RBI 580 Data Loader

About RBI Data Loaders

APM, through the Risk Based Inspection module, provides the functionality to carry out an RBI Analysis on various types of RBI components to calculate corrosion rate, and the probability and consequence of failure, and then develop intelligent strategies. Using the RBI Data Loaders, you can generate all components for a Process Unit along with the associated analyses.

About the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader

Using the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader, you can implement Risk Based Inspection when you have RBI data in a legacy system, which is not supported by APM. To import data using the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader, APM provides an Excel template, RBI_580_Data_Loader.xlsx, which supports baseline Risk Based Inspection APM. You must export your legacy system so that the data can be used to populate the template. The data from the template will then be imported into APM using the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader.

Note: The Excel template is referred to throughout this documentation as the data loader workbook.

The data loader workbook can be used in the following scenarios:

  • Create or update components
  • Create or update analyses
  • Loading components and risk analysis data into APM so that you can retain visibility into the analysis details and calculations, and generate recommendations.
  • Calculate risk, probability, and consequence of failure, and then utilize the Inspection Planning feature to mitigate the risk by the plan date.

After importing the data, the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader creates the following records in APM:

  • Criticality Calculator RBI Component
  • RBI Criticality Analysis
  • Criticality Consequence Evaluation
  • Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval.
  • Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval.
  • Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval.
  • Criticality Other Damage Mech. Eval.
  • Criticality Custom DME
  • RBI Degradation Mechanisms

The data on the (Picklist) worksheet is not loaded when you load data using the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader.

Note: This data loader workbook is not backward compatible to earlier versions of APM.

About the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader Requirements

Before you use the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader, you must complete the following steps:

  • Ensure that the Risk Based Inspection module is deployed.
  • Ensure that the he Potential Degradation Mechanism library is configured correctly for custom Degradation Mechanisms.
  • Baseline records will be available; however, custom records should be created prior to loading data.
  • Ensure that the following data is present:
    • Site Reference
    • Equipment Taxonomy
    • Equipment and Functional Location Families
    • Process Units (i.e., Functional Location records in which the Is Unit? check box is selected)
    • RBI Data Mapping
    • Units of Measure Conversion Sets
    • Stress Tables (APM provides Stress Tables for Pressure Vessels and Tanks. If you want to use values from these Stress Tables with the data load, you must ensure that the records are imported into your database prior to performing the data load. APM does not provide Piping Stress Tables).

      Representative Fluids

  • If you have added custom fields to Risk Mapping families (e.g., RBI Risk Matrix Mapping, Risk Analysis Mapping), you must ensure that mappings exist for those fields, or data may not be populated as expected after the data load. This is because the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader relies on Risk Mapping families to ensure that fields on RBI Criticality Analysis and related records are correctly populated with data, and that resulting risk values can be mapped to the Default Risk Matrix. If you have added custom fields, you must ensure that mappings exist for those fields, or data may not be populated as expected following the data load.
  • The Security User performing the data load operation must be associated with either the MI Data Loader User or MI Data Loader Admin Security Role, and must also be associated with the MI RBI Analyst Security Group or a Security Role that is associated with this Security Group.
  • The data loader workbook contains sample data in each column. It is only for your reference. You must remove this data before using the data loader workbook.

About the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader Data Model

This topic has been intentionally excluded from the APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the APM system.

About the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader General Loading Strategy

The imported data must load in a specific sequence in order to successfully populate fields, to create records, and to link them to the predecessor and successor records.

Best Practices

When importing data using the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader, you must use the following best practices:

  • ID fields must not include special characters or spaces.
  • For Oracle databases, valid cell values are case-sensitive.
  • Columns (including columns representing custom fields) in the worksheets should be formatted as Text.
  • Import a maximum of 500 assets in each data load. The maximum number of records that you can load per asset using the data loader is specified in the Best Practices for Loading a Single Asset topic.
  • Do not try to create and update a component in the same data loader workbook.
  • Ensure that you enter values in cells that correspond to fields required to calculate an analysis. Otherwise, warnings will be issued in the log for the analysis and related records with invalid data.

  • When a field whose value is required based on the value in another field is blank, a warning is logged in the log file for the import job.
  • You must consider the rules described in the Workbook Layout and Use section of this document while using the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader.
  • If you have entered data related to an analysis or a DME, then you must always enter data of the associated component in the RBI_Component worksheet, even if the corresponding Criticality Calculator RBI Component record exists in the APM database.
  • When you use the data loader to create an analysis and a cell that requires a Boolean value is blank, the corresponding field in APM is updated with the value False. When you use the data loader to update an analysis and a cell that requires a Boolean value is blank, the corresponding field in APM is not updated. Therefore, to avoid ambiguity, we recommend that you enter the valueTrue or False in the cell and not leave it blank.

  • If you want to override values that are populated from the associated component, you can include those values in the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader. For example, the value for the Operating Temperature field in an RBI Criticality Analysis is populated from the corresponding field in the associated RBI Component. If you want to override this value for the analysis, you must include a column for Operating Temperature in the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet in the data loader workbook, and enter the value in that cell.
  • In addition to the fields included in the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader, if you want to add values for more fields for a record, you can add columns for those fields in the appropriate worksheet.

    Note: The fields that you want to add to the data loader workbook must already exist in the corresponding family. If not, you must add the fields to the family via Configuration Manager.
  • You should not add columns that correspond to fields in the Outputs and Intermediate Outputs sections of a datasheet; Otherwise, the calculations might not be correct.
  • You should not add a column that corresponds to the Use Combined Confidence field to any of the following worksheets:
    • DME_Environmental_Cracking

    • DME_External_Corrosion
    • DME_Internal_Corrosion

      The Use Combined Confidence field is part of the integration of the Risk Based Inspection and Inspection Management modules. A value should only be set in the APM application.

  • If you want to add a column to the Criticality RBI Component worksheets that corresponds to the Source of Calculated Corrosion Rate field, you must consider the following:
    • Every row (i.e., every component) on the Criticality RBI Component worksheets will require a value in the Source of Calculated Corrosion Rate column.
    • In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following System Code IDs:
      • ASSET
      • MANUAL

      The list in this field is populated by the MI_RBI_CALC_CORRO_SRC System Code Table. If the System Code Table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your APM system, via Configuration Manager, reference the appropriate table.

    • If you want to set the Source of Calculated Corrosion Rate for a Criticality RBI Component to Component (COMPONENT), that component must be linked to a TML Group. Thickness Monitoring data should be available, and an existing, calculated Corrosion Analysis should exist in Thickness Monitoring so that the Long Term Avg. Corr. Rate and Short Term Avg. Corr. Rate fields can be correctly populated on RBI Criticality Analyses for the component.

      Because the component must already be linked to a TML Group, you should not specify Component as the setting during Insert operations. You should specify Component only for Update operations.

