APM Connect Data Bundle Status
About APM Connect Data Bundle Status
The APM Connect Data Bundles Status page contains detailed information about the data loader jobs importing status and general information such as job description, process activity, Bundle type, Bundle ID, job creation date, and imported file name. The status page displays the error messages, warnings in the records that were loaded. You can select an individual job to display the detailed status log view page. This page also provides information about the status of the Data Loader jobs that have been run by the APM Connect Data Loader feature.
Access the Data Loaders V2 Page
The Data Bundles Status page appears, displaying information about the data import jobs. Each data import job is considered as a Bundle and the status of all the data import jobs in the last 48 hours appears on the page. You can use the drop-down option to change the time range filter from 48 hours to another time range. Alternatively, you can use the Custom Date Range option to specify a custom range. The default frequency of refreshing the page is 10mins. You can use the drop-down option to change the frequency of refreshing the page (Off, 30 sec, 1 min, 5 min and 10 min). Also, you can manually refresh the page using the Refresh option. The default Data Bundles origin is selected as All Origins. You can change the origin of the Data Bundle from the drop-down option.
Download the Data Loader Workbooks
Run a Data Import Job
Before You Begin
Log Statuses
The Status column in the Data Bundles Status page displays the status of the various Data Loader jobs that are run in the Predix Essentials system. The following table contains the list of available statuses with description.
Status | Description |
Complete | The data has been imported successfully into Predix Essentials. |
Complete with Rejects | The data was imported with warning i.e., some records are rejected. You can select the rejected record to view the detailed warning messages. |
Failure | The data import job failed with system errors. You can select an individual job to view the details of the system error. |
In Progress | The data import job is loading data into the Predix Essentials Data Source. |
In Progress with Rejects | The data import job is loading data into the Predix Essentials Data Source with warnings i.e., some records are rejected. You can select the rejected record to view the detailed warning messages. |
Process Activity Stages
The Process Activity column in the Data Bundles Status page displays the process state management of the various Data Loader jobs that are running or have run in the Predix Essentials system.
- Prepare: Preparing stage involves Registering, Collecting, Transforming and Transmitting states
- Process: Process stage involves Normalizing, Compiling and Slicing states
- Ingest: Ingest stage involves Ingesting, Synchronizing and Notifying states
The following table contains the list of available stages and status mapping with description:
Process Stage | Status | Description |
Prepare – Transmitting | In Progress / Failure | The data upload job status is in either In Progress or Failure and the process activity is in Transmitting state of Prepare stage. |
Process – Normalize | In Progress / Failure | The data upload job status is in either In Progress or Failure and the process activity is in Normalizing state of Process stage. |
Process – Compiling | In Progress / Failure | The data upload job status is in either In Progress or Failure and the process activity is in Compiling state of Process stage. |
Process – Slicing | In Progress / Failure | The data upload job status is in either In Progress or Failure and the process activity is in Compiling state of Slicing stage. |
Ingest – Ingesting | In Progress / In Progress with Rejects / Failure | The data upload job status is in either In Progress or In Progress with Rejects or Failure and the process activity is in Ingesting state of Ingest stage. |
Ingest – Synchronizing | In Progress / In Progress with Rejects / Failure / Complete with Rejects / Complete | The data upload job status is in either In Progress or In Progress with Rejects or Failure and the process activity is in Synchronizing state of Ingest stage. |
Done | Complete with Rejects / Complete | The data upload job status is in either Complete or Complete with Rejects and all process activities are Done state. |
Access the Data Bundle Execution Details of an Import Job
Before You Begin
This topic assumes that you have successfully ingested the Data Bundle Execution.
