General Reference

The MIExecution Service

The MIExecution Service is a service available in the APM server, which processes jobs in the Inspection Management, Integrity Mobile, Risk Based Inspection, and Thickness Monitoring module queues. It uses a single shared ActiveMQ queue service across APM.

Supported Job Types

  • Inspection Management
  • Integrity Mobile
  • Risk Based Inspection
  • Thickness Monitoring


You can configure the following parameters of the MIExecution Service:
ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
ConcurrencyLimitThe maximum number of messages consumed concurrently.100
RetriesThe number of times the service retries to send the messages to ActiveMQ in case of a failure.5

For instructions of configuring these settings, refer to Configure Risk Based Inspection ActiveMQ settings for MIExecution Service.


There is one URL route associated with Risk Based Inspection: rbi. The following table describes the various paths that build on the route, and the elements that you can specify for each.

ElementDescriptionAccepted Value(s)Notes

rbi/unit: Opens the Risk Based Inspection Overview page.

rbi/unit/<UnitEntityKey>: Displays the selected unit on the Risk Based Inspection Overview page.

<UnitEntityKey> Specifies the RBI unit that you want to view. Any Unit Entity Key that corresponds to an asset in the Asset Hierarchy.The Unit Entity Key must be present in the URL to display the correct page.

rbi/processunit/<ProcessUnitEntityKey>: Opens the Unit Summary page for the selected process unit.

rbi/processunit/<ProcessUnitEntityKey>/corrosionloop/<CorrosionLoopEntityKey>: ​Displays the Corrosion Loop Overview section.

rbi/processunit/<ProcessUnitEntityKey>/corrosionloop/<CorrosionLoopEntityKey>/​component/<ComponentEntityKey>: Displays the selected Component Overview section.

rbi/processunit/<ProcessUnitEntityKey>/corrosionloop/<CorrosionLoopEntityKey>/​component/<ComponentEntityKey>/analysis/AnalysisEntityKey: Displays the selected Analysis Details section.

rbi/processunit/<ProcessUnitEntityKey>/corrosionloop/<CorrosionLoopEntityKey>/​component/<ComponentEntityKey>/protectedasset/<ProtectedAssetEntityKey>: Displays the selected protected asset on the Asset Summary page.

rbi/processunit/<ProcessUnitEntityKey>/corrosionloop/<CorrosionLoopEntityKey>/​component/<ComponentEntityKey>/protectedcomponent/<ProtectedComponentEntityKey>: Displays the Component Details section for the selected protected component.

rbi/processunit/<ProcessUnitEntityKey>/corrosionloop/<CorrosionLoopEntityKey>/​component/<ComponentEntityKey>/protectedcomponent/<ProtectedComponentEntityKey>/analysis/<AnalysisEntityKey>: Displays the Analysis Details section for the selected protected component.

rbi/processunit/<ProcessUnitEntityKey>/asset/<AssetEntityKey>: Displays the selected Asset Overview section.

rbi/processunit/<ProcessUnitEntityKey>/asset/ <AssetEntityKey>/component/<ComponentEntityKey>: Displays the selected Component Details section.

rbi/processunit/<ProcessUnitEntityKey>/asset/<AssetEntityKey>/component/<ComponentEntityKey>/analysis/<AnalysisEntityKey>: Displays the Analysis Details section for the selected analysis.

rbi/processunit/<ProcessUnitEntityKey>/asset/<AssetEntityKey>/protectedcomponent/<ProtectedComponentEntityKey>/analysis/<AnalysisEntityKey>: Displays the Analysis Details section for the selected analysis.

rbi/processunit/<ProcessUnitEntityKey>/asset/<AssetEntityKey>/component/<ComponentEntityKey>/protectedasset/<ProtectedAssetEntityKey>: Displays the Asset Overview section.

rbi/processunit/<ProcessUnitEntityKey>/asset/<AssetEntityKey>/component/<ComponentEntityKey>/protectedcomponent/<ProtectedComponentEntityKey>: Displays the Component Details section.

<ProcessUnitEntityKey>Specifies the RBI Process Unit that you want to view. Any Process Unit Entity Key that corresponds in the RBI tree.The Process Unit Entity Key must be present in the URL to display the correct page.
<CorrosionLoopEntityKey>Specifies the Corrosion Loop that you want to view. Any Corrosion Loop Entity Key that corresponds to a Corrosion Loop in the RBI tree.The Corrosion Loop Entity Key must be present in the URL to display the correct page.
<ComponentEntityKey>Specifies the RBI Component that you want to view. Any Component Entity Key that corresponds to an RBI Component in the RBI tree.The Component Entity Key must be present in the URL to display the correct page.
<AnalysisEntityKey>Specifies the RBI Analysis that you want to view. Any Analysis Entity Key that corresponds to an RBI Analysis in the RBI tree.The Analysis Entity Key must be present in the URL to display the correct page.
<ProtectedAssetEntityKey>Specifies the protected asset that you want to view. Any Protected Asset Entity Key that corresponds to a protected asset in the RBI tree.The Protected Asset Entity Key must be present in the URL to display the correct page.
<ProtectedComponentEntityKey>Specifies the Protected Component that you want to view. Any Protected Component Entity Key that corresponds to a Protected Component in the RBI tree.The protected Component Entity Key must be present in the URL to display the correct page.

rbi/asset/<AssetEntityKey>: Displays the selected asset on the Asset Summary page.

rbi/asset/<AssetEntityKey>/component/<ComponentEntityKey>:​ Displays the selected Component Details section of the Asset Summary page.

rbi/asset<AssetEntityKey>/component/<ComponentEntityKey>/​analysis/<AnalysisEntityKey>: Displays the Analysis Details section of the Asset Summary page.

rbi/asset/<AssetEntityKey>/protectedcomponent/<ProtectedComponentEntityKey>/​analysis/<AnalysisEntityKey>: Displays the Analysis Details section of the Asset Summary page.