    • If you want to set the Source of Calculated Corrosion Rate for a Criticality RBI Component to Asset (ASSET), the corresponding Asset record must already have Thickness Monitoring data available, and an existing, calculated Corrosion Analysis should exist in Thickness Monitoring so that the Long Term Avg. Corr. Rate and Short Term Avg. Corr. Rate fields can be correctly populated on RBI Criticality Analyses for the component.
    • If you want to specify values for the Long Term Avg. Corr. Rate and Short Term Avg. Corr. Rate fields, set the Source of Calculated Corrosion Rate for a Criticality RBI Component to Manual Entry (MANUAL).

      By default, the value in the Source of Calculated Corrosion Rate field is Manual. Unless you want to specify one of the other valid values, you do not need to add a Source of Calculated Corrosion Rate column to the Criticality RBI Component worksheets.

Load Sequence

The data is loaded in the following sequence in order to create all necessary relationships between records:

  1. The Assets worksheet is processed. The Data Loader searches for the asset that corresponds to the Asset ID, Asset CMMS System, Equipment Technical Number (only for an Equipment asset) and Asset Family information that you provide in the Assets worksheet.

    If an asset specified on the worksheet does not exist, it will be skipped, as well as all entries in the subsequent worksheets corresponding to that asset.

  2. The RBI_Component worksheet is processed. The Data Loader searches for the RBI Component based on the asset data and the values in the Component and Component Type cells.

    If a component exists, it will be updated. If not, a new component will be created and linked to the corresponding asset.

  3. The RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet is processed. For each row based on the cells specified in steps 1 and 2, a new analysis is created and linked to that component. You cannot update an analysis using the data loader workbook. The value in the Analysis Unique ID cell is not stored but will be used to identify corresponding Degradation Mechanism Evaluations and Consequence Evaluations specified on the subsequent worksheets that should be linked to the analysis.

    If there is invalid data for calculating an analysis, the analysis will still be loaded, but warnings will be issued in the log for all fields with incorrect values.

  4. The Consequence_Evaluation worksheet is processed. For each row based on the cells specified in steps 1 to 3, a Consequence Evaluation is created and linked to the specified analysis.
  5. The worksheets representing Degradation Mechanism Evaluations are processed. For each row based on the cells specified in steps 1 to 3, a Degradation Mechanism Evaluation is created and linked to the specified analysis. Additionally, for each Damage Mechanism specified and linked to the analysis, a corresponding Potential Degradation Mechanism is created and linked to the component, unless a Potential Degradation Mechanism of the same type is already linked.

    When the Degradation Mechanism Evaluations are processed, if you have not included a Degradation Mechanism in the worksheet that corresponds to an existing Potential Degradation Mechanism on the component, that Potential Degradation Mechanism will be unlinked.

Data that you specify in the cells on each worksheet will be included in the new records. Additionally, fields in the records will be populated with data based on your RBI Data Mapping. For example, an RBI Criticality Analysis record will be populated with data from the Criticality RBI Component record to which it is linked as expected when normally using Risk Based Inspection in APM.

Best Practices for Loading a Single Asset

For optimal performance, we recommend that you load a maximum of 65 Components with three DMEs each or 85 Components with two DMEs each. To avoid performance degradation of the data loader, you must maintain the total number of records within this limit. If you want to load more number of DMEs, you must reduce the maximum number of components.

The following tables provide illustrations of the maximum number of records that you can load per Component or Analysis, as applicable. It also provides the maximum total number of records that you can load per Asset.

Important: The numbers shown in the table are for reference purpose only, and not the maximum number of records that the data loader is designed to load. These numbers are derived based on the test results obtained from the laboratory machines. However, the performance of the data loader may vary based on the database server configuration, application server configuration, load on the servers, network speed, and other performance factors. If you find a degradation in the data loader performance, we recommend that you reduce the number of records in a single batch and upload the records in multiple batches.
Record NameAn example of the maximum number of records you can load per Asset/Component/AnalysisAn example of the total number of records you can load per Asset
RBI Component65 per Asset65
RBI Criticality Analysis1 per Component65
RBI Consequence Evaluation1 per Analysis65
Internal DME1 per Analysis65
External DME1 per Analysis65
Environmental DME1 per Analysis65
Total number of records390

About the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader Workbook Layout and Use

To import data using the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader, APM provides an Excel workbook, Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580.xlsx, which supports baseline Risk Based Inspection in APM. This workbook must be used to perform the data load. You can modify the Excel workbook to include custom fields used by your organization.

Note: The Excel workbook is referred to throughout this documentation as the data loader workbook.
AssetsThis worksheet is used to specify existing Asset records to which components will be linked.
RBI_ComponentsThis worksheet is used to specify the following types of RBI Component records that will be updated or created and linked to assets.
  • Cylindrical Shell
  • Exchanger Bundle
  • Exchanger Tube
  • Piping
  • Pump Compressor Casing
  • Tank Bottom
RBI_Criticality_AnalysisThis worksheet is used to define RBI Criticality Analysis records that will be linked to components.
Consequence_EvaluationThis worksheet is used to define Consequence Evaluation records that will be linked to analyses.
DME_Environmental_CrackingThis worksheet is used to define Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval. records and Degradation Mechanisms that will be linked to analyses.
DME_External_CorrosionThis worksheet is used to define Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records and Degradation Mechanisms that will be linked to analyses.
DME_Internal_CorrosionThis worksheet is used to define Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records and Degradation Mechanisms that will be linked to analyses.
DME_OtherThis worksheet is used to define Criticality Other Damage Mech. Eval. records and Degradation Mechanisms that will be linked to analyses.
DME_CustomThis worksheet is used to define custom Criticality Other Damage Mech. Eval. records and Degradation Mechanisms that will be linked to analyses.
Degradation_MechanismThis worksheet is used to define or update Damage Mechanisms that are or will be linked to the specified analyses.
(PickList)This worksheet details the valid values available for fields that have pick lists. The field values listed in the (PickList) worksheet have been detailed in the corresponding worksheet. When you load data using the data loader, the data on this worksheet is not loaded.

Color Coding

Certain columns on the worksheets have different functions and requirements. To illustrate this, certain columns are color-coded. The following table lists the colors and what they represent.





Lookup Fields

Indicates columns that contain values that are used by the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader to look up and create records. If these columns are removed from the worksheets, the data load will fail. While the worksheets require that these columns be present, values are not necessarily required in these columns.


Fields Required for Calculation

Indicates columns that contain values that are required to perform calculations in Risk Based Inspection. Some cells only require values in certain cases. Such cases are found in parentheses in the first row of each worksheet.


Recommended Fields

Indicates columns that, according to APM Best Practice for Risk Based Inspection, should contain values.


Custom Fields

Indicates columns where you can specify custom fields.


The Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader has the following limitations:

  • You must use the data loader workbook. If you modify the format of the values in columns in any of the worksheets, you will not be able to import data.
  • The values that you enter in the data loader workbook are case-sensitive.
  • If you reimport data, the records that have been created by the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader will be updated. While reimporting data, if you remove the data for a field in the data loader workbook, the value for the corresponding field in APM will not be updated.

  • When you use the data loader to create an RBI Analysis, if the value provided for the field on the Analysis, Consequence, or Degradation Mechanism Evaluation sheets is empty, the field will be skipped and the default value or the value mapped from the RBI Component will remain.
  • When you use the data loader to update an RBI Component or RBI Analysis and the associated Consequence Evaluation, Damage Mechanisms, and Damage Mechanism Evaluations:

    • If a cell contains data, the value in the corresponding field will be updated in the database.
    • If a cell is blank, the value in the corresponding field will not be updated with a blank value in the database. The value that previously existed in the field is retained.
  • You cannot delete the Consequence Evaluation and the Degradation Mechanism Evaluations associated with an RBI Analysis using the data loader.
  • You can set the Event Type column to W and update an existing What-If Analysis using the data loader; however, you cannot create a new What-If Analysis. If there are more than one What-If Analyses linked to a component, you must enter a unique value in the Sub ID column.

Assets Worksheet

On the Assets worksheet, you will specify assets to which you want to link components. The columns that appear on this worksheet also appear on every subsequent worksheet, and are used to identify the records that will be linked, directly or indirectly, to the assets.

Note: Each row in this worksheet represents a unique asset. You should not include the same asset more than once.

Field Caption

Field ID

Data Type (Length)


Asset ID


Character (255)

This column requires at least one cell to have a value. For a Functional Location Asset the field MI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_C must be used.

Asset CMMS System


Character (255)

If the Equipment record for an asset has a value in the CMMS System field, that value is required in this cell. For a Functional Location asset the field MI_FNCLOC00_SAP_SYSTEM_C must be used.

Equipment Technical Number


Character (255)

If you are required to enter a value for the CMMS System cell for an equipment asset, and the Equipment has a value in the Equipment Technical Number field, that value is required in this cell.

If there is no value in the CMMS System field, this cell can be blank, even if the Equipment record contains a value for the Equipment Technical Number field.

Note: This field must be left blank for a Functional Location asset.

RBI_Components Worksheet

On the RBI Components worksheet, you will specify the Criticality RBI Component records that you want to create or update.

Note: Each row represents a unique component, though multiple components may be related to the same asset.

Field Caption

Field ID

Data Type (Length)


Asset ID


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Asset CMMS System


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Equipment Technical Number


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).



Character (250)

A value is required.

Component Type


Character (60)

A value is required.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • 1" Pipe
  • 1.25" Pipe
  • 1.5" Pipe
  • 1/2" Pipe
  • 10" Pipe
  • 102" Pipe
  • 12" Pipe
  • 14" Pipe
  • 16" Pipe
  • 18" Pipe
  • 2" Pipe
  • 2.5" Pipe
  • 20" Pipe
  • 24" Pipe
  • 26" Pipe
  • 28" Pipe
  • 3" Pipe
  • 3/4" Pipe
  • 30" Pipe
  • 32" Pipe
  • 34" Pipe
  • 36" Pipe
  • 4" Pipe
  • 40" Pipe
  • 42" Pipe
  • 48" Pipe
  • 5" Pipe
  • 54" Pipe
  • 56" Pipe
  • 6" Pipe
  • 60" Pipe
  • 8" Pipe
  • 90" Pipe
  • Air Cooled Exchanger-Header
  • Air Cooled Exchanger-Tbs
  • Balanced Bellows PRD
  • Column-Bottom
  • Column-Middle
  • Column-Top
  • Compressor
  • Filter
  • Fin/Fan Cooler
  • Heat Exchanger-Bundle
  • Heat Exchanger-Channel
  • Heat Exchanger-Shell
  • Pressure Vessel
  • Reactor
  • Storage Tank
  • Storage Tank Bottom
Component FamilyFAMILY_ID 

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Criticality RBI Component - Cylindrical Shell
  • Criticality RBI Component - Exchanger Bundle
  • Criticality RBI Component - Exchanger Header
  • Criticality RBI Component - Exchanger Tube
  • Criticality RBI Component - Piping
  • Criticality RBI Component - Tank Bottom

Component Description


Character (255)

A value is required if the value in the Toxic Mixture cell is True.

Component Date in Service



A value is required if a Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval., Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval., or Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval. record will be created for an analysis linked to this component.

Circuit From


Character (250)


Circuit To


Character (250)


Component Comments




Operating Pressure



A value is required.

The value in this cell is copied to the Operating Pressure field of the associated RBI Analysis. The value in this cell is compared with the value in the Design cell for the analysis to be created.

If the value in the Design Pressure cell is greater than or equal to zero, the value in this cell must be less than or equal to the value in the Design Pressure cell.

If the value in the Design Pressure cell is less than zero, the analysis is created with any value in this cell.

Operating Pressure - Shell



A value is required.

Operating Temperature



A value is required.

The value in this cell is copied to the Operating Temperature field of the associated RBI Analysis. The value in this cell is compared with the value in the Design Temperature cell for the analysis to be created.

If the value in the Design Temperature cell is greater than or equal to zero, the value in this cell must be less than or equal to the value in the Design Temperature cell.

If the value in the Design Temperature cell is less than zero, the analysis is created with any value in this cell.

Operating Temperature - Shell




Area Humidity


Character (100)

A value is required if a Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. record will be created for an analysis linked to this component.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

If the family has been customized, the valid values could be different. This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Area Humidity field for Criticality RBI Component records.

Foundation Type


Character (50)

A value is required for RBI Storage Tank Bottom Components.

This cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Clay
  • Silt
  • Sand
  • Gravel
  • Concrete
  • Double Floor

The list in this field is populated by the FOUNDATION TYPES System Code Table. If the system code table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table.

Initial Fluid Phase


Character (20)

A value is required for each row.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following System Code IDs:

  • Liquid
  • Gas

The list in this field is populated by the FLUID TYPES System Code Table. If the system code table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table.

Initial Fluid Phase - Shell Side


Character (20)

A value is required for each row.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following System Code IDs:

  • Liquid
  • Gas

The list in this field is populated by the FLUID TYPES System Code Table. If the system code table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table. This field is only required for Exchanger Bundle RBI Components.