Data Bundles Status Records
Data Bundles Status records store details about the imported data details for different modules. This topic provides a list and description of the fields that exist for the Data Bundles family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
BUNDLE ID | Alphanumeric | The Job ID of the Integration Log Record. | The Bundle ID is auto-generated with the Data Loader that was selected. |
BUNDLE TYPE | Character | The type of the APM Connect Job related to the data record. | This is auto-generated based on the type of the Data loader that was selected. |
CREATED DATE | Numeric | The date and time at which the Integration job was started. | None |
DESCRIPTION | Character | The text that was entered in the Job Description box by the user when importing the data job. | None |
EXPIRY DATE | Numeric | The date and time at which the integration job will expire. | None |
FILE NAME | Character | The name of the datasheet file that is uploaded. | The name given for the file while uploading a data workbook. |
ORIGIN | Character |
This indicates the process that initiated the Data ingestion. | Following are the different Origin types you can select:
Displays the data processing stage of the import job. |
The three different Process activity stages are Prepare, Process, and Ingest. Below are the sub stages for each stage:
STATUS | Character |
Displays the status of the importing job. |
You can select an import job to view a detailed status log. The appropriate indicators appear against each status based on the progress of the import:
Note: The status log view contains the detailed information about the job such as Process Stage, Processed Records, System Errors, details of the System Errors, Rejected Rows, Event Timeline concerning the data load, and general information about the records that were loaded.
USER | Character |
The name of the user who initiated the import job in the Predix Essentials. | None |
Details of the Data Bundle Execution
When you select a job in the Data Bundles Status page, the data import details page appears displaying the detailed import status and the progress of the selected data import job.
The Data Bundle Execution Details page displays the following sections:
Worksheet Field | Description |
Overall Job Status |
The section displays the overall details of the job such as Asset name, Status, File name, Start Time, End Time, Bundle ID, and Progress Bar that displays the Process Stage. |
Summary of the Records Processed |
The section displays the summary of the processed records (# of Insert, Delete, Update, Reject and Total Records) in a donut chart. It also displays the System Errors in the job processing, if any. |
System Errors |
The section displays the System errors occurred during processing of the job. |
Rejected Rows |
The section displays all the records that are rejected while processing the job. The details include Sheet Name, Row #, Primary Record Id, Slice ID, Error Code, Message, Timestamp, Data. Select a record to view the full data of the record. You can download the Rejected record data into an .xlsx file using the Export Current Page option available in the Rejected Rows section. |
Event Timeline | The section displays the process activity event timelines. The details include Timestamp, Process state of Step, Status, Message (displays system errors, if any). |
Refresh |
You can use the Refresh option for setting the frequency of refreshing the page (Off, 30 sec, 1 min, 5 min and 10 min). Also, you can manually refresh the page. |
Export the Rejected Data Details of an Import Job
- Access the Data Bundle Execution Details of an Import Job.
- In the Rejected Rows section, select
and then select Export Current Page to download the details of the rejected data during the import job.
Download Template Records
Download Template records store details about the template classification fields. This topic provides a list and description of the fields that exist for the download template classification. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Construct Hierarchy | Button |
You can select this option construct a hierarchy by creating a connection between the Enterprise/Site/Segment/Asset. |
You can construct a hierarchy by creating a relationship between the Enterprise/Site/Segment/Asset by appropriate selections. |
Relationships | Numeric | This indicates the number of relationships created. | The value is auto-generated based on the selections. |
SELECT ASSET CLASSIFICATION | Alphanumeric | This field displays the list of classifications/type of the Assets. Select the required Asset classification from the drop-down list. | You can select one or many Asset classifications/types from the drop-down list. |
SELECT ENTERPRISE CLASSIFICATION | Character | This field displays the list of classifications of the Enterprise. Select the required Asset classification from the drop-down list. | You can select one or many Enterprise classifications/types from the drop-down list. |
SELECT SEGMENT CLASSIFICATION | Character | This field displays the list of classifications of the Segment. Select the required Asset classification from the drop-down list. | You can select one or many Segment classifications/types from the drop-down list. |
SELECT SITE CLASSIFICATION | Numeric | This field displays the list of classifications of the Site. Select the required Asset classification from the drop-down list. | You can select one or many Site classifications/types from the drop-down list. |
Update/Add Asset only | Button |
You can select this option to update the existing template data by selecting the required the Asset type. | None |