General Reference

The MIExecution Service

The MIExecution Service is a service available in the APM server, which processes jobs in the Inspection Management, Integrity Mobile, Risk Based Inspection, and Thickness Monitoring module queues. It uses a single shared ActiveMQ queue service across APM.

Supported Job Types

  • Inspection Management
  • Integrity Mobile
  • Risk Based Inspection
  • Thickness Monitoring


You can configure the following parameters of the MIExecution Service:
ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
ConcurrencyLimitThe maximum number of messages consumed concurrently.100
RetriesThe number of times the service retries to send the messages to ActiveMQ in case of a failure.5

For instructions of configuring these settings, refer to Configure Inspection Management ActiveMQ settings for MIExecution Service.

Compliance Queries

Compliance Folder Items

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Inspection\Compliance\Queries contains the following queries used in the Compliance workflow.

Query Behavior and Usage
Assets with Templates without Inspection Plans Displays assets that have a Compliance Strategy Template linked. This query is used in the Assets with Templates section in the Compliance Management Overview page. The entity key of the asset must be used in the query and have the alias ASSET_ENTY_KEY.
Assets without TemplatesDisplays assets that do not have a Compliance Strategy Template linked. This query is used in the Assets without Templates section in the Compliance Management Overview page.
The following columns in the query must be used, and the aliases must contain the following values.
Compliance Template AssetsDisplays the Compliance Strategy Templates for a given compliance category. This query is used for populating the Assets section in the Compliance Strategy Template in the Compliance Configuration section of the IM Admin Preferences page.
  • The ASSET_ENTY_KEY must not be modified or deleted.
  • If you are using assets that are from families other than Equipment or Functional Location, you must add the family to the query using a union.
Compliance Templates by CategoryDisplays the assets associated with a given Compliance Strategy Template.
Important: The [MI_COMP_STRAT_TEMP].ENTY_KEY column must not be removed, and the alias, ENTY_KEY, must not be modified. In the WHERE criteria, the ID of the parameter must be category.
Assets with Inspection PlansDisplays the assets that are associated with an Inspection Plan.
Compliance Management Overview Filter ParametersThis query is used in the Compliance Management Overview page.
Compliance TemplatesThis query is used in the Compliance Templates section in the Compliance Management Overview page.
Assets with Compliance RecommendationsDisplays the Compliance Recommendations count for an Asset.

Inspection Plan Queries

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Inspection\Compliance\Queries contains the following queries used in the Inspection Plan workflow.

Query Behavior and Usage
Compliance Recommendations by PlanDisplays Recommendations based on the Inspection Plan.
The following columns in the query must be used, and the aliases must contain the following values.
a."SUCC_ENTY_KEY"Linked Actions
Note: For Compliance Recommendations, the column must be set to NULL. For RBI Consolidated Recommendations, the column must be set to 0.
Comp Key
Note: For Compliance Recommendations, the column must be set to NULL. For RBI Consolidated Recommendations, the column must be set to 0.
Analysis Key
Important: \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Inspection\Compliance\Queries\Compliance Superseded Recommendation Counts is a subquery and must not be removed from the parent query. In this subquery, the SUCC_ENTY_KEY column is required, and the alias must not be modified.
Compliance Recommendations to SupersedeDisplays Recommendations for a given entity keys. This query is used to select the master Recommended Action while superseding Compliance Recommendations in the Recommendation section of the Inspection Plan page.
Important: The [MI_RBIRECOM].ENTY_KEY column must not be removed, and the alias REC_ENTY_KEY must not be modified.
Compliance Superseded RecommendationsDisplays a list of Consolidated and Superseded Recommendations. This query is used to access the linked actions in the Inspection Plan page.
Note: The [MI_RBIRECOM].ENTY_KEY column must not be removed, and the alias REC_ENTY_KEY must not be modified.
Inspection Tasks for AssetDisplays the Inspection Tasks for an asset. This query is used to access the Existing Tasks in the Inspection Plan page.
Important: In the WHERE criteria, the ID of the parameter must be ASSET_ENTY_KEY.
Compliance Superseded Recommendation CountsReturns the count of Consolidated and Superseded Recommendations. This query is used in the Recommendation section of the Inspection Plan page.
Inspection Tasks Available to ImplementDisplays the Inspection Tasks available to implement for a Compliance Recommendation. This query is used to access the Inspection tasks after selecting the Implement button in the Inspection Plan page.
Recommended Actions by Selected PlansDisplays unimplemented actions from a given Inspection Plan. This query is used in the Inspection Plan page. The following columns in the query must be used, and the aliases must not be changed.
Important: In the WHERE clause, the ID of the parameter must be ENTY_KEYS.
Link Existing Task to Recommended ActionReturns an Inspection Task to link to a given Recommendation based on Asset and Task Type. This query is used in the Inspection Plan page. The following columns in the query must be used, and the aliases must not be changed.
Important: In the WHERE clause, the following parameter IDs must be provided and not modified:
All Inspection Plans for UnitReturns all Inspection Plans for the selected location in the hierarchy. This query is used to access all the Inspection plans in the Inspection Plan Management page.
Active Recommendations of Plans for UnitReturns all active recommendations for Inspection Plans for the selected location in the hierarchy. This query is used to view active recommendations in the Inspection Plan Management page.
Inspection Plan RevisionsDisplays the Inspection Plan Revisions for a given Inspection Plan. This query is used to retrieve the revisions for an Inspection Plan.
  • The column [MI_INSP_PLAN_REV].[MI_INSP_PLAN_REV_REVI_DATE_D] must not be removed and its alias must not be changed.
  • In the WHERE clause, the ID of the parameter must be PLAN_ENTY_KEY.
Compliance Recommendation Revisions for Inspection PlanDisplays the Recommendation Revision records for a given Inspection Plan Revision. This query is used in the Inspection Plan page to view the revisions for a Recommendation.
  • The column [MI_COMP_REC_REV].[MI_REC_ID] must not be removed and its alias must not be changed.
  • In the WHERE clause, the ID of the parameter must be PLAN_REV_ENTY_KEY.