Process Fluid


Character (50)

A value is required.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • 15% H2
  • 2-Methoxyethanol
  • Acetic Acid
  • Acetic Anhydride
  • Acetone
  • Acetonitrile
  • Acid
  • ACR (Acrolein)
  • AIR
  • ALCL3
  • Amine
  • AN (Acrylonitrile)
  • Asphalt
  • Benzine
  • BF3
  • C1
  • C10 (Kerosene)
  • C11
  • C12
  • C13-16 (Diesel)
  • C17-25 (Gas Oil)
  • C2
  • C25+ (Resid)
  • C3
  • C4
  • C5
  • C6
  • C7
  • C8 (Gasoline)
  • C9
  • Calcium Acetate
  • Calcium Chloride
  • Caustic (20%)
  • CCL4
  • Chlorine
  • CO
  • CO2
  • Crude
  • DEE
  • Diesel
  • DMDS (Di-methyl disulfide)
  • DMF (Dimethyl Floride)
  • DMS (Dimethyl Sulfide)
  • EDA (Ethylenediamine)
  • EE
  • EEA
  • EG
  • Eliminox
  • EO
  • ETOH (Ethanol)
  • Freon 22
  • Fuel Oil
  • Furfural
  • Gasoline
  • Glycol
  • H2
  • H2O (Water)
  • H2S
  • H2SO4
  • HCHO
  • HCl
  • HCN
  • HF
  • Hydrazine
  • Hydroquinone
  • IPAC (Isopropyl Alcohol)
  • Kerosene
  • Ketene
  • KOH
  • MDEA
  • ME
  • MEK (Methyl Ethyl Keytone)
  • MEO (Methyl Ethyl Oleate)
  • MEOH (Methanol)
  • Methanol Brine
  • Methyl Mercaptan
  • Methylene Chloride
  • MTBE
  • N2
  • Na2SO3
  • NAOH
  • Naptha
  • NH3
  • Nitric Acid
  • NO2
  • Oleum
  • Perchloroethylene
  • Perchloromethylmercaptan
  • Peroxide
  • Petroleum Gases
  • Phosgene
  • PO
  • Propanol
  • Propionitrile
  • Propylene Oxide
  • Pyrophoric
  • Steam
  • Styrene (Aromatic)
  • Sulfur
  • Sulfur Dioxide
  • Sulfur Trioxide
  • TBA (Tert-Butyl Alcohol)
  • TDI
  • Toluene
  • TSP (Trisodium Phosphate)
  • VAM
  • Xylene

Process Fluid - Shell Side


Character (50)

A value is required.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • 15% H2
  • 2-Methoxyethanol
  • Acetic Acid
  • Acetic Anhydride
  • Acetone
  • Acetonitrile
  • Acid
  • ACR (Acrolein)
  • AIR
  • ALCL3
  • Amine
  • AN (Acrylonitrile)
  • Asphalt
  • Benzine
  • BF3
  • C1
  • C10 (Kerosene)
  • C11
  • C12
  • C13-16 (Diesel)
  • C17-25 (Gas Oil)
  • C2
  • C25+ (Resid)
  • C3
  • C4
  • C5
  • C6
  • C7
  • C8 (Gasoline)
  • C9
  • Calcium Acetate
  • Calcium Chloride
  • Caustic (20%)
  • CCL4
  • Chlorine
  • CO
  • CO2
  • Crude
  • DEE
  • Diesel
  • DMDS (Di-methyl disulfide)
  • DMF (Dimethyl Floride)
  • DMS (Dimethyl Sulfide)
  • EDA (Ethylenediamine)
  • EE
  • EEA
  • EG
  • Eliminox
  • EO
  • ETOH (Ethanol)
  • Freon 22
  • Fuel Oil
  • Furfural
  • Gasoline
  • Glycol
  • H2
  • H2O (Water)
  • H2S
  • H2SO4
  • HCHO
  • HCl
  • HCN
  • HF
  • Hydrazine
  • Hydroquinone
  • IPAC (Isopropyl Alcohol)
  • Kerosene
  • Ketene
  • KOH
  • MDEA
  • ME
  • MEK (Methyl Ethyl Keytone)
  • MEO (Methyl Ethyl Oleate)
  • MEOH (Methanol)
  • Methanol Brine
  • Methyl Mercaptan
  • Methylene Chloride
  • MTBE
  • N2
  • Na2SO3
  • NAOH
  • Naptha
  • NH3
  • Nitric Acid
  • NO2
  • Oleum
  • Perchloroethylene
  • Perchloromethylmercaptan
  • Peroxide
  • Petroleum Gases
  • Phosgene
  • PO
  • Propanol
  • Propionitrile
  • Propylene Oxide
  • Pyrophoric
  • Steam
  • Styrene (Aromatic)
  • Sulfur
  • Sulfur Dioxide
  • Sulfur Trioxide
  • TBA (Tert-Butyl Alcohol)
  • TDI
  • Toluene
  • TSP (Trisodium Phosphate)
  • VAM
  • Xylene

Toxic Mixture



Enter True or False. A value is required if the value in the Toxic Mixture cell is True.

Toxic Fluid


Character (50)

A value is required if the value in the Toxic Mixture cell is True.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • ACR (Acrolein)
  • ALCL3
  • AN (Acrylonitrile)
  • BF3
  • Chlorine
  • CO
  • EE
  • EO
  • H2S
  • HCHO
  • HCl
  • HCN
  • HF
  • Hydrazine
  • Methyl Mercaptan
  • NH3
  • Nitric Acid
  • NO2
  • Perchloromethylmercaptan
  • Phosgene
  • Propionitrile
  • Propylene Oxide
  • Sulfur Trioxide
  • TDI
  • VAM

Percent Toxic



A value is required if the value in the Toxic Mixture cell is True.

Toxic Mixture - Shell Side



Enter True or False. A value is required if the value in the Toxic Mixture - Shell cell is True.

Toxic Fluid - Shell Side


Character (50)

A value is required if the value in the Toxic Mixture - Shell Side cell is True.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • ACR (Acrolein)
  • ALCL3
  • AN (Acrylonitrile)
  • BF3
  • Chlorine
  • CO
  • EE
  • EO
  • H2S
  • HCHO
  • HCl
  • HCN
  • HF
  • Hydrazine
  • Methyl Mercaptan
  • NH3
  • Nitric Acid
  • NO2
  • Perchloromethylmercaptan
  • Phosgene
  • Propionitrile
  • Propylene Oxide
  • Sulfur Trioxide
  • TDI
  • VAM

Percent Toxic - Shell Side



A value is required if the value in the Toxic Mixture - Shell Side cell is True.




A value is required if:

  • The Component Type is Storage Tank.


  • The value in the Use Calculated Inventory cell in the corresponding row on the Consequence_Evaluation worksheet is blank or False.

Detection Time



A value is required.

Isolation Time



A value is required.

Design Pressure



A value is required for External Damage DMs, AST DMs, or Thinning and Lining DMs.

The value in this cell is copied to the Design Pressure field of the associated RBI Analysis. The value in this cell is compared with the value in the Operating Pressure cell for the analysis to be created.

If the value in this cell is greater than or equal to zero, the value in the Operating Pressure cell must be less than or equal to the value in this cell.

If the value in this cell is less than zero, the analysis is created with any value in the Operating Pressure cell.

Design Pressure - Shell Side



A value is required for a component of type Exchanger Bundle.

Design Temperature



A value is required for External Damage DMs, AST DMs, and Thinning and Lining DMs.

