Alerts Grid View

About Alert Grid View

By default, the alerts appear in tabular format. If you select to view alerts in the Inbox view, the selection persists, even if you log out and log in to the Predix Essentials application.

In Grid view, you can view the alerts in a compressed layout as columns.
Note: Even though you have access to assets and enterprises of another tenant, for the alerts to appear in the grid view, you must have access to at least one asset of the same tenant to which you belong.
By default, the Alerts grid view is refreshed only when you select . However, you can enable auto-refresh for the view to be automatically refreshed in specific intervals by selecting the time interval in the drop-down list box next to . You can select one of the following values in the drop-down list box:
  • 30 Sec
  • 1 min
  • 5 min
  • 10 min
In the drop-down list box, you can select Off to disable the auto-refresh for the view.

In the Alerts grid view, you can sort the grid columns by selecting the column header. Latched alerts will appear in the grid, and the COUNT column displays the number of times the specific alert has occurred, and the FIRST OCCURRENCE and LAST OCCURRENCE columns display the date and time when the alert occurred first and when it occurred last, respectively.

The following columns are available in the grid view:
Column HeaderDescription
ALERT IDThe unique identification number for the alert.
ALERT SOURCEThe source of the alert creation, such as Manual (creation), from SmartSignal, or from the Orchestration Manager.
ALERT TYPEThe type of the alert.
ALERT UUIDThe universally unique identifier of the alert.
ANALYSIS LINKSThe analysis views available for the alert.
ANALYTIC INSTANCEThe SmartSignal analytic instance associated with the alert.
ANALYTIC MODEL NAMEThe contributing SmartSignal analytic model name.
ASSET ALIASThe alias for the asset name.
ASSET CUSTOMER NAMEThe name of the customer who owns the asset.
ASSET CRITICALITYThe criticality of an asset along with the color.
ASSET IDThe unique identification number of the asset that caused the alert.
ASSET NAMEThe name of the asset that caused the alert.
ASSET PARENTThe parent asset of the asset associated with the alert.
COUNTThe number of latch alerts for a grouped alert. If the alert is not latched, a dash (-) is displayed.
DENSITYThe density value only appears for SmartSignal and SmartSignal Tag Rule alerts. For other types of alerts, the value is blank.
DISPOSITIONThe disposition of the alert, such as Valid or False. This column is required and the default value for an alert disposition is None.
DISPOSITION QUALITYThe information on whether the disposition of an alert was correct or incorrect. This column contains a value only for the processed alerts.
EVENT TIMEThe date and time of the event occurrence that caused the alert.
FIRST OCCURRENCEThe date and time of the first occurrence of the grouped alert.
LAST OBSERVATIONThe date and time of the last observation of the alert.
LAST OCCURRENCEThe date and time of the latest occurrence of the grouped alert.
LAST PROCESSEDThe date and time of the last processing of the alert.
LAST UPDATEDThe date and time of the last update of the alert.
LINKED CASESThe link to any linked cases attached to an alert, which opens the case in a separate browser tab.
NAMEThe name of the alert.
NOTESThe number of notes present for an alert. Selecting the number opens a window where you can view the note details. You can filter the details by text.
Note: Internal Notes are not viewable in grid view.
OWNERThe name of the person who owns the alert.
Note: In the following scenarios, the value that appears in the OWNER column is NULL:
  • The corresponding alert is unclaimed.
  • The corresponding alert is not assigned to a user.
RECEIVE TIMEThe date and time when the alert was received.
SEVERITYThe severity of the alert, where 1 being the most severe.
SEVERITY CHANGEThe number of times the severity of the alert has been changed.
SITE NAMEThe name of the site where the asset is located.
SOURCE KEYThe source key of the asset.
STATUSThe status of the alert such as Ready (to be claimed), In Process (alert has an owner), or Processed (alert has been marked as processed).
TENANT IDThe unique identification number of the tenant associated with the alert.
USER NAMEThe name of the person who claimed the alert. When an alert is unclaimed, the value for User Name is NULL.
VISIBILITYThe visibility of an alert, for example, Limited or General.