<AssetEntityKey> Specifies the RBI asset that you want to view in the RBI tree. Any Asset Entity Key that corresponds to an asset in the RBI treeThe Asset Entity Key must be present in the URL to display the correct page.
<ComponentEntityKey> Specifies the RBI Component that you want to view in the RBI tree. Any Component Entity Key that corresponds to an RBI Component in the RBI tree.The Component Entity Key must be present in the URL to display the correct page.
<AnalysisEntityKey> Specifies the RBI Analysis that you want to view in the RBI tree. Any Analysis Entity Key that corresponds to an RBI Analysis in the RBI tree.The Analysis Entity Key must be present in the URL to display the correct page.
rbi/corrosionloop/<CorrosionLoopEntityKey>: Displays the Corrosion Loop Summary page.
<CorrosionLoopEntityKey> Specifies the Corrosion Loop that you want to view in the RBI Tree. Any Corrosion Loop Entity Key that corresponds to a Corrosion Loop in the RBI Tree.The Corrosion Loop Entity Key must be present in the URL to display the correct page.
rbi/evergreen/<ContextEntityKey>: Displays the Ready for Evergreening tab in the Evergreening workspace.

rbi/evergreen/<ContextEntityKey>/<JobKey>: Displays the Created tab in the Evergreening workspace.

<ContextEntityKey>Specifies the Entity Key of the process unit or Functional Location.The Entity Key of a Functional Location or process unit in the RBI Tree.The Entity Key must be present in the URL to display the correct page. A value of -1 can be used to access the home level of the Asset Hierarchy.
<JobKey>Specifies the scheduled job that processes an RBI analysis duplication.The Job Key of a scheduled job for an RBI analysis duplication.None.
rbi/whatif/<ContextEntityKey>: Displays the Pending What-If Analysis Creation section in the Create What-If Analyses workspace.
<ContextEntityKey>Specifies the Entity Key of the process unit or Functional Location.The Entity Key of a Functional Location or process unit in the RBI Tree.The Entity Key must be present in the URL to display the correct page. A value of -1 can be used to access the home level of the Asset Hierarchy.


Example URLDestination
rbi/unit The Risk Based Inspection Overview page.
rbi/unit/2305330 The Risk Based Inspection Overview page for the specified unit.
rbi/processunit/64253024663 The Unit Overview section for the specified process unit.
rbi/processunit/64253024663/corrosionloop/64253024702The Corrosion Loop Overview section for the specified process unit.
rbi/processunit/64253024663/corrosionloop/64253024702/component/64253024704 The Component Overview section for the specified process unit.
rbi/processunit/64253024663/corrosionloop/64253024702/component/64253024704/analysis/64253024712The Analysis Details section for the specified process unit.
rbi/processunit64253024663/corrosionloop/64253024702/component/64253024704/protectedasset/2509506The protected Asset Summary page for the specified process unit.
rbi/processunit/64253024663/corrosionloop/64253024702/component/64253024704/protectedcomponent/64253024705The protected Component Overview page for the specified process unit.
rbi/asset/2509505 The Asset Summary page for the specified asset.
rbi/asset/2509505/component/3476094 The Component Details section of the Asset Summary page for the specified RBI Component.
rbi/asset/2509505/component/3476094/analysis/3221498 The Analysis Details section of the Asset Summary page for the specified RBI Analysis.
rbi/corrosionloop/4842819 The Corrosion Loop Summary page for the specified Corrosion Loop.
rbi/evergreening/64262527134The Ready for Evergreening or the Created tab in the Evergreening workspace.
rbi/whatif/64262527134The Pending What-If Analysis Creation section in the Create What-If Analyses workspace.
rbi/processunit/64262527107/asset/64262527140The Asset Overview for the selected Asset in the Asset view on the Process Unit Tree.
rbi/processunit/64262527107/asset/64262527140/component/64262527710The Component Details section of the selected Component in the Asset view on the Process Unit Tree.
rbi/processunit/64262527107/asset/64262527140/component/64262527710/analysis/64262527727The Analysis Details section for the selected analysis in the Asset view on the Process Unit Tree.

Inspection Plan URLs

The following table describes the various paths that are used for the Inspection Plan workflow.

ElementDescriptionAccepted Value(s)Notes
cm/asset/<assetKey>: Accesses the Inspection Plan for the specified asset.
cm/plans: Accesses the Inspection Plan Management page.
<assetKey>Specifies the entity key of the asset record which you want to view.Any asset key that is associated with an asset in the Asset HierarchyYou should use the asset key of an asset that has an Inspection Plan created. If you select an asset that does not have an Inspection Plan, a warning message appears.


Example URLDestination
cm/asset/3290820029The Inspection Plan for the selected asset.

Inspection Group URLs

The following table describes the various paths that are used for the Inspection Group workflow.

