Manage Alert Templates

Create, Configure, or Delete an Alert Template

You can create new alert templates, modify existing templates, or delete templates that are no longer in use.

Before You Begin

When creating a new alert template, ensure that the alert template does not already exist by searching or scrolling through the available alert templates.

About This Task

You can configure an existing alert template, or create a new one. Changes to an alert template affect all alerts associated with the template.


  • To create an alert template:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alert Templates.
      A page appears in a new tab, listing the alert templates.
    2. Select .
    3. In the same row as the Cancel and Save buttons, in the box, enter a unique name for the template.
    4. In the Alert Content section, as needed, enter values in the available fields to create a unique template.
      FieldTo Do
      Severity Select a severity from 1-5 to associate with the applicable triggered alerts.
      Type Select an alert type for the analytic to associate with applicable alerts.
      SourceSelect an analytic Source to associate with applicable alerts.
      Note: You can select manual from the source list when creating a new alert template. This allows you to create alerts that don't come from a typical source.
      Description In the Description box, enter a description for the alert template.
      Analysis TemplatesTo add an analysis template:
      1. In the Analysis Template section, select .

        The Add Templates window appears.

      2. Select either Class Level Template or Instance Level Template tab, and then select Add corresponding to the analysis template that you want to add.
      3. Select Done.
        The template is added and the Pre-Event Time, Post-Event Time, and Data Resolution columns are automatically populated.
        Tip: To change the Pre-Event Time, Post-Event Time, and Data Resolution, select the arrow next to the entry in the column, and then select one of the following values from the drop-down list.
        • If the Pre-Event and Post-Event times total 30 days, then the only option available in the Data Resolution column is 10 minutes. If the Pre-Event and Post-Event times total 14 days or less, then the options available in the Data Resolution column are 5 or 10 minutes. If the Pre-Event and Post-Event times total 7 days or less, then the options available in the Data Resolution column are 1, 5, or 10 minutes. If the Pre-Event and Post-Event times total 1 day or less, then the options available in the Data Resolution column are 10 seconds, 1, 5 or 10 minutes. If the Pre-Event and Post-Event times total 1 hour or less, then all options are available in the Data Resolution column.
        • If the Pre-Event and Post-Event times are less than or equal to 92 days, then a minimum of 5 minutes is available in the Data Resolution column. If the Pre-Event and Post-Event times are greater than 92 days, then a minimum of 10 minutes is available in the Data Resolution column.
        • Pre-Event and Post-Event time values cannot both be zero (0). If the Pre-Event time is zero, then the Post-Event time is anything but zero. For example, if you select 4 as the Pre-Event time and 0 as the Post-Event time, and then change the Pre-Event time to 0, the Post-Event time is automatically changed to the default value.
        • If you are using raw data for your analysis, and the Pre-Event and Post-Event times are less than or equal to 24 hours, the Raw Data option is enabled in the Data Resolution column.

        If you want to show data up to the present time, select the check box in the Show Up To Present column. The Post-Event Time and Data Resolution columns are cleared and the Show Up to Present check box is selected. After you clear the Show Up to Present check box, the Post-Event Time and Data Resolution columns will display the default values.

      Note: You can associate multiple analysis views with the alert template.

      To remove a selected analysis from the alert template, select to the right of the named view.

      Internal LinksYou can add internal links to navigate to Predix Essentials Analysis or O&G Analysis.
      1. Select for Internal Links.
      2. In the Add/Remove Internal Links window, select one of the following options, and then select Add.
        • Go to Predix Essentials Analysis
        • Go to O&G Analysis
        • Link to Predix Essentials Analysis
        Note: You can repeat this step to add another link.
      3. Select Done.

        The selected links appear in the Internal Links section of the template.

      To remove an internal link, do one of the following:
      • In the Add/Remove Internal Links window, select Remove for the link you want to remove, and then select Done. The link is removed from the Internal Links section of the template.
      • In the Internal Links section of the template, hover over the link you want to remove.

        An appears at the end of the row.

        Select the

        The link is removed from the Internal Links section.

      Note: You can edit the Internal Links title for the section to rename it. Select Internal Links and then enter the new title. There is a 100 character limit when renaming Internal Links.
    5. Select the Configuration tab.
      The Configuration section appears.
    6. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
      FieldDo this
      Active After a template is created, it appears as active. While you are modifying the template or if you do not want to make it available to users, use the toggle button to switch it from active to inactive (grayed out).
      Consumable If the alert template is not under construction, use the toggle button to select Consumable. If the template property is set to non-consumable, the alerts ingested for those templates will be non-consumable. You can change this property by changing the Consumable value in the Alert template. This change will apply to all alerts ingested after the change.

      You can filter on the value of the Consumable property such that when you filter for non-consumable alerts, all non-consumable (Consumable property = false) alerts are returned.

      Trip Select the Trip toggle button to designate the trip association for alerts requiring immediate action.
      External LinksTo add an external link:
      1. In the External Links section, select .

        New Link appears in the Name column and Enter a URL appears in the URL column.

      2. Select New Link, enter the name of the link in the box, and then select Enter.
        Tip: To modify the name, select the Edit icon.

        The name of the URL appears in the Name column.

      3. Select Enter a URL, and enter the url in the box, and then select Enter.
        Tip: To modify the name, select the Edit icon.

        The URL appears in the URL column.