The value in this cell is copied to the Design Temperature field of the associated RBI Analysis. The value in this cell is compared with the value in the Operating Temperature cell for the analysis to be created.

If the value in this cell is greater than or equal to zero, the value in the Operating Temperature cell must be less than or equal to the value in this field.

If the value in this cell is less than zero, the analysis is created with any value in the Operating Temperature cell.

Design Temperature - Shell Side



A value is required for a component of type Exchanger Bundle.




A value is required if the Component Type is Storage Tank.




A value is required in order to populate the Calculated Inventory field.

Fill Height



A value is required if the Component Type is Storage Tank.

Nominal Thickness



A value is required for External Damage DMs, AST DMs, and Thinning and Lining DMs.

Stress Lookup Table


Character (50)

A value is required for External Damage DMs, AST DMs, Thinning and Lining DMs, and Brittle Fracture DMs.

This cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Pressure Vessels
  • Tanks
  • Piping

If the family has been customized, the valid values could be different. This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Stress Lookup Table field for Criticality RBI Component records.



Character (30)

A value is required for External Damage DMs, AST DMs, Thinning and Lining DMs, and Brittle Fracture DMs.

Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet in the excel workbook for valid values that you enter in this cell.



Character (50)

A value is required for External Damage DMs, AST DMs, Thinning and Lining DMs, and Brittle Fracture DMs.

Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet in the excel workbook for valid values that you enter in this cell.



Character (50)

A value is required for External Damage DMs, AST DMs, Thinning and Lining DMs, and Brittle Fracture DMs.

Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet in the excel workbook for valid values that you enter in this cell.



Character (50)

A value is required for External Damage DMs, AST DMs, Thinning and Lining DMs, and Brittle Fracture DMs.

Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet in the excel workbook for valid values that you enter in this cell.

Weld Joint Effy



A value is required for External Damage DMs, AST DMs, and Thinning and Lining DMs.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • 0.35
  • 0.4
  • 0.45
  • 0.5
  • 0.55
  • 0.6
  • 0.65
  • 0.7
  • 0.75
  • 0.8
  • 0.85
  • 0.9
  • 0.95
  • 1.0

If the family has been customized, the valid values could be different. This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in theWeld Joint Effyfield for Criticality RBI Component records.

Specified Tmin



A value is required if the value in the Override Minimum Required Thickness cell is True.




Enter True or False.

Insulation Type


Character (200)

A value is required if the value in the Insulated? cell is True.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Asbestos
  • Calcium Silicate (Cl Free)
  • Calcium Silicate (Not Cl Free)
  • Foam/Cellular Glass
  • Mineral Wool/Fiber Glass
  • Pearlite
  • Unknown

Piping Circuit Length



A value is required in order to populate the Calculated Inventory field.  This field is only required for RBI Pipeline Components.




Enter True or False.
Course NumberMI_CCRBICTB_COURS_NUM_N NumericNone

Is Entry Possible?


Character (50)

A value is required.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Y
  • N

The list in this field is populated by the MI_YES_NO System Code Table. If the system code table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table.

Corrosive Product


Character (250)


Internal Corrosion Type


Character (50)

While not required, it is recommended you enter a value in this cell. This field is used when generating RBI Recommendations.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Localized
  • Pitting
  • General

If the family has been customized, the valid values could be different. This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Internal Corrosion Type field for Criticality RBI Component records.

Internal Corrosion Type - Shell Side


Character (50)

This field is used when generating RBI Recommendations.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Localized
  • Pitting
  • General

If the family has been customized, the valid values could be different. This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Internal Corrosion Type field for Criticality RBI Component records.

Predictable Int. Corr. Location



Enter True or False.

Pred_Int_Corr_Location - Shell Side



Enter True or False.

Estimated Internal Corrosion Rate



A value is required in this cell if a Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. record will be created for an analysis linked to this component.

Estimated External Corrosion Rate



A value is required in this cell if a Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. record will be created for an analysis linked to this component.

Measured External Corrosion Rate




Source of Calculated Corrosion RatesMI_CCRBICOM_CALCD_CR_SRC_CCharacter (50)

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following System Code IDs:


The list in this field is populated by the MI_RBI_CALC_CORRO_SRC System Code Table. If the system code table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table.

Susceptible to CUI MI_CCRBICOM_SUSC_TO_CUI_C Character (50)

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Y
  • N

RBI_Criticality_Analysis Worksheet

On the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet, you will specify RBI Criticality Analysis records that you want to create.

Note: Each row represents a unique analysis, though multiple analyses may be related to the same asset.

Field Caption

Field ID

Data Type (Length)


Asset ID


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Asset CMMS System


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Equipment Technical Number


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).



Character (250)

A value is required.

Component Type


Character (60)

A value is required.

This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Component Type field for Criticality RBI Component records.

Analysis Unique ID



This cell is required, but is only used in the context of the workbook. The Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader uses the value in this cell to match and link Consequence Evaluations and Degradation Mechanism Evaluations to the analysis.

Event TypeMI_CRITANAL_ANAL_TYPE_CCharacter (1)This column is not required. When this column exists and the value is W, the system searches for a What-If Analysis with an Analysis ID that matches the Analysis Unique ID column.
Sub IDMI_CRITANAL_SUB_ID_CCharacter (50)This column is not required.
When this column exists and the value is provided, the value must match the existing Analysis Sub ID field.
Note: The Sub ID field must be blank for analyses unless Event Type is set to W.

Scenario ID


Character (100)

While not required, it is recommended you enter a value in this cell.

Scenario Reference Date



While not required, it is recommended you enter a value in this cell.

Allowable Stress OverrideMI_CRITANAL_MTL_A_STRESS_OVR_FBoolean

Enter True or False.


If the Allowable Stress Override cell is True, a value is required in this cell.

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. or Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Override Minimum Required ThicknessMI_CRITANAL_EQ_EST_TCK_OVRDE_FBooleanEnter True or False.

Consequence_Evaluation Worksheet

On the Consequence_Evaluation worksheet, you will specify Consequence Evaluations that you want to create and link to RBI Criticality Analysis records.

Note: Each row represents a unique Consequence Evaluation. Only one Consequence Evaluation can be linked to an analysis, unless you specify a different Consequence for each Consequence Evaluation.

Field Caption

Field ID

Data Type (Length)


Asset ID


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Asset CMMS System


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Equipment Technical Number


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).



Character (250)

A value is required.

Component Type


Character (60)

A value is required.

This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Component Type field for Criticality RBI Component records.

Analysis Unique ID



The value in this cell must correspond to a value entered in the Analysis Unique ID column on the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.

Event TypeMI_CRITANAL_ANAL_TYPE_CCharacter (1)This column is not required. The value in this column must correspond to the value entered in the Event Type column on the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.
Sub IDMI_CRITANAL_SUB_ID_CCharacter (50)This column is not required. The value in this column must match the value entered in the Sub ID column in the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.



