipmentToEquipment
      Important: You must specify data only in the Equipment and EquipmentToEquipment worksheets.
    2. In the Enterprise and Site worksheets, specify the enterprises and sites, respectively, and then save the workbook.
  3. Import data of the saved workbook.
    A job is scheduled, and the status of the job appears in the Status column. When the status is displayed as Complete, the enterprises and the sites that you specified in the workbook are created, and the hierarchy between the enterprises and the sites are established in Predix Essentials.
    Note: If an error occurs while importing the Unified Asset Ingestion data loader workbook, resolve the issues in the workbook, and then import the workbook.