You can view the alerts with Limited visibility if you have the Limited visibility permissions. Anyone with permissions to view alerts can view the alerts with General visibility.

You can filter and sort this column in the grid. You can change the visibility by selecting the Name of the alert. You must refresh the screen for the change to take effect.

If you select a column header, the grid is primarily sorted for the selected column alphabetically in ascending or descending order, and secondarily sorted by Alert Time Received (latest on top).

In the Alert Inbox grid view, if you select a different filtered Alert inbox in the module navigation menu or apply a new filter set using More Filters, the new filtered inbox appears in the grid view.

Selecting an alert displays the Alert Details page in another tab.

Toggle the Alert Inbox View

You can switch between the Alerts Inbox and Alerts Grid anytime while viewing the alerts.

About This Task


  • To access alerts grid:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
    2. Select , and then select an alert filter set.
      A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
    3. Select .
    The currently filtered alerts and information associated with the alerts appear in a table.
  • To switch back to alerts inbox view, select .

Access Alerts of an Asset in Alerts Grid

The Asset Hierarchy section in an alerts grid provides you with an option to select an asset such that you can view the alerts related to the asset. You can select multiple assets and the alerts associated with the selected assets appear in the alerts grid.

About This Task

The Asset Hierarchy section contains all the assets for which you have access permission.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select the alert filter set.
    The alerts for the selected filter set appears.
  3. Select .
    The Asset Hierarchy window appears, containing the list of assets in a parent-child structure.
    Note: The hierarchy contains all the assets for which you have access permission.
    • You can search for an asset within the hierarchy.
    • You can filter the assets based on its category.
      To filter the assets, perform the following steps:
      1. Select Filter.

        The ASSET CLASSIFICATION section appears.

      2. In the Select Asset Classification drop-down list box, select the category of the asset, and then select Apply.
  4. Select the check boxes corresponding to the assets for which you want the associated alerts.
    Note: When you select a parent at any level in the Asset Hierarchy window, the subsequent child elements are also selected by default.
  5. Select Apply.
    The alerts for the selected assets are displayed and a text appears as Asset Filter Applied indicating that the asset filter is applied.
    Note: To remove the applied filter for the alerts, select in the Asset Filter Applied box.


The alerts grid is refreshed, and the alerts associated with the selected assets appear.
Tip: To collapse the Asset Hierarchy section, select .

You can apply your favorite filters to the list of alerts.

The selection, and the open or collapsed state of the hierarchy persists, and it is available the next time you access the application.

Add and Remove Columns in the Alerts Grid

You can show or hide certain columns in the Alerts Inbox grid view.

About This Task

Use the columns drop-down list box to add and remove columns in the Alert Inbox grid view.

Note: You can add or remove multiple columns by selecting or deselecting multiple columns at the same time. This setting will be saved across the sessions for the given user.


  • To add a column using the Show Columns drop-down list box:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
    2. Select .
      The currently filtered alert inbox appears as a table.
    3. In the Show Columns drop-down list box, select the check box for the column that you want to add to the Alerts grid.
      The selected column appears in the grid.
      Note: You can enter the name of the column in the Search box to search for it in the drop-down list.
  • To add a column using the Table Settings window:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
    2. Select .
      The currently filtered alert inbox appears as a table.
    3. Select .
      The Table Settings window appears.
    4. In the SHOW COLUMN column, select the check box for the column that you want to add to the grid.
    5. Select Apply.
      The selected column appears in the grid.
  • To remove a column using the Show Columns drop-down list box:
    1. In the Show Columns drop-down list box, clear the check box for the column that you want to remove from the Alerts grid.
      The column is removed from the grid.
  • To remove a column using the Table Settings window:
    1. Select .
      The Table Settings window appears.
    2. In the SHOW COLUMN column, clear the check box for the column that you want to remove from the grid.
    3. Select Apply.
      The selected column is removed from the grid.

