Manage Analytic Orchestrations

About Orchestrations

Use the Analytics Orchestration module to define the order in which algorithmic operations are performed on sensor data.

Once defined, you can add an orchestration with your analytic templates. The Orchestration Engine uses a set of analytic sequences or defined analytical method flows called orchestrations in which analytics are ordered as part of the analysis. You can create multiple orchestrations that execute in a linear fashion.
Tip: If you have scheduled several orchestrations to execute and one of the orchestrations fails, Application Analytics will bypass the failed orchestration and initiate execution of the next orchestration.

You can create an orchestration and link to an asset context using asset filters during deployments. The asset filters allow you to automatically view only those assets when performing I/O mapping.

You can select and modify an orchestration from the Orchestrations queue. Orchestrations include an analytics data flow that can connect and configure multiple analytics so they can be deployed together in a sequence. The data flow within orchestration is defined by mapping data field inputs and outputs for each analytic in the set using I/O Mapping.

At this time, users can construct orchestrations containing only analytics as steps in the Analytic Data Flow, and orchestrations cannot be nested within each other.

You can sort the queue by the date created or the last update date.

From the orchestrations queue, each orchestration displays the following information when available:
  • Orchestration name
  • Owner
  • Date created or last updated
The Search capability allows you to filter the orchestrations queue by name.
The orchestrations detail page uses the following sections to provide functionality or information about a selected orchestration:
Orchestration heading
Contains basic information about the orchestration:
  • Orchestration name
  • Date and time the orchestration was saved, or the last date and time the orchestration was updated
  • Orchestration owner
  • Status (Deployed or Not Deployed)
Orchestration section
Includes the orchestration description and analytics data flow.
Deployments section
Includes a listing of the current deployment, deployment date, and deployment type. You can add a new deployment and update an existing deployment in this section.

Add Orchestrations

Use the Orchestration page to add and modify orchestrations.

Before You Begin

You must add required analytic templates to the catalog before using them in orchestrations. Also add asset filters before using them in orchestrations.
Tip: When creating an analytic that triggers alerts, you need specific permissions to create or access an alert.

About This Task

Use orchestrations to create a sequence of analytics. After you create a new orchestration and use the orchestration in a deployment, you must add an asset filter to ensure that only the assets for the orchestration appear when performing I/O mapping.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Orchestrations.
  2. Select to access the New Orchestration workspace.
  3. Enter a unique name for the orchestration in the Name box.
  4. The user name appears as the default value in the Owner box. Enter a different name if desired.
  5. Enter a brief description of the orchestration in the Description box.
  6. Select a Runtime Type in the box.
  7. Select Submit.
    The orchestration is added and the workspace for the newly added orchestration appears.

What To Do Next

Add an Analytics Data Flow in the Orchestration section.

Delete an Orchestration

Deleting an orchestration deletes the orchestration and its deployments.

About This Task
Warning: Deleting an orchestration cannot be undone.
  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Orchestrations.
  2. In the Search pane, select an existing orchestration to access its workspace.
  3. In the workspace, select in the page heading.
  4. In the Delete Orchestration window, select Delete to confirm.
The orchestration is removed from the list after successful deletion.