Fourth Quarter of 2019


This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module on the specified dates.

Release Date: December 13, 2019

Table 1. Enhancements and New Features

The following enhancements and new features have been added.

DescriptionTracking ID
The following are the Orchestration Scheduling Enhancements:
  • Data request parameters can be set on per step basis. Data request parameters, such as Start Time, End Time, for Run Once, Offset before schedule, and Sample duration, which are set at orchestration level, apply to all steps by default. However, you can set the parameters on per step basis and override these parameters.
  • In addition to the Historian mode, the following modes are available in the Time Series data:
    • Math
    • Sample and Hold
  • Runtime supported for Predix Insights only.
Table 2. Obsolete Features

As of this release, the following items are no longer available.

DescriptionTracking ID
CAF no longer supports deployment of analytics written in Python 2.X. The user interface change for CAF that disables creating analytics with Python 2.7 will be introduced in APM 2019 Q4 release. If you have a legacy code and must use an earlier version, you must make sure that the library versions in the config file point to the earlier versions. Python uses the new version by default, which may not be backward compatible. This may work if there are minimum conflicts from a single library.
Note: Existing analytics that are deployed to PAF will continue to work, but new deployments need to use Python’s newer version 3.X when creating an analytic in CAF.