ElementDescriptionAccepted Value(s)Notes
rbi/unit/<UnitKey>/inspectiongroup/: Accesses the Inspection Grouping page.
rbi/unit/<UnitKey>/inspectiongroup/<InspectionGroupKey>: Accesses the Inspection Grouping page and ensures that the specified group is selected.
<UnitKey>Specifies the level of the Asset Hierarchy for the RBI Process Unit that you want to view.Any Unit Key that corresponds to an asset in the Asset Hierarchy.The Unit Key must be present in the URL to display the correct page.
<InspectionGroupKey>Specifies the level of the Inspection Group related to the process unit.Any Inspection Group key that is related to the given process unit.This is an optional key, if the Inspection Group key is not provided then it will select the first group in the Inspection Group tree, and if the Inspection Group key is provided then it will select the specified group in the Inspection Group tree.

RBI 580 and Pipeline Management System Code Tables

The following table lists the System Code Tables that are used by RBI 580 and Pipeline Management.

RBI 580

Table IDTable DescriptionFunction
CORROSION TYPESCorrosion TypesPopulates the Thinning Type list in Grouping Element records.
MI_DAMAGE_FACTORDamage Factor ClassThe values in this System Code Table are used when you calculate an RBI PRD Analysis.
MI_DEGRADATION_MECHANISM_TYPESDegradation Mechanism TypesPopulates the Degradation Mechanism list in Potential Degradation Mechanism records.
MI_GROUPING_CORR_TYPEGrouping Corrosion TypesPopulates the Corrosion Type list.
MI_GROUPING_EQP_TYPEGrouping Equipment TypesPopulates the Grouping Equipment Type list.
MI_INSPECTION_RESULTInspection ResultPopulates the Test Results list in Criticality Over Pressure Deg. Mech. Eval. and Criticality Leak Deg. Mech. Eval. records.
MI_PDM_FILTERMI RBI, Potential Degradation FilterUsed to limit the Potential Degradation Mechanisms records that can be linked to RBI Components.
MI_PRD_DISCHARGE_LOCATIONMI PRD DISCHARGE LOCATIONPopulates the PRD Discharge Location list in RBI PRD Criticality Analysis records.
MI_PROTECTED_EQUIP_TYPESProtected Equipment TypesPopulates the Protected Asset Type list in RBI PRD Criticality Analysis records.
MI_RBI_Area_HumidityMI RBI Area Humidity

Populates the Area Humidity field in the following records:

  • RBI Components
  • RBI Criticality Analysis
MI_RBI_Coating_QualityMI RBI Coating QualityPopulates the Coating Quality field in Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.
RBI_INT_COR_TYPERBI Internal Corrosion Type

Populates the Selected Corrosion Rate field on Criticality Int Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

  • 0 = Estimated Rate
  • 1 = Short Term Average Corrosion Rate
  • 2 = Long Term Average Corrosion Rate
  • 3 = Controlling Corrosion Rate
MI_RBI_RISK_CATEGORYRBI Risk CategoryPopulates the Risk Category list in Inspection Group records.
MI_SERVICE_SEVERITYSeverity of the Process FluidPopulates the Service Severity list in RBI PRD Criticality Analysis records.

Populates the Stress Lookup Table field in the following records:

  • RBI Components
  • RBI Criticality Analysis
MI_CONF_CALC_ACTIONSRBI Flexible Calculation ActionsPopulates the list in the Action field in Flexible Calculation Configuration records.
MI_CONF_VAL_ACTIONSRBI Flexible Validation ActionsPopulates the list in the Action field in Flexible Calculation Validation records.

Pipeline Management

The following table lists the System Code Tables that are used by Pipeline Management.

Table IDTable DescriptionFunction


Depth Below Water Surface

The values in this table are used to populate the list in the Below Water Surface field in Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

MI_PIPELINEPROTECTIONCOVER Mechanical Pipe Protection The values in this table are used to populate the list in the Mechanical Pipe Protection field in Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval. records.
MI_PIPELINEWARNINGSTRIP Warning Strip The values in this table are used to populate the list in the Pipeline Marker Tape field in Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval. records.
MI_PIPELINEBELOWBOTTOMWATERWAY Depth Below Bottom of Waterway The values in this table are used to populate the list in the Below Bottom of Waterway field in Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval. records.
MI_PIPELINECONCRETECOATING Concrete Coating The values in this table are used to populate the list in the Concrete Coating field in Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval. records.
MI_PIPELINEACTIVITYLEVEL Activity Level The values in this table are used to populate the list in the Activity Level field in Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval. records.
MI_PIPELINEABOVEGROUNDFACILITY Above Ground Facilities The values in this table are used to populate the list in the Above Ground Facilities field in Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval. records.
MI_PIPELINELINELOCATING Line Locating (One-Call System) The values in this table are used to populate the list in the One-Call System field in Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval. records.
MI_PIPELINEEDUCATIONPROGRAM Public Education Program The values in this table are used to populate the list in the Public Education field in Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval. records.
MI_PIPELINERIGHTOFWAY Right-Of-Way Condition The values in this table are used to populate the list in the Right-Of-Way Condition field in Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval. records.
MI_PIPELINEPATROLFREQ Patrol Frequency The values in this table are used to populate the list in the Patrol Frequency field in Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval. records.
MI_PIPELINEPREVIOUSDAMAGE Previous Damage The values in this table are used to populate the list in the Previous Damage field in Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval. records.
MI_PIPELINELANDMOVEMENTPOTENTIAL Land Movement Potential The values in this table are used to populate the list in the the RBI Pipeline Analysis and Criticality RBI Pipeline Segment families.
MI_PIPELINEPRESSURESURGEPOTENTIAL Pressure Surge Potential The values in this System Code Table are used by the RBI Pipeline Analysis and Criticality RBI Pipeline Segment families.
MI_PIPELINESCADA SCADA Level The values in this table are used to populate the list in the SCADA field in the RBI Pipeline Analysis and Criticality RBI Pipeline Segment families.
MI_PIPELINEPOPULATIONDENSITYADJUSTED Population Density Adjustment The values in this System Code Table are used to populate the list in the Population Density field in Pipeline Consequence Evaluation records.
MI_PIPELINESOILTYPEFACTOR Soil Type Factor The values in this System Code Table are used to populate the list in the Soil Type field in Pipeline Consequence Evaluation records.
MI_PIPELINEHIGHVALUEAREAFACTOR High Value Area Factor The values in this System Code Table are used to populate the list in the High Value Area field in Pipeline Consequence Evaluation records.
MI_PIPELINESUGGESTEDCLEANUPCOSTS Suggested Clean Up Costs The values in this System Code Table are used to populate the list in the Suggested Clean Up field in Pipeline Consequence Evaluation records.
MI_PIPELINE_SEGMENT_TYPE Segment Type The values in this System Code Table are used to populate the list in the Segment Type field in RBI Pipeline Segment records.
MI_RBI_Area_Humidity MI RBI Area Humidity