      To remove an external link, hover over the row that contains the external link that you want to remove, and then select .

      The external link is removed from the template.

      Case TemplatesTo add a case template to the alert template:
      1. In the Case Templates section, select .

        The Add Case Template window appears.

      2. Select a case template, and then select Add.

        The template is added and appears in the Case Templates section.

      To remove a case template from the alert template, hover over the row that contains the case template that you want to remove, and then select .

      Associated AnalyticsYou can associate analytics with an alert template, which allows you to view the list of analytics associated with the alert template. This helps you know which source analytic is triggering the alerts and you can use this information to fine tune the analytic when necessary. In the alert template, the list of associated analytics displays the name, the version and a description of the analytic. When you select the name of the analytic, the analytic template details open in a new tab. You cannot modify the Associated Analytics section in the template.
      Note: When there are no analytics associated with the alert template, the message There are no analytics associated with this alert template appears.
    7. Select Save.
      The new template is added to the alert templates list.
    You can save an alert template, then add information later.
  • To modify the attributes of an existing alert template:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alert Templates.
      Alert Templates opens in a new tab.
    2. Select the Search icon () in the Alert Templates list to expose the Search field. Enter at least three characters and press ENTER to narrow the list.
      Select Search again to clear the search and hide the Search field.
    3. Select the specified template name.
    4. Modify the template details, then select Save.
  • To delete a selected alert template:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alert Templates.
      A page appears in a new tab, listing the alert templates.
    2. In the Name column, select the template that you want to modify.
      The template opens.
    3. Select Delete Template.
    The template is removed from the list.

Sort and Filter Columns in the Alert Template Grid

You can sort and filter the list of templates using any column to retrieve the specific required template matching the sorting order and filtering criteria.

Before You Begin

You must have permissions to access and modify templates.


  • To sort a column in the Alert Templates grid:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alert Templates.
    2. Select the heading of the column that you want to sort.
      The data in the column is sorted either in the ascending or descending order. To reverse the order, select the column header again.
      • Columns are sorted alphanumerically, first by symbols, then number, and then uppercase and lowercase letter.
      • The columns remain sorted in the same order even when you access the details page of an alert template, and then navigate back to the Alert Templates grid.
  • To filter a column in the Alert Templates grid:
    1. In the Filter text box below the column header, enter the term with which the column is filtered.
      Note: As soon as you type three characters, the column begins to filter the entries. As you continue to type the characters, the column continues to filter the entries, narrowing down the results.
      To find all entries with the Closed Status, enter Clo in the Filter text box for the Status column, and then press Enter.
      The column is filtered, showing all entries with status Closed.
      • The filters applied to the columns in the Alert Templates grid are persistent even when you access the details page of an alert template, and then navigate back to the Alert Templates grid.
      • Sorting of a column is not affected by the filtering criteria. For example, if you sort the grid by the Name column, and then filter by Name and ID, the sort order will remain the same.

Show or Hide Columns in Alert Templates

You can show or hide one or more columns in an Alert Template.

Before You Begin

You must have permissions to access and modify the templates.


  • To show a column in the Alert Templates grid:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alert Templates.
    2. Select Hide/Show Columns, and then select the check box for each column names that you want the grid to display.
      The selected columns appear in the grid. By default, all column names are selected.
  • To hide a column in an Alert Template, select Hide/Show Columns, and then clear the check box for each column name that you want the grid to hide.
    The selected columns do not appear in the grid.

Add and Remove Analysis Views in an Alert Template

You can add or remove one or more analysis view templates for a selected alert template, allowing multiple view selections during analysis.

About This Task

Associations for an alert template are not enabled until you save them. Associated analysis views appear in the details page of the alert.

  • SmartSignal alerts do not include this functionality.
  • You cannot save an Event Data Analysis template to an Alert Template.


  • To add an analysis view template to a selected alert template:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alert Templates.
      A page appears in a new tab, listing the alert templates.
    2. Select the alert template to which you want to add an analysis view.
    3. In the Alert Templates section, select .
      The Add Templates window appears.
    4. Select the required analysis view, and then select Add.
      Tip: You can search for an analysis view by selecting Search, and then entering at least three characters to find the relevant analysis view.
      The selected analysis view is added to the alert template.
  • To remove an analysis view from an alert template, hover over the template name, and then select .

Change Alert Templates

About This Task

If a triggered alert does not match its given alert template type, you can change the alert template associated for the alert.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > AlertsV1.
  2. Select the alert for which you want to change the alert template.
  3. In the details page of the alert, select next to the alert name, and then select .
    The Change Alert Template window appears.
  4. In the box, enter a value to populate a list of suggested alert templates from the same alert source.
  5. Select the alert template, and then select Save.
    The alert name changes to the selected name, and all the attributes match the new template.

    To validate your changes, select the alert name to view the description, which also displays the original alert template name.

Add and Remove Case Templates in an Alert Template

You can add or remove a case template from an alert template.


  • To add a case template to an alert template:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alert Templates.
      A page appears in a new tab, listing the alert templates.
    2. Select the alert template to which you want to add a case template.
    3. Select the Configuration tab.
    4. In the Case Templates section, select .
      The Add Case Templates window appears.
    5. Select the case template that you want to add, and then select Add.
      The selected case template appears in the Case Templates section.
  • To remove a case template from an alert template, in the Case Templates section, hover over the case template that you want to remove, and then select .