Sort and Filter Columns

Sorting and filtering columns allow you to categorize and find the required data easily.

Before You Begin

You must have one of the following permissions:
  • View Alert Detail
  • View Limited Visibility Alerts
  • Alerts
  • Manage Alerts

About This Task

Sorting of a column in a grid is not affected by a filter. For example, suppose you had sorted the NAME column in alphabetical order and the ALERT ID column in descending order. When you filter the NAME column with a specific alert name, the order in which the data is sorted in the NAME and ALERT ID columns remains unchanged.


  • To sort a column:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
    2. Select , and then select an alert filter set.
      A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
    3. Select the heading of the column that you want to sort.
      The column is sorted in reverse order.

      The ANALYTIC MODEL NAME, ASSET ID, ASSET NAME, ASSET ALIAS, ASSET CUSTOMER NAME, and SITE NAME columns are sorted in the natural collation order, first by number, then uppercase and lowercase letter, and then Receive Time.

      Tip: To reverse the order, select the column heading again.
  • To filter a column:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
    2. Select , and then select an alert filter set.
      A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
    3. In the heading of the page, select the Toggle Filter button ().
      The Filter boxes appear for each column in the table.
      Note: For all the columns containing timestamps, a drop-down menu appears in the Filter box. When you select the menu, a window appears, allowing you to specify a date range based on which the data in the table is filtered.
    4. In the Filter box for the column based on which you want to filter the table, enter a few characters.
      • In Internet Explorer, double-click the Filter box, and then enter the text.
      • As soon as you enter three characters, entries are filtered in the column. As you continue to type, the entries are further filtered, narrowing the results.
      For example, to find the alerts that are in process, in the Filter box of the STATUS column, enter In. The data in the table is filtered, and only entries with the In Process and In Process Maintenance statuses are displayed in the table.
      • To filter data by specifying a filter criterion in a column containing timestamps, select the drop-down menu that appears in the Filter box for the column, specify the dates in the FROM and TO date fields, and then select Apply.
      • To narrow the filter results when filtering one of the following columns, select in the column heading, and then select one or more options in the drop-down combo box:
        • ALERT SOURCE
        • ALERT TYPE
        • SEVERITY
        • STATUS
      • To narrow the filter results when filtering one of the following columns, select in the Filter box, and then specify the filter criteria:
        • ASSET ALIAS
        • ASSET ID
        • ASSET NAME
        • ASSET PARENT
        • NAME
        • OWNER
        • SOURCE KEY
      • To narrow the filter results when filtering the column ASSET CRITICALITY, you can specify one of the following filter criteria:
        • Greater than
        • Less than
        • Greater than or equals
        • Less than or equals
        • Does not equal
        • Equals
      The filtered data is displayed in the table.

Reorder Columns in Alerts Grid

You can customize the alerts grid by reordering the columns.

Before You Begin

You must have permissions to view and edit alerts.

About This Task

You can change the order of the columns by dragging the columns in the grid. You can also use the Table Settings window to reorder the columns. After you have reordered the columns in the alerts grid, the setting persists even if you do any of the following:
  • Change alerts
  • Navigate away from the Alerts module
  • Change the alert filter set
  • Log out and then log back in


  • To reorder the columns by dragging:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
    2. Select , and then select the alerts filter set for which you want to reorder the columns in alerts grid.
    3. Select
      A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
    4. Select the name of the column header that you want to move, and then drag the column either to the left or to the right in the table.
      The column position is rearranged based on where you dropped it in the table.
  • To reorder the columns using the Table Settings window:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
    2. Select , and then select the alerts filter set for which you want to reorder the columns in alerts grid.
    3. Select
      A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
    4. Select .
      The Table Settings window appears.
    5. In the RE-ORDER column, hover over the row that contains the name of the column whose position you want to change in the table, and then select one of the following buttons:
      • : Moves the columns to the left in the table
      • : Moves the columns to the right in the table
    6. Select Apply.
      The column position is rearranged in the table.