Dashboard Queries Folder Items

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\MehcanicalIntegrity\Queries\Dashboard Queries contains the following items that are used in the Compliance Management Overview page.
QueryBehavior and Usage
Compliance Recommendations with Approved PlansThis query is used in the Active Recommendation Summary section in the Compliance Management Overview page.
Inspection Plan StatesThis query is used in the Inspection Plan Summary section in the Compliance Management Overview page.

Compliance Permissions

The following security privileges have been assigned to the \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Inspection\Compliance\ folder.

MI Inspection
  • View
  • Edit
  • Create
  • Delete
MI Inspection ViewerView
MI RBI AdministratorView
MI RBI AnalystView
MI Thickness Monitoring AdministratorView
MI Thickness Monitoring InspectorView
MI Thickness Monitoring UserView

European Inspection Management Queries

The following table lists the queries for European Inspection Management.

Name of the Query Query Description
EU_Available_Assets_Piping_EQPRetrieves all the piping equipment available for linking to a Compliance Strategy Template.
EU_Available_Assets_Piping_FLOCRetrieves all the piping functional locations available for linking to a Compliance Strategy Template.
EU_Available_Assets_PressureVessel_EQPRetrieves all the pressure vessel equipment available for linking to a Compliance Strategy Template.
EU_Available_Assets_PressureVessel_FLOCRetrieves all the pressure vessel functional locations available for linking to a Compliance Strategy Template.
EU_Available_Assets_SPV_EQPRetrieves all the simple pressure vessel equipment available for linking to a Compliance Strategy Template.
EU_Available_Assets_SPV_FLOCRetrieves all the simple pressure vessel functional locations available for linking to a Compliance Strategy Template.
EU_Available_Assets_SteamBoiler_EQPRetrieves all the steam boiler equipment available for linking to a Compliance Strategy Template.
EU_Available_Assets_SteamBoiler_FLOCRetrieves all the steam boiler functional locations available for linking to a Compliance Strategy Template.
EU_Piping_Filter_EQRetrieves all the asset technical data records related to a piping equipment.
EU_Piping_Filter_FLRetrieves all the asset technical data records related to a piping functional location.
EU_PresssureVessel_Filter_EQRetrieves all the asset technical data records related to a pressure vessel equipment.
EU_PresssureVessel_Filter_FLRetrieves all the asset technical data records related to a pressure vessel functional location.
EU_SimplePressureVessel_Filter_EQRetrieves all the asset technical data records related to a simple pressure vessel equipment.
EU_SimplePressureVessel_Filter_FLRetrieves all the asset technical data records related to a simple pressure vessel functional location.
EU_SteamBoiler_Filter_EQRetrieves all the asset technical data records related to a steam boiler equipment.
EU_SteamBoiler_Filter_FLRetrieves all the asset technical data records related to a steam boiler functional location.

Compliance Management URLs

There is one URL route associated with Compliance Management: cm. The following table describes the various paths that build on the route and the elements that you can specify for each.

cm/overview The Compliance Management Overview page.

Compliance Strategies URLs

The following URLs in Inspection Management allow you to access Compliance Strategies administrative options.

ElementDescriptionAccepted Value(s)Notes
im-admin-preferences/compliance-configuration: Accesses the Compliance Strategies workspace.
im-admin-preferences/compliance-configuration/<templateKey>: Accesses a Compliance Strategy Template.
<templateKey>Specifies the entity key of the Compliance Strategy Template that you want to view.The entity key of any Compliance Strategy Template.None.

Inspection Plan URLs

The following table describes the various paths that are used for the Inspection Plan workflow.

ElementDescriptionAccepted Value(s)Notes
cm/asset/<assetKey>: Accesses the Inspection Plan for the specified asset.
cm/plans: Accesses the Inspection Plan Management page.
<assetKey>Specifies the entity key of the asset record which you want to view.Any asset key that is associated with an asset in the Asset HierarchyYou should use the asset key of an asset that has an Inspection Plan created. If you select an asset that does not have an Inspection Plan, a warning message appears.


Example URLDestination
cm/asset/3290820029The Inspection Plan for the selected asset.

Compliance Management System Code Tables

The following table lists the System Code Tables that are used by Compliance Management.

Table IDTable DescriptionFunction
INSM Inspection Interval Types Used to populate the Desired Interval Basis list in Inspection Task records.
MI DEGRADATION MECHANISM TYPES Degradation Mechanism Types Used to populate the Degradation Mechanism list in Inspection Plan records.

European Inspection Management System Code Tables

The following table lists the System Code Tables that are used by European Inspection Management.

Table IDTable DescriptionFunction
MI_COMPLIANCE_STANDARDCompliance StandardThis system code table stores the certification value. The values in this field are populated from a drop-down list box.
MI_INTGY_FLUID_CTGYIntegrity Fluid CategoryThis system code table stores the fluid category list. The values in this field are populated from a drop-down list box.
NR13_FLAMMABLENR13_FLAMMABLEThis system code table stores the type of fluid. The fluid