Populates the Area Humidity field in the following records:

  • RBI Components
  • RBI Pipeline Analysis
MI_RBI_Insulation_Condition MI RBI Insulation ConditionPopulates the Insulation Condition field in Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval records.

Populates the Stress Lookup Table field in the following records:

  • RBI Components
  • RBI Pipeline Analysis


The following table lists the Component Families and the Component Types that are supported for each Component Family in the MI RBI COMPONENT FAMILIES system code table.

Component FamilySupported Component Type
Criticality RBI Component-Cylindrical Shell
  • 1" Pipe
  • 1.25" Pipe
  • 1.5" Pipe
  • 1/2" Pipe
  • 10" Pipe
  • 102" Pipe
  • 12" Pipe
  • 14" Pipe
  • 16" Pipe
  • 18" Pipe
  • 2" Pipe
  • 2.5" Pipe
  • 24" Pipe
  • 26" Pipe
  • 28" Pipe
  • 3" Pipe
  • 3/4" Pipe
  • 30" Pipe
  • 32" Pipe
  • 34" Pipe
  • 36" Pipe
  • 4" Pipe
  • 40" Pipe
  • 42" Pipe
  • 48" Pipe
  • 5" Pipe
  • 54" Pipe
  • 56" Pipe
  • 6" Pipe
  • 60" Pipe
  • 8" Pipe
  • 90" Pipe
  • Column-Bottom
  • Column-Middle
  • Column-Top
  • Filter
  • Heat Exchanger-Shell
  • Pressure Vessel
  • Reactor
  • Storage Tank
Criticality RBI Component-Piping
  • 1" Pipe
  • 1.25" Pipe
  • 1.5" Pipe
  • 1/2" Pipe
  • 10" Pipe
  • 102" Pipe
  • 12" Pipe
  • 14" Pipe
  • 16" Pipe
  • 18" Pipe
  • 2" Pipe
  • 2.5" Pipe
  • 20" Pipe
  • 24" Pipe
  • 26" Pipe
  • 28" Pipe
  • 3" Pipe
  • 3/4" Pipe
  • 30" Pipe
  • 32" Pipe
  • 34" Pipe
  • 36" Pipe
  • 4" Pipe
  • 40" Pipe
  • 42" Pipe
  • 48" Pipe
  • 5" Pipe
  • 54" Pipe
  • 56" Pipe
  • 6" Pipe
  • 60" Pipe
  • 8" Pipe
  • 90" Pipe
Criticality RBI Pipeline Segment
  • 1" Pipe
  • 1.25" Pipe
  • 1.5" Pipe
  • 1/2" Pipe
  • 10" Pipe
  • 102" Pipe
  • 12" Pipe
  • 14" Pipe
  • 16" Pipe
  • 18" Pipe
  • 2" Pipe
  • 2.5" Pipe
  • 20" Pipe
  • 24" Pipe
  • 26" Pipe
  • 28" Pipe
  • 3" Pipe
  • 3/4" Pipe
  • 30" Pipe
  • 32" Pipe
  • 34" Pipe
  • 36" Pipe
  • 4" Pipe
  • 40" Pipe
  • 42" Pipe
  • 48" Pipe
  • 5" Pipe
  • 54" Pipe
  • 56" Pipe
  • 6" Pipe
  • 60" Pipe
  • 8" Pipe
  • 90" Pipe
Criticality RBI Component-Exchanger BundleHeat Exchanger-Bundle
Criticality RBI Component-Exchanger Header
  • Air Cooled Exchanger-Header
  • Fin/Fan Cooler
  • Heat Exchanger-Channel
Criticality RBI Component-Exchanger TubeAir Cooled Exchanger-Tbs
Criticality RBI Component-Pump Compressor Casing
  • Compressor
  • Pump
Criticality RBI Component-Tank Bottom
  • Storage Tank
  • Storage Tank Bottom
Criticality PRD Component-Relief Valve
  • Conventional PRD
  • Balanced Bellows PRD
  • Pilot-Operated PRD
  • PRD with Rupture Disk
Criticality PRD Component-Rupture DiskRupture Disk Only

About Potential Degradation Mechanisms (PDM)

Potential Degradation Mechanisms (PDM) records are used to represent ways in which a component might fail (e.g., mechanical fatigue). These records can be linked to RBI Components and are used to predict and prevent mechanical failure. Each Potential Degradation Mechanisms record that is linked to a Corrosion Loop represents a degradation mechanism, or a way in which the components in that Corrosion Loop might fail.