Freeze Columns in Alerts Grid

About This Task

You can freeze the columns in the Alerts grid to keep the columns visible on the left of the grid while you scroll to another area of the grid.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select an alert filter set.
    A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
  3. Select .
    The alert grid for the selected filter set appears.
  4. Select .
    The Table Settings window appears.
  5. In the FREEZE COLUMN LEFT column, select the check box corresponding to the name of the column that you want to freeze.
  6. Select Apply.
    The selected column is locked and remains visible even when you scroll to another area of the grid.

Group Columns

Grouping of columns organizes data in different levels.

Before You Begin

  • You can group the following columns:
    • ASSET ID
    • OWNER
    • STATUS


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select the alert filter set to access the alerts grid in which you want to group columns.
    The alerts grid for the selected filter set appears.
  3. Select a column heading, and then drag it to the Drag a column header here to group by that column box.


The selected columns are grouped. The setting persists such that the grouped columns are available the next time you access the application. You can expand each group to access the alerts that belong to the group. Additionally, the number of alerts that belong to a group appears next to the name of the group.
  • For uninterrupted performance, while an operation is being performed on grouped columns, do not perform another operation at the same time. We recommend that you wait for the operation to complete.
  • In Internet Explorer, to filter data in the grid, double-click the Filter box, and then enter the text.

View Linked Cases in Alerts Grid

You can view the case details associated with an alert by selecting the linked cases in the alerts grid.

Before You Begin

You must have Cases and View Case Details permissions to complete these tasks.

About This Task

Note: The Limited Visibility cases will be available in the LINKED CASES column only if you have the View Limited Visibility Cases permission. Otherwise, only the General Visibility Cases will be available in the LINKED CASES column.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select an alert filter set.
    A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
  3. Select to view alerts in a grid view.
  4. Perform the following steps to view the details of a case associated with an alert:
    1. In the LINKED CASES column for an alert, select .
      A menu appears, displaying the IDs of the cases that are associated with the alert.
      Note: The number of cases associated with the alert appears in parenthesis next to the icon.
    2. In the menu, select the ID of the case whose details you want to view.
      The details of the linked case appear in a new tab.

View Notes in Alerts Grid

About This Task

In the Alerts grid, you can view the public notes related to an alert.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select an alert filter set.
    A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
  3. Select to view alerts in a grid view.
  4. In the NOTES column of the grid, select for the alert whose notes you want to view.
    The public notes related to the alert appear in a tool-tip.

Generate a PDF Report for an Alert

Before You Begin

You must have one of the following permissions to export the details of an alert to a PDF file:
  • Alerts
  • View Alert Details
  • Manage Alerts

About This Task

You can export the details of an alert to a PDF file. The PDF report contains the details of the alert, and you can thereby easily print or share the information from that PDF. You can export the following sections of the Alert Details page:
The charts in the ANALYSIS or EVIDENCE section appear as images in the PDF file.
  • If an analysis or evidence of an alert contains multiple cards, only the charts of the first card appear in the generated PDF report.
  • A generated PDF report for an alert can contain up to eight charts of an analysis or evidence.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select the alert filter set that contains the alert for which you want to generate a PDF report.
    A page that contains a list of alerts appears.
  3. Select the alert.
    The Alert Details page appears.
  4. Select , and then select Export PDF.
    The Export PDF window appears.
  5. Select the sections that you want to include in the report.
    By default, all sections are selected. The ALERT INFORMATION option is unavailable for selection and by default, it is included in every report that was generated for the alert.

    To cancel the selection for a section that you do not want to include in the PDF report, select the section to remove the check mark.

  6. Select Export.
    A message appears, indicating that the PDF report is being generated.
    • Export of alert details to a PDF file may take up to five minutes.
    • Only a PDF file of size up to 5 MB will be generated for an alert.


The PDF file is downloaded on your computer based on the web browser setting.

Select Alerts for Bulk Action

Before You Begin

If you have only View Alert Detail permissions, the Bulk Actions drop-down list box will be unavailable in the alerts grid.