Character (50)

A value is required in this cell if you are creating more than one Consequence Evaluation for the same analysis. If left blank, the Consequence field will be populated with the value RBI Consequence.





Inventory Group


Character (100)


Number of Towers




Number of Storage Tanks




Number of Vessels




Use Calculated Inventory



Enter True or False.

Inspection Interval



A value is required if the component to which the analysis is linked is a Storage Tank or Tank Bottom.

Consequence Near Ignition Source



Enter True or False.

Bottom Thickness







Enter True or False.

Diked Area




Persistent Fluid?



Enter True or False.

Leak Effect


Character (50)

A value is required if the component to which the analysis is linked is a Storage Tank or Tank Bottom.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Ground
  • Surface Water
  • Ground Water

If the family has been customized, the valid values could be different. This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Leak Effect field for Consequence Evaluation records.

Unit Cleanup Cost




Underside Corrosion Rate




(Flammable) Leak Type


Character (150)

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Catastrophic
  • HC->Utility
  • Utility->HC

If the family has been customized, the valid values could be different. This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Flammable Leak Type field for Consequence Evaluation records.

Toxic Leak Type


Character (50)

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Catastrophic
  • Toxic->Utility
  • Toxic->Process
  • Leak->Toxic

If the family has been customized, the valid values could be different. This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Toxic Leak Type field for Consequence Evaluation records.

Product Unit Value


Character (150)


DME_Environmental_Cracking Worksheet

On the DME_Environmental_Cracking worksheet, you will specify Degradation Mechanisms related to Environmental Cracking that you want to create and link to RBI Criticality Analysis records. For each Degradation Mechanism, a Degradation Mechanism Evaluation is created and linked to the specified analysis. Additionally, a corresponding Potential Degradation Mechanism is created and linked to the specified component.

Note: Each row represents a unique Degradation Mechanism. Only one of each type of Degradation Mechanism can be linked to an analysis. For example, the same analysis could have a Carbonate Cracking Degradation Mechanism and a Caustic Cracking Degradation Mechanism, but not two Carbonate Cracking Degradation Mechanisms.

Field Caption

Field ID

Data Type (Length)


Asset ID


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Asset CMMS System


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Equipment Technical Number


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).



Character (250)

A value is required.

Component Type


Character (60)

A value is required.

This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Component Type field for Criticality RBI Component records.

Analysis Unique ID


Character (255)

The value in this cell must correspond to a value entered in the Analysis Unique ID column on the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.

Event TypeMI_CRITANAL_ANAL_TYPE_CCharacter (1)This column is not required. The value in this column must correspond to the value entered in the Event Type column on the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.
Sub IDMI_CRITANAL_SUB_ID_CCharacter (50)This column is not required. The value in this column must match the value entered in the Sub ID column in the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.

Damage Mechanism


Character (50)

The value in this cell must be a Degradation Mechanism that corresponds to a Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval. record.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Amine Cracking (ASCC)
  • Carbonate Cracking
  • Caustic Cracking
  • Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (CI SCC)
  • Hydrogen Stress Cracking (HSC)- Hydrofluoric Acid
  • Polythionic Acid SCC (PTA)
  • Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC)
  • Wet H2S (Blistering, SOHIC, HIC, SSC)

Damage Comments




Inspection Date




Number of Inspections



In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain a numeric value between 1 -20.


Inspection Confidence


Character (50)

A value is required.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • Very High

Damaged At Last Inspection



Enter True or False.

Env. Cracking Higher Levels



Enter True or False.

Initial Potential


Character (50)

A value is required.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

If the family has been customized, the valid values could be different. This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Initial Potential field for Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.




Enter True or False.

Free Water




H2S Content


Character (50)


HIC Resistant Steel



Enter True or False.

Stable Scale



Enter True or False.

PT or MT Access?


Character (50)

While not required, it is recommended you enter a value in this cell.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Y
  • N

The list in this field is populated by the MI_YES_NO System Code Table. If the system code table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table.

DME_External_Corrosion Worksheet

On the DME_External_Corrosion worksheet, you will specify Criticality Calculator External Corrosion Degradation Mechanisms that you want to create and link to RBI Criticality Analysis records. For each Degradation Mechanism, a Degradation Mechanism Evaluation is created and linked to the specified analysis. Additionally, a corresponding Potential Degradation Mechanism is created and linked to the specified component.

Note: Each row represents a unique Degradation Mechanism. Only one Criticality Calculator External Corrosion Degradation Mechanism can be linked to an analysis.

Field Caption

Field ID

Data Type (Length)


Asset ID


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Asset CMMS System


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Equipment Technical Number


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).



Character (250)

A value is required.

Component Type


Character (60)

A value is required.

This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Component Type field for Criticality RBI Component records.

Analysis Unique ID


Character (255)

The value in this cell must correspond to a value entered in the Analysis Unique ID column on the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.

Event TypeMI_CRITANAL_ANAL_TYPE_CCharacter (1)This column is not required. The value in this column must correspond to the value entered in the Event Type column on the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.
Sub IDMI_CRITANAL_SUB_ID_CCharacter (50)This column is not required. The value in this column must match the value entered in the Sub ID column in the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.

Damage Mechanism


Character (50)

The value in this cell must be Criticality Calculator Internal Corrosion.

Damage Comments




Insulation Condition


Character (50)

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor

If the family has been customized, the valid values could be different. This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Coating Quality field for Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval records.

Coating Quality


Character (50)

A value is required if the value in the Coating Present? cell is Y.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following System Code IDs:

  • NONE
  • POOR
  • HIGH

The list in this field is populated by the MI_RBI_Coating_Quality System Code Table. If the system code table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table.

Selected Corrosion Rate



A value is required for each row.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following System Code IDs:

  • 0
  • 1
  • 3

For this field:

  • 0 corresponds to Estimated Rate.
  • 1 corresponds to Average Rate.
  • 3 corresponds to Calculated Rate.

The list in this field is populated by the RBI_INT_COR_TYP System Code Table. If the system code table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table.

Measured Corrosion Rate




A value is required if the value in the Selected Corrosion Rate column is 1.

Inspection Date




Number of Inspections



A value is required.

Inspection Confidence


Character (50)

A value is required.

This cell may only contain the ID of a System Code listed in the INSPECTION CONFIDENCE, MI_RBI_REFERENCES, and MI_RBI_INSPCONF System Code Tables. To verify which options are acceptable in your APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table.

Near Cooling Tower?



Enter True or False.

DME_Internal_Corrosion Worksheet

On the DME_Internal_Corrosion worksheet, you will specify Criticality Calculator Internal Corrosion Degradation Mechanisms that you want to create and link to RBI Criticality Analysis records. For each Degradation Mechanism, a Degradation Mechanism Evaluation is created and linked to the specified analysis. Additionally, a corresponding Potential Degradation Mechanism is created and linked to the specified component.