After a Corrosion Loop is linked to PDMs, as you link RBI Components to the Corrosion Loop, those RBI Components will be linked automatically to all of the Potential Degradation Mechanisms that are linked to the Corrosion Loop. Each PDM that is linked to an RBI Component represents a way in which that component can fail.

Baseline Potential Degradation Mechanisms (PDMs)

APM provides several Potential Degradation Mechanisms that are classified as follows, based on the value in the Methodology Type field:

  • Qualitative
  • Quantitative

All of the PDMs apply to RBI Components. Pressure Relief Devices (PRDs) have a separate set of PDMs, which are different from the ones related to RBI 580 and RBI 581.

APM provides the following Qualitative Potential Degradation Mechanisms:

  • 885 Embrittlement
  • Amine Cracking (ASCC)
  • Brittle Fracture
  • Carbonate Cracking
  • Carburization
  • Caustic Cracking
  • Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (CI SCC)
  • Creep
  • Criticality Calculator External Corrosion
  • Criticality Calculator Internal Corrosion
  • Erosion
  • Ext Chloride SCC
  • Graphitization
  • Hot Hydrogen Attack
  • Hydrogen Embrittlement
  • Hydrogen Induced Cracking
  • Hydrogen Stress Cracking (HSC)- Hydrofluoric Acid
  • Liquid Metal Embrittlement
  • Mechanical Fatigue
  • Phase Change Embrittlement
  • Polythionic Acid SCC (PTA)
  • Refractory Failure
  • Stress Corrosion Cracking
  • Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC)
  • Temper Embrittlement
  • Thermal Fatigue
  • Wet H2S (Blistering, SOHIC, HIC, SSC)
  • Wet H2S Damage

PDMs for PRD Components:

  • Blocked Discharge
  • Blocked Discharge - Admin Control
  • Control Valve Failure (Fail Opposite)
  • Control Valve Failure (Fail Safe)
  • Electrical Power Failure
  • Exchanger Tube Rupture
  • Fire
  • Liquid Overfill
  • Liquid Overfill - Admin Control
  • Loss of Cooling
  • Runaway Reaction
  • Thermal Relief
  • Thermal Relief - Admin Control
  • Tower Pump Failures
  • Leak

Valid Fluids for RBI Criticality Analyses

The following toxic fluids are valid for RBI 580. When you create an RBI Criticality Analysis, you must select one of the following values in the Toxic Mixture Fluid box.

  • 15% H2
  • 2-Methoxyethanol
  • Acetic Acid
  • Acetic Anhydride
  • Acetone
  • Acetonitrile
  • ACR (Acrolein)
  • AIR
  • Amine
  • AN (Acrylonitrile)
  • Asphalt
  • Benzine
  • BF3
  • C1
  • C10 (Kerosene)
  • C11
  • C12
  • C13-16 (Diesel)
  • C17-25 (Gas Oil)
  • C2
  • C25+ (Resid)
  • C3
  • C4
  • C5
  • C6
  • C7
  • C8 (Gasoline)
  • C9
  • Calcium Acetate
  • Calcium Chloride
  • Caustic (20%)
  • CCL4
  • Chlorine
  • CO
  • CO2
  • Crude
  • Diesel
  • DMDS (Di-methyl disulfide)
  • DMF (Dimethyl Floride)
  • DMS (Dimethyl Sulfide)
  • EDA (Ethylenediamine)
  • Eliminox
  • EO
  • ETOH (Ethanol)
  • Freon 22
  • Fuel Oil
  • Furfural
  • Gasoline
  • Glycol
  • H2
  • H2O (Water)
  • H2S
  • H2SO4
  • HCHO
  • HCl
  • HCN
  • HF
  • Hydrazine
  • Hydroquinone
  • IPAC (Isopropyl Alcohol)
  • Kerosene
  • Ketene
  • KOH
  • MDEA
  • MEK (Methyl Ethyl Keytone)
  • MEO (Methyl Ethyl Oleate)
  • MEOH (Methanol)
  • Methanol Brine
  • Methyl Mercapta
  • Methylene Chloride
  • MTBE
  • N2
  • Na2SO3
  • NAOH
  • Naptha
  • NH3
  • Oleum
  • Perchloroethylene
  • Perchloromethylmercaptan
  • Peroxide
  • Petroleum Gases
  • Phosgene
  • Propanol
  • Propionitrile
  • Propylene Oxide
  • Steam
  • Sulfur
  • Sulfur Dioxide
  • Sulfur Trioxide
  • TBA (Tert-Butyl Alcohol)
  • Toluene
  • TSP (Trisodium Phosphate)
  • VAM
  • Xylene

RBI 580 Representative Fluids

RBI 580 Representative Fluid Contents in APM Version V4.