About This Task

Using Bulk Action, you can perform the same action on multiple alerts simultaneously. However, you can use the Bulk Action feature to perform only those actions that are supported by all the selected alerts. For example, you can change the owner of multiple alerts at a time only if none of the alerts is in Processed state. If even one of the selected alerts is in Processed state, you cannot change the owner of the rest of the alerts using the Bulk Action feature.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select an alert filter set.
    A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
  3. Select to view the alerts in grid view.
  4. Select the check box for each alert for which you want to perform the bulk action or select the check box in the table header to include all alerts.
    A pane appears at the bottom of the table.
    Tip: To select consecutive alerts, select the check box for the first alert, press and hold Shift, and then select the check box for the last alert.
  5. Perform one of the following steps:
    • If you want to update the notes, disposition, status, or owner for the alert, in the pane that is displayed at the bottom of the table, specify the appropriate values in the NOTES, DISPOSITION, STATUS, and OWNER boxes, respectively, and then select Submit.
      Note: Select to expand or to collapse the Bulk Edit pane.
    • If you want to perform other actions on the alerts, select Bulk Actions, and then select one of the following options.
      Note: The Bulk Action drop-down list box will be enabled only after you select one or more alerts.
    Bulk Action Description
    ClaimClaims the alerts and perform various actions on them.
    Note: You cannot claim an alert that belongs to another tenant.

    When you select this option, a message appears, indicating the result of the action, where <N> is the number of alerts affected.

    DispositionApplies the disposition for the selected alerts.
    Note: You cannot apply a disposition for an alert that belongs to another tenant.
    When you select this option, the Disposition window appears. Select one of the following options, and then select Apply:
    • None

      Specifies not to assign any disposition.

      By default, None is selected.

    • Valid

      Specifies a valid issue, which requires additional action.

    • False

      Specifies False positive, which does not require any further action.

    • False system

      Specifies a False positive because of a system malfunction. Hence it does not require any further action.

    • Sensor Issue

      Specifies a Sensor malfunction, which may require a work order to investigate and repair the failed sensors.

    • Reset State Data

      Specifies that an Alert is a result of corruption or resetting of state information, which may require further action.

    • Outage

      Specifies an outage at a plant for an associated asset. Hence, it does not require any further action.

    A message appears, indicating the result of the action, where <N> is the number of alerts affected and the selected change appears in the Disposition column for the alerts.

    • Only the owner of an alert can change its disposition.
    • If an alert does not have an owner, you cannot update the disposition.
    • If an alert has been processed, then you cannot update its disposition.
    Release ClaimApplies release claims on selected alerts.
    Note: You cannot release a claim for an alert that belongs to another tenant.

    When you select this option, a message appears, indicating the result of the action, where <N> is the number of alerts affected.

    After the Release Claim is applied to the selected alerts, their status changes from In Process to Ready.

    Mark as ProcessedMarks the selected alerts as being processed.
    Note: You cannot mark an alert that belongs to another tenant as processed.

    When you select this option, a message appears, indicating the result of the action, where <N> is the number of alerts affected.

    Status of the selected alerts is changed to Processed.

    Create CaseCreates a case for multiple alerts.
    Note: You cannot create a case for an alert that belongs to another tenant.

    When you select this option, the Create Case window appears. Enter the required details, and then select Create.

    Note: You can create a case only for claimed alerts and the alerts should belong to the same asset.

    A case is created for the selected alerts.

    Add NoteAdds the entered text as a note to the selected alerts.
    When you select this option, the Add Note window appears. In the text box, add a note, and then select Save.
    Note: In the text box, you can add a note of up to 5000 characters.

    A message appears, indicating the result of the action, where <N> is the number of alerts affected.

    If one of the selected alerts is opened, the added note appears in the Notes section of the details page of the alert.

    Upload EvidenceUploads files that are attached to the selected alerts.

    When you select this option, your browser file selection dialog box appears. Select the file that you want to upload as evidence to the selected Alerts.