Note: Each row represents a unique Degradation Mechanism. Only one Criticality Calculator Internal Corrosion Degradation Mechanism can be linked to an analysis.

Field Caption

Field ID

Data Type (Length)


Asset ID


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Asset CMMS System


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Equipment Technical Number


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).



Character (250)

A value is required.

Component Type


Character (60)

A value is required.

This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Component Type field for Criticality RBI Component records.

Analysis Unique ID


Character (255)

The value in this cell must correspond to a value entered in the Analysis Unique ID column on the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.

Event TypeMI_CRITANAL_ANAL_TYPE_CCharacter (1)This column is not required. The value in this column must correspond to the value entered in the Event Type column on the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.
Sub IDMI_CRITANAL_SUB_ID_CCharacter (50)This column is not required. The value in this column must match the value entered in the Sub ID column in the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.

Damage Mechanism


Character (50)

The value in this cell must be Criticality Calculator Internal Corrosion.

Damage Comments




Selected Corrosion Rate



A value is required for each row.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following System Code IDs:

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

For this field:

  • 0 corresponds to Estimated Rate.
  • 1 corresponds to Short Term Avg.
  • 2 corresponds to Long Term Avg.
  • 3 corresponds to Controlling Corrosion Rate.

The list in this field is populated by the RBI_INT_COR_TYP System Code Table. If the system code table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table.

Long Term Avg. Corr. Rate



If the Selected Corrosion Rate cell is Long Term Avg., a value is required in this cell.

Short Term Avg. Corr. Rate



If the Selected Corrosion Rate cell is Short Term Avg., a value is required in this cell.

Thinning Type


Character (50)

A value is required.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • General
  • Localized
  • Pitting

Inspection Date




Number of Inspections



A value is required. In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain a numeric value between 1 and 20.

Inspection Confidence


Character (50)

A value is required.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High 
  • Very High



Character (50)

While not required, it is recommended you enter a value in this cell.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following System Code IDs:

  • Y
  • N

The list in this field is populated by the MI_YES_NO System Code Table. If the system code table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table.

DME_Other Worksheet

On the DME_Other worksheet, you will specify Degradation Mechanisms related that you want to create and link to RBI Criticality Analysis records. For each Degradation Mechanism, a Degradation Mechanism Evaluation is created and linked to the specified analysis. Additionally, a corresponding Potential Degradation Mechanism is created and linked to the specified component.

Note: Each row represents a unique Degradation Mechanism. Only one of each type of Degradation Mechanism can be linked to an analysis. For example, the same analysis could have a Carbonate Cracking Degradation Mechanism and a Caustic Cracking Degradation Mechanism, but not two Carbonate Cracking Degradation Mechanisms.

Field Caption

Field ID

Data Type (Length)


Asset ID


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Asset CMMS System


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Equipment Technical Number


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).



Character (250)

A value is required.

Component Type


Character (60)

A value is required.

This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Component Type field for Criticality RBI Component records.

Analysis Unique ID


Character (255)

The value in this cell must correspond to a value entered in the Analysis Unique ID column on the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.

Event TypeMI_CRITANAL_ANAL_TYPE_CCharacter (1)This column is not required. The value in this column must correspond to the value entered in the Event Type column on the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.
Sub IDMI_CRITANAL_SUB_ID_CCharacter (50)This column is not required. The value in this column must match the value entered in the Sub ID column in the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.

Damage Mechanism


Character (50)

The value in this cell must be a Degradation Mechanism that corresponds to a Criticality Other Damage Mech. Eval. record.

The value in this cell is used to create the Degradation Mechanism for the Degradation Mechanism Evaluation that will be linked to the analysis, as well as the corresponding Potential Degradation Mechanism that will be related to the component.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • 885 Embrittlement
  • Brittle Fracture
  • Carburization
  • Creep
  • Erosion
  • Ext Chloride SCC
  • Graphitization
  • Hot Hydrogen Attack
  • Hydrogen Embrittlement
  • Hydrogen Induced Cracking
  • Liquid Metal Embrittlement
  • Mechanical Fatigue
  • Microbiologically Induced Corrosion
  • Phase Change Embrittlement
  • Refractory Failure
  • Temper Embrittlement
  • Thermal Fatigue
  • Wet H2S Damage

Probability Category


Character (50)

While not required, it is recommended you enter a value in this cell.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

Degradation MechanismRanking
Brittle Fracture1
Brittle Fracture2
Brittle Fracture3
Brittle Fracture4
Brittle Fracture5
Ext Chloride SCC1
Ext Chloride SCC2
Ext Chloride SCC3
Ext Chloride SCC4
Ext Chloride SCC5
Hot Hydrogen Attack1
Hot Hydrogen Attack2
Hot Hydrogen Attack3
Hot Hydrogen Attack4
Hot Hydrogen Attack5
Hydrogen Embrittlement1
Hydrogen Embrittlement2
Hydrogen Embrittlement3
Hydrogen Embrittlement4
Hydrogen Embrittlement5
Hydrogen Induced Cracking1
Hydrogen Induced Cracking2
Hydrogen Induced Cracking3
Hydrogen Induced Cracking4
Hydrogen Induced Cracking5
Liquid Metal Embrittlement1
Liquid Metal Embrittlement2
Liquid Metal Embrittlement3
Liquid Metal Embrittlement4
Liquid Metal Embrittlement5
Mechanical Fatigue1
Mechanical Fatigue2
Mechanical Fatigue3
Mechanical Fatigue4
Mechanical Fatigue5
Phase Change Embrittlement1
Phase Change Embrittlement2
Phase Change Embrittlement3
Phase Change Embrittlement4
Phase Change Embrittlement5
Temper Embrittlement1
Temper Embrittlement2
Temper Embrittlement3
Temper Embrittlement4
Temper Embrittlement5
Thermal Fatigue1
Thermal Fatigue2
Thermal Fatigue3
Thermal Fatigue4
Thermal Fatigue5
Wet H2S Damage1
Wet H2S Damage2
Wet H2S Damage3
Wet H2S Damage4
Wet H2S Damage5

Damage Comments




DME_Custom Worksheet

On the DME_Other worksheet, you will specify custom Degradation Mechanisms that you want to create and link to RBI Criticality Analysis records. For each Degradation Mechanism, a Degradation Mechanism Evaluation is created and linked to the specified analysis. Additionally, a corresponding Potential Degradation Mechanism is created and linked to the specified component.

Note: Each row represents a unique custom Degradation Mechanism. Only one of each type of Degradation Mechanism can be linked to an analysis. For example, the same analysis could have a Carbonate Cracking Degradation Mechanism and a Caustic Cracking Degradation Mechanism, but not two Carbonate Cracking Degradation Mechanisms.

Field Caption

Field ID

Data Type (Length)


Asset ID


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Asset CMMS System


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Equipment Technical Number


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).



Character (250)

A value is required.

Component Type


Character (60)

A value is required.