FluidMolWtDensityLiqBoilPtAmbient StateSpecific Heat Equation RefIdeal Gas Const AIdeal Gas Const BIdeal Gas Const CIdeal Gas Const DIdeal Gas Const EAITFluid Type 581Is Valid for 581 AnalysisIs valid toxic model for 581
C13-16 (Diesel)20547.728502LiquidNote 1-11.71.39E+00-7.72E-041.67E-07396Type0truefalse
C17-25 (Gas Oil)28048.383651LiquidNote 1-22.41.94E+00-1.12E-03-2.53E-07396Type0truefalse
C25+ (Resid)42256.187981LiquidNote 1-22.41.94E+00-1.12E-03-2.53E-07396Type0truefalse
C57239.0397LiquidNote 1-3.6260.4873-2.60E-045.30E-08544Type0truefalse
CO2850-312GasNote 22.91E+048.77E+033.09E+038.46E+031.54E+031128Type1truetrue
EO445551GasNote 23.35E+041.21E+051.61E+038.24E+047.37E+02804Type1truetrue
H2O (Water)1862.3212LiquidNote 32.76E+05-2.09E+038.125-1.41E-029.37E-060Type0truefalse
H2S3461.993-75GasNote 131.91.44E-032.43E-05-1.18E-08500Type0truetrue
HCl3674-121GasNote 129.244-2.62E-031.12E-064.97E-09-2.50E-123200Type0truetrue
HF2060.3768GasNote 129.16.61E-04-2.03E-062.50E-090Type0truetrue
MEOH (Methanol)3250149LiquidNote 23.93E+048.79E+041.92E+035.37E+048.97E+02867Type1truefalse
NH317.0338.55-28.2GasNote 127.262.31E-042.24E-072.17E-105.41E-143200Type0truetrue
Steam1862.3212GasNote 23.34E+042.68E+042.61E+038.90E+031.17E+030Type0truefalse

RBI 580 Representative Fluid Contents in APM Versions Older than V4.

FluidMolWtDensityLiqBoilPtAmbient StateSpecific Heat Equation RefereIdeal Gas Const AIdeal Gas Const BIdeal Gas Const CIdeal Gas Const DIdeal Gas Const EAITFluid Type 581Is Valid for 581 AnalysisIs valid toxic model for 581
C13-16 (Diesel)20047500LiquidNote 1-11.71.39E+00-7.72E-041.67E-07 400Type0YN
C17-25 (Gas Oil)30048700LiquidNote 1-22.41.94E+00-1.12E-03-2.53E-07 400Type0YN
C25+ (Resid)40049800LiquidNote 1-22.41.94E+00-1.12E-03-2.53E-07 400Type0YN
C5714092LiquidNote 1-3.6260.4873-2.60E-045.30E-08 500Type0YN
CO2850.79-312GasNote 22.91E+048.77E+033.09E+038.46E+031.54E+030Type1YY
EO4455.3756GasNote 23.35E+041.21E+051.61E+038.24E+047.37E+020 YY
H224.4-423GasNote 127.19.27E-03-1.38E-057.65E-09 500Type0YN
H2O (Water)1862.4212LiquidNote 32.76E+05-2.09E+038.125-1.41E-029.37E-060Type0YN
H2S346.64-76GasNote 131.91.44E-032.43E-05-1.18E-08 0Type0YY
HCl36.4774.5-114Gas 0Type0YY
HF2061.6567GasNote 129.16.61E-04-2.03E-062.50E-09 0Type0YY
MEOH (Methanol)3249.6148LiquidNote 23.93E+048.79E+041.92E+035.37E+048.97E+02400Type1YN
NH31750.9-28Gas 0Type0NY
Phosgene9986.8647Liquid 0Type0YY
Steam1862.4212GasNote 33.34E+042.68E+042.61E+038.90E+031.17E+030 YN


The RBI RISK MATRIX BY RBI COMPONENT graph on the Risk Based Inspection Overview page plots the total number of components based on their consequence of failure and probability of failure values. A component is considered while plotting the graph only if the component is linked to an active RBI Criticality Analysis, RBI PRD Criticality Analysis, or RBI Pipeline Analysis.

The color of each cell in the graph is based on the risk category, as described in the following table.

Risk CategoryColor
Low Green
Medium High Orange
High Red

If you pause over a cell on the graph, the probability of failure and consequence of failure values appear, along with the number of components whose consequence of failure and probability of failure match the value in the cell. If you select the cell, the RBI Risk Matrix page appears, displaying the list of components that meet the aforementioned criteria, along with their asset details, inspection priority, risk category, consequence of failure, and probability of failure values.

You can access a component in the list by selecting the hyperlink in the Component Description column.

RBI Risk Matrix

Suppose there are five RBI Components (each linked to an active RBI Criticality Analysis) in an asset. The following table provides the consequence of failure and probability of failure values for the components.

Component NameConsequence of FailureProbability of Failure
Component 1E1
Component 2E3
Component 3B2
Component 4E1
Component 5B2

Since there are two components whose consequence of failure and probability of failure are E and 1 respectively, the number 2 appears in the E1 cell in the graph. Similarly, the numbers 2 and 1 appear in the B2 and E3 cells respectively.

When you select the E1 cell, the RBI Risk Matrix page appears, displaying the following list of components:

  • Component 1
  • Component 4

About RBI Criticality Analysis State Assignments and Operations

RBI Criticality Analysis uses specific states and operations from the baseline State Assignments of APM.

