Alert Templates Ingestion
About Alert Template Ingestion
Alert template ingestion requires that you add an alert template source to the tenant before you can ingest alert templates. For more information, refer to the Ingestion documentation.
Add an Alert Template Source
Before ingesting an alert template, you must add an alert template source to the tenant.
Before You Begin
You need the following:
- Ingestion payload for creating an alert template source in JSON format.
- Obtain the ingestion URL for creating an alert template source from your system administrator.
- Oauth token to connect to the REST API endpoint.Important: Make sure you have a valid unexpired token. Tokens are client specific and usually expire within a set time.
- From the Setup section get the following information:
- Client ID
- Username
- Ingestion Password that was created during initial tenant setup.
- Access to a REST client such as Postman or Advanced REST client.
About This Task
You must add an alert template source to your tenant before you can ingest alert templates.
On successful acceptance, you receive a 201 Created in the JSON response.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 274
"uuid" : "0188015D6FB54937BC82452F3F21D7BF",
"isActive" : true,
"createdOn" : 1457478555853,
"updatedOn" : 1457478555853,
"id" : 46244,
"name" : "Source System 1",
"description" : "Source System 1 description",
"tenantUuid" : "A5BE798652EE43F0BDE0CA20A7239BBB"
What To Do Next
You can ingest alert templates for the alert template source into your tenant.
Ingest Alert Templates
You must have created at least one alert source before you ingest alert templates into Predix Essentials.
Before You Begin
- At least one alert template source added to your tenant.
- Ingestion payload for alert templates in JSON format.
- Obtain the ingestion URL for creating an alert template source from your system administrator.
- Oauth token to ingest alerts.Important: Make sure you have a valid unexpired token. Tokens are client specific and usually expire within a set time.
- From the Setup section get the following information:
- Client ID
- Username
- Ingestion Password that was created during initial tenant setup.
- Access to a REST client such as Postman or Advanced REST client.
About This Task
You can use the alert profile REST service endpoint to perform bulk alert profile ingestion from your source system.
On successful acceptance, you receive a 201 Created in the JSON response.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1028
"uuid" : "7BBCF0460BCE4E769689F23C2B9D163C",
"isActive" : true,
"createdOn" : 1457478558737,
"updatedOn" : 1457478558737,
"id" : 32539,
"tenantUuid" : "A5BE798652EE43F0BDE0CA20A7239BBB",
"name" : "TemplateBuilderName2",
"description" : "Template Builder Description2",
"source" : {
"uuid" : "A169DB7623674D2FB307B2212C749714",
"isActive" : true,
"createdOn" : 1457478557567,
"updatedOn" : 1457478557567,
"id" : 46246,
"name" : "TemplateSourceBuilderName",
"description" : "Template Source Builder Description",
"tenantUuid" : "A5BE798652EE43F0BDE0CA20A7239BBB"
"severity" : 3,
"type" : {
"uuid" : "D1E6529F71AD49D99E6DF048F721CDF7",
"isActive" : true,
"createdOn" : 1457478557564,
"updatedOn" : 1457478557564,
"id" : 46349,
"name" : "TemplateType Builder Name",
"description" : "Template Type Builder Description",
"tenantUuid" : "A5BE798652EE43F0BDE0CA20A7239BBB"
"isConsumable" : true,
"isTrip" : false,
"validateAsset" : true
What To Do Next
You can ingest alerts into your tenant.