    A message appears, indicating the result of the action, where <N> is the number of alerts affected.

    Perform MaintenancePerforms actual maintenance on the alerts.

    The Perform Maintenance option is available in the Bulk Actions drop-down list box only if the selected alerts are in In Process state.

    The status of the selected alerts changes to In Process Maintenance.

    Note: It is recommended to perform maintenance on alerts that are generated by Smart Signal or any Analytics. If you perform maintenance on other alerts, only the status changes to In Process Maintenance with no impact on the workflow.
    View Default AnalysisThe View Default Analysis option is available in the Bulk Actions drop-down list box only if SmartSignal is configured as an Alert Source.

    Opens the default analysis charts of the selected SmartSignal alerts.

    You can select up to 10 SmartSignal alerts.

    When you select this option, the charts of selected alerts are displayed in a separate web browser tab in Analysis view.

    If the tenant preferences for Smart Signal charting is set to Create a New Card for Each Alert, then a new card is created for each alert. The name of the card is set to the alert name. By default, this setting is off.

    When the setting is off, all the tags from the selected alerts are plotted on the same card. If the card limit is exceeded, a new card is created automatically where the remaining tags are plotted.

    Defer AlertThe Defer Alert option is available in the Bulk Actions drop-down list box only if the Alert is in Ready (to be claimed) state.

    When you select this option, the Defer Alert window appears. Select one of the following options, and then select Save:

    • Defer By Timespan

      Specify the definite time by which the alert should be deferred. By default, Timespan is selected.

    • Defer By Date and Time

      Specify the Start Date, Start Time, End Time and End Date.

    Note: After the specified time, alert state changes to Processed
    Dismiss Deferred AlertThe Dismiss Deferred Alert option is available in the Bulk Actions drop-down list box only for deferred alerts.

    When you select this option, the Dismiss Deferred Alert confirmation window appears. Select Dismiss to dismiss deferral for the alerts. These alerts will be marked in Ready state again for user to work on them.

Access the SmartSignal Analytic for Maintenance from the Alerts Grid

Performing maintenance is the process of selecting an analytic instance associated with an alert for maintenance and retraining the analytic instance if it generated a spurious alert because the analytic instance did not accurately reflect the current operating state. You can access the analytic instance associated with a SmartSignal alert from the ANALYTIC INSTANCE column in the alerts grid.

Before You Begin

You must have the following permissions to perform the tasks related to perform maintenance:
  • The Alerts or Manage Alerts permission to change the status of the alert to In Process Maintenance.
    Note: You can change the status of an alert other than SmartSignal alerts to In Process Maintenance. However, you cannot access the analytic instance for the alert.
  • The SmartSignal Mapping permission to modify an analytic instance of a SmartSignal alert. For more information on SmartSignal permissions, refer to Default Permission Set Definitions in the Users and Permissions documentation.

About This Task

Note: You can perform maintenance of analytic instances for only SmartSignal alerts that are in the In Process state. The SmartSignal alerts should belong to the same tenant.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select the alert filter set that contains the alert for which you want to perform maintenance of the associated analytic instance.
    A grid for the selected filter set appears.
    You can change the status of the alert to In Process Maintenance to signify that the analytic instance associated with the alert is in maintenance. To change the status, perform the following steps:
    1. In the grid, select the check box for each alert for which you want to perform maintenance of the associated analytic instance.
    2. In the Bulk Actions drop-down list box, select Perform Maintenance.

    The status of the selected alerts changes to In Process Maintenance.

    You can filter the STATUS column such that the grid displays only alerts that are in In Process Maintenance state.

  3. In the ANALYTIC INSTANCE column, select the link to access the SmartSignal Maintenance page, where you can modify the analytic instance for the corresponding alert.
    The ANALYTIC INSTANCE link is not available for the following alerts, instead it contains None:
    • Alerts other than SmartSignal alerts.
    • Alerts that belongs to another tenant.
    For more information on modifying an analytic, refer to the Analytics documentation.