In RBI, State Configuration is used in the following families:

  • RBI Criticality Analyses
  • RBI Recommendations
  • Inspection Group

RBI State Assignments and Operations Diagram

When an RBI Criticality Analysis is set to any of the states highlighted in green, the analysis is active. When an RBI Criticality Analysis is set to any of the states highlighted in red, the analysis is inactive.

Additionally, in the diagram, you can see dotted lines and solid lines.

  • Dotted lines represent operations that are performed automatically when another RBI Criticality Analysis that is linked to the same RBI Component is set to Risk Completed.
  • Solid lines represent operations that you can perform manually.


Initial State: The Created state is the initial state of all new RBI Criticality Analyses.

Reserved States and Operations: The following tables state whether or not the baseline states and operations are reserved. You cannot remove or modify reserved states or operations. You can, however, add your own states and operations to State Assignment.

StatesIs Reserved?
Accepted by ASMYes
Pending ApprovalYes
Risk CompletedYes
OperationsIs Reserved?
Archive (all Archive operations)Yes
Finalize Risk No
Promote to ASM Yes
Submit for Approval No

State Assignment Roles: By default, no State Assignment Roles are assigned to any state in the RBI Criticality Analysis State Assignment.

Analysis Restrictions Based on State

The following table outlines the actions that you can perform on an RBI Criticality Analysis based on its state.

Analysis StateIs Calculation Allowed?Can Analysis Be Deleted?Can Analysis Fields Be Modified?Can RBI Degradation Mechanisms Be Added or Deleted?Can What-If Analyses Be Created?Can RBI Recommendations Be Created?
Risk CompletedNoNoNoNoYesYes
Pending ApprovalNoNoNoNoNoNo
Accepted by ASMNoNoNoNoNoNo

Datasheet Configuration: By default, states and operations will appear in the datasheet when you access an RBI Criticality Analysis in RBI, the Record Manager, or the Bulk Data Form.

If an RBI Criticality Analysis is set to Risk Completed, however, you can modify the value in the Mitigated Risk field in the RBI Degradation Mechanism to which it is linked.

RBI 580 Security Groups

The following table lists the baseline Security Groups available for users within this module, as well as the baseline Roles to which those Security Groups are assigned.

Important: Assigning a Security User to a Role grants that user the privileges associated with all of the Security Groups that are assigned to that Role. To avoid granting a Security User unintended privileges, before assigning a Security User to a Role, be sure to review all of the privileges associated with the Security Groups assigned to that Role. Also, be aware that additional Roles, as well as Security Groups assigned to existing Roles, can be added via Security Manager.
Security GroupRoles
RBI Security Groups
MI RBI Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI RBI Analyst

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Power

MI RBI Viewer

MI APM Viewer

MI Mechanical Integrity Viewer

RBI Policy Security Groups
MI RBI Calculation Policy DesignerNone
MI RBI Calculation Policy Viewer

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Power

MI RBI Recommendation Policy DesignerNone
MI RBI Recommendation Policy Viewer

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Power

MI RBI Risk Mapping Policy DesignerNone
MI RBI Risk Mapping Policy Viewer

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Power

The baseline family-level privileges that exist for these Security Groups are summarized in the following table.

Security GroupPrivileges to the Policy Family
MI RBI Calculation Policy DesignerView, Update, Insert, Delete
MI RBI Calculation Policy ViewerView
MI RBI Recommendation Policy DesignerView, Update, Insert, Delete
MI RBI Recommendation Policy ViewerView
MI RBI Risk Mapping Policy DesignerView, Update, Insert
MI RBI Risk Mapping Policy ViewerView

For more information about the State Management process for Inspection Plans, refer to State Management for Inspection Plans.

The following table provides a list of the baseline family-level privileges that exist for the MI RBI Administrator, MI RBI Analyst, and MI RBI Viewer Security Groups.

Note: If you have activated only the Risk Based Inspection license (and not the RBI 581 license), privileges to some of the following families do not exist for the MI RBI Administrator, MI RBI Analyst, and MI RBI Viewer Security Groups.
FamilyMI RBI AdministratorMI RBI AnalystMI RBI Viewer
Entity Families
Inspection GroupView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Compliance RecommendationViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Consequence Evaluation FactorsView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
Corrosion Analysis SettingsViewViewView
Criticality Consequence EvaluationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval.View, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval.View, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval.View, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Criticality Other Damage Mech. Eval.View, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Criticality RBI Component - Cylindrical Shell View, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Criticality RBI Component - Exchanger BundleView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Criticality RBI Component - Exchanger HeaderView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Criticality RBI Component - Exchanger TubeView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Criticality RBI Component - PipingView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Criticality RBI Component - Tank BottomView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Data Mapping Column-Field PairView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
Data Mapping GroupView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
Data Mapping Query View, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
Degradation Mechanisms Evaluation FactorsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
EquipmentView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Functional LocationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Grouping ElementView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Inspection PlanViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Inspection Plan RevisionViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Inspection TaskView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Inventory Group ConfigurationView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
General RecommendationViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Meridium Reference TablesView, Update, Insert, Delete