This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Component Type field for Criticality RBI Component records.

Analysis Unique ID


Character (255)

The value in this cell must correspond to a value entered in the Analysis Unique ID column on the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.

Event TypeMI_CRITANAL_ANAL_TYPE_CCharacter (1)This column is not required. The value in this column must correspond to the value entered in the Event Type column on the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.
Sub IDMI_CRITANAL_SUB_ID_CCharacter (50)This column is not required. The value in this column must match the value entered in the Sub ID column in the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.

Damage Mechanism


Character (50)

The value in this cell must be a Degradation Mechanism that corresponds to a Criticality Other Damage Mech. Eval. record.

The value in this cell is used to create the Degradation Mechanism for the Degradation Mechanism Evaluation that will be linked to the analysis, as well as the corresponding Potential Degradation Mechanism that will be related to the component.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Amine Cracking (ASCC)
  • Carbonate Cracking
  • Caustic Cracking
  • Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (CI SCC)
  • Hydrogen Stress Cracking (HSC)- Hydrofluoric Acid
  • Polythionic Acid SCC (PTA)
  • Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC)
  • Wet H2S (Blistering, SOHIC, HIC, SSC)
  • Criticality Calculator External Corrosion
  • Criticality Calculator Internal Corrosion
  • 885 Embrittlement
  • Brittle Fracture
  • Carburization
  • Creep
  • Erosion
  • Ext Chloride SCC
  • Graphitization
  • Hot Hydrogen Attack
  • Hydrogen Embrittlement
  • Hydrogen Induced Cracking
  • Liquid Metal Embrittlement
  • Mechanical Fatigue
  • Microbiologically Induced Corrosion
  • Phase Change Embrittlement
  • Refractory Failure
  • Temper Embrittlement
  • Thermal Fatigue
  • Wet H2S Damage
DME FamilyMI_DME_FAMILYCharacter (50)A value is required.

Probability Category


Character (50)

While not required, it is recommended you enter a value in this cell.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

Degradation MechanismRanking
Brittle Fracture1
Brittle Fracture2
Brittle Fracture3
Brittle Fracture4
Brittle Fracture5
Ext Chloride SCC1
Ext Chloride SCC2
Ext Chloride SCC3
Ext Chloride SCC4
Ext Chloride SCC5
Hot Hydrogen Attack1
Hot Hydrogen Attack2
Hot Hydrogen Attack3
Hot Hydrogen Attack4
Hot Hydrogen Attack5
Hydrogen Embrittlement1
Hydrogen Embrittlement2
Hydrogen Embrittlement3
Hydrogen Embrittlement4
Hydrogen Embrittlement5
Hydrogen Induced Cracking1
Hydrogen Induced Cracking2
Hydrogen Induced Cracking3
Hydrogen Induced Cracking4
Hydrogen Induced Cracking5
Liquid Metal Embrittlement1
Liquid Metal Embrittlement2
Liquid Metal Embrittlement3
Liquid Metal Embrittlement4
Liquid Metal Embrittlement5
Mechanical Fatigue1
Mechanical Fatigue2
Mechanical Fatigue3
Mechanical Fatigue4
Mechanical Fatigue5
Phase Change Embrittlement1
Phase Change Embrittlement2
Phase Change Embrittlement3
Phase Change Embrittlement4
Phase Change Embrittlement5
Temper Embrittlement1
Temper Embrittlement2
Temper Embrittlement3
Temper Embrittlement4
Temper Embrittlement5
Thermal Fatigue1
Thermal Fatigue2
Thermal Fatigue3
Thermal Fatigue4
Thermal Fatigue5
Wet H2S Damage1
Wet H2S Damage2
Wet H2S Damage3
Wet H2S Damage4
Wet H2S Damage5

Damage Comments




Degradation_Mechanism Worksheet

On the Degradation_Mechanism worksheet, you will specify related Degradation Mechanisms that you want to create and link to RBI Criticality Analysis records.

Field Caption

Field ID

Data Type (Length)


Asset ID


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Asset CMMS System


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).

Equipment Technical Number


Character (255)

Values in this column must match values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. Multiple components can be linked to the same asset (i.e., rows may have the same value in this column).



Character (250)

A value is required.

Component Type


Character (60)

A value is required.

This cell may only contain a value that exists in the list in the Component Type field for Criticality RBI Component records.

Analysis Unique ID



The value in this cell must correspond to a value entered in the Analysis Unique ID column on the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.

Event TypeMI_CRITANAL_ANAL_TYPE_CCharacter (1)This column is not required. The value in this column must correspond to the value entered in the Event Type column on the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.
Sub IDMI_CRITANAL_SUB_ID_CCharacter (50)This column is not required. The value in this column must match the value entered in the Sub ID column in the RBI_Criticality_Analysis worksheet.

Damage Mechanism


Character (50)

The value in this cell must be a Degradation Mechanism that corresponds to a Criticality Other Damage Mech. Eval. record.

The value in this cell is used to create the Degradation Mechanism for the Degradation Mechanism Evaluation that will be linked to the analysis, as well as the corresponding Potential Degradation Mechanism that will be related to the component.

In the baseline APM system, this cell may only contain one of the following values:

  • Amine Cracking (ASCC)
  • Carbonate Cracking
  • Caustic Cracking
  • Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (CI SCC)
  • Hydrogen Stress Cracking (HSC)- Hydrofluoric Acid
  • Polythionic Acid SCC (PTA)
  • Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC)
  • Wet H2S (Blistering, SOHIC, HIC, SSC)
  • Criticality Calculator External Corrosion
  • Criticality Calculator Internal Corrosion
  • 885 Embrittlement
  • Brittle Fracture
  • Carburization
  • Creep
  • Erosion
  • Ext Chloride SCC
  • Graphitization
  • Hot Hydrogen Attack
  • Hydrogen Embrittlement
  • Hydrogen Induced Cracking
  • Liquid Metal Embrittlement
  • Mechanical Fatigue
  • Microbiologically Induced Corrosion
  • Phase Change Embrittlement
  • Refractory Failure
  • Temper Embrittlement
  • Thermal Fatigue
  • Wet H2S Damage

Deg Mech Comments




About the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data Loader Load Verification

About This Task

Following a data load, you should perform the following steps in APM to confirm the integrity and accuracy of the data imported from the data loader workbook.


  1. Access the details of the import job. These details will indicate if any errors, minor or otherwise, were encountered during the import job. The log may help account for any records that are unexpectedly absent after the data load.
  2. In Risk Based Inspection or Record Manager, access the assets specified in the data loader workbook, and then verify that the expected components are present or updated, and that any associated records that you expected to be created are also present in the database.

    You can enter the following query in the SQL workspace of the Query page to review a list of components created after a specified date:


    You can enter the following query in the Oracle or Postgres workspace of the Query page to review a list of components created after a specified date:

  3. When prompted, enter the date on which the data load was performed.