Catalog Items

The Graphs Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\GAA Wind\Graphs contains the following item.
Graph NameBehavior and Usage
GAA Wind General Performance MetricsDisplays the bar chart in the GENERAL PERFORMANCE METRICS section in the GAA Wind Overview page.

The Queries Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\GAA Wind\Queries contains the following items.
Item NameBehavior and Usage
Filter QueryUsed in the page filter in the GAA Wind Overview page.
GAA Wind Edited Events Count QueryReturns the count of the edited Events in the Asset Hierarchy for GAA Wind.
GAA Wind Edited Events Tile Query Returns the results in the Edited Events section in the GAA Wind Overview page.
GAA Wind Events Count QueryReturns the count of all the Events in the Asset Hierarchy for GAA Wind.
Gaa Wind Events Tile Query Returns the results in the All Events section in the GAA Wind Overview page.
GAA Wind get all NERC typesReturns the values used to populate the NERC Type field in the GAA Wind Event record.
GAA Wind Reports Configuration ListReturns the results in the Report Configuration subsection in the GAA Wind Administrator page.
Get Data for Performance ReportReturns the data required to generate or regenerate a Performance Report.
Get Data for Sub Group ReportReturns the data required to generate or regenerate a Sub Group Report.
Get Gross Actual Generation for a Sub GroupReturns the value in the Gross Actual Generation field in a Performance Record.
Get IEC and NERC mapping for GAA WindReturns the results in the Mapping subsection in the GAA Wind Administrator page.
Get IEC Edited Events for selected Sub GroupReturns the results in the Events section in the Sub Group Summary page after you apply the Show Only Edited Events filter.
Get IEC Events for selected Sub GroupReturns the results in the Events section in the Sub Group Summary page.
Get IEC types for GAA WindReturns the results in the IEC Types subsection in the GAA Wind Administrator page.
Get Import details for selected statusReturns the results in the GAA Wind Event Import page.
Get NERC Calculations for a Sub GroupReturns the values in the following fields in a Performance Record:
  • Active Turbine Hours
  • Contact Turbine Hours
  • Forced Turbine Hours
  • Inactive Reserve Turbine Hours
  • Maintenance Turbine Hours
  • Mothballed Turbine Hours
  • Planned Turbine Hours
  • Reserve Shutdown Turbine Hours
  • Resource Unavailable Turbine Hours
  • Retired Unit Turbine Hours
Get NERC types for GAA WindReturns the results in the NERC Types subsection in the GAA Wind Administrator page.
Get Count of Import Details for each statusReturns the count of records for each status (In Progress, Completed, and Failed) in the GAA Wind Event Import page.
Get Bulk Report Generation DetailsReturns the results in the GAA Wind Report Generation page.
Get Count of Bulk Report Details for each statusReturns the count of records for each status (In Progress, Completed, and Failed) in the GAA Wind Report Generation page.
Get OMC Calculations for a Sub GroupReturns the values in the following fields of a Performance Record:
  • OMC Forced Turbine Hours
  • OMC Maintenance Turbine Hours
  • OMC Planned Turbine Hours
Graph Queries
A subfolder that contains the following query:
  • Get Actual Generation for Sub Groups: Returns the results in the bar chart in the GENERAL PERFORMANCE METRICS section in the GAA Wind Overview page.
Reports list for Sub Group DatagridReturns the results in the Performance & Reports section of a Sub Group in the GAA Wind Administrator page.
Sub Group has Performance RecordsReturns the results in the Performance section in the Sub Group Summary page.
SubGroup information based on asset contextReturns the results in the Sub Groups window that appears when you select the Show Sub Group Summary button.
Wind subgroups for given groupReturns the Sub Group capacities by Sub Group key.
Note: You should not modify the field caption of the Entity ID in this query.