Potential Degradation MechanismsView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
RBI 581 Admin OptionsView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
RBI 581 Brittle Fracture Damage EvaluationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI 581 Consequence EvaluationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI 581 Cracking Damage EvaluationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI 581 Damage Mechanism EvaluationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI 581 External Cracking Damage EvaluationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI 581 External Damage EvaluationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI 581 HTHA Damage EvaluationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI 581 Mechanical Fatigue Damage EvaluationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI 581 Risk AnalysisView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI 581 Thinning and Lining EvaluationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI Criticality AnalysisView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI Custom DM Evaluation Configuration View, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
RBI Custom DM Evaluation Configuration DetailsView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
RBI Custom DM Evaluation ValidationView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
RBI Custom DM Evaluation Validation DetailsView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
RBI Degradation MechanismsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI Inspection Auto-Selection CriteriaView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
RBI RecommendationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI Risk Matrix MappingView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI Strategy Mapping ConfigurationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI Strategy Mapping DetailsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
RBI SystemView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Recommendation RevisionViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Reference DocumentView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Risk AssessmentView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Risk RankView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Risk TranslationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
SAP System ViewViewView
Strategy Logic CaseView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
Strategy Reference TableView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Task TypeView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Time Based Inspection IntervalView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Time Based Inspection SettingView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Relationship Families
Asset Has Inspection PlanViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Belongs to a UnitView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Data Mapping has Column-Field PairView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
Data Mapping has QueryView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
Data Mapping has SubgroupView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
Has Inspection GroupView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Child RBI Criticality AnalysisView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Consequence EvaluationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Consolidated RecommendationsViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Corrosion AnalysesView ViewView
Has Corrosion Analysis SettingsView ViewView
Has DatapointsViewViewView
Has Degradation MechanismsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has InspectionsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Inspection Plan RevisionViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Inspection ScopeViewViewView
Has Potential Degradation MechanismsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has RBI ComponentsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has RBI Criticality AnalysisView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has RBI Custom DME ConfigurationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has RBI Custom DME Validation View, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView
Has RBI Degradation Mechanisms EvaluationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has RBI Strategy Mapping ConfigurationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has RBI SystemsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has RecommendationsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Reference DocumentsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Reference ValuesViewViewView
Has SAP SystemViewViewView
Has Superseded RecommendationsViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Task RevisionViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has TasksView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Time Based Inspection IntervalView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Unmitigated RiskView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Implements Compliance RecommendationViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Inspection Plan Has RecommendationsViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Is Based on RBI Degradation MechanismsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Is MitigatedView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Is Part of GroupView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Mapped to RBI ComponentView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Represents InspectionsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Note: Security privileges for all modules and catalog folders can be found in the APM documentation.

The following families are used only to support integration with the Inspection Management module:

  • Has Inspection Scope
  • Has Time Based Inspection Interval
  • Time Based Inspection Interval
  • Time Based Inspection Setting

Specifically, certain features of the Time-Based Inspection Settings functionality, which you can use if the Inspection Management license is active, are facilitated by these privileges.

State Management for Inspection Plans

The following state changes can be applied to the Inspection Plans based on user Security Roles.

The diagram below shows the workflow of the baseline State Management process as it applies to Inspection Plans.


  • The Proposed state is the initial state of all Inspection Plans.
  • When you change the state of an Inspection Plan from Approved to Modified, an Inspection Plan Revision History record is created.

Reserved States and Operations for Inspection Plans

The following tables indicate whether the baseline states and operations are reserved. You cannot remove or modify reserved states or operations.

State CaptionReserved StateSecurity Roles
ApprovedNoMI Inspection Plan Approver
  • MI Compliance Analyst
  • MI Inspection Plan Approver
  • MI Compliance Analyst
  • MI Inspection Plan Approver
Operation IDReserved OperationPredecessorSuccessor

RBI Recommendation State Management

The following state changes can be applied to RBI Recommendation.

The diagram below shows the workflow of the baseline State Management process as it applies to RBI Recommendations.

Reserved States and Operations for RBI Recommendations

State CaptionState IDReserved State
Proposed (Initial State)MI_PENDINGYes
OperationOperation IDReserved OperationPredecessor StateSuccessor State
Unlink from MasterMI_UN_PROMOTEYesApprovedProposed
Mark Not RequiredMI_NOTREQUIREDYesProposedNot Required
Unlink from MasterMI_UN_SUPERSEDEYesSupersededProposed
Unlink from MasterMI_UN_CONSOLIDATEYesConsolidatedProposed
ArchivedMI_PARCHIVEDYesProposed Archived

State Management for Inspection Groups

The following state changes can be applied to the Inspection Groups.

The diagram below shows the workflow of the baseline State Management process as it applies to Inspection Groups.


  • The Proposed state is the initial state of all Inspection Groups.

Reserved States and Operations for Inspection Groups

The following tables indicate whether the baseline states and operations are reserved. You cannot remove or modify reserved states or operations.

State CaptionState IDReserved State
Proposed (Initial State)MI_PROPOSEDNo
OperationOperation IDReserved OperationPredecessor StateSuccessor State
Do not implementMI_PROPOSED_NOT_IMPLNoProposedNot Implemented
ArchiveMI_NOT_IMPL_ARCHIVEYesNot ImplementedArchived

RBI Site Filtering


Consider an organization that has three sites, Site X, Site Y, and Site Z.

Scenario 1: User assigned to only Site X.

This user can access or modify records that are linked to assets only in Site X. However, this user can access all the Potential Degradation Mechanisms in the database.

Scenario 2: User assigned to only Site X and Site Y.

This user can access or modify records that are linked to assets only in Site X or Site Y. However, this user can access all the Potential Degradation Mechanisms in the database.

Scenario 3: Super User

This user can access or modify records that are linked to assets in Site X, Site Y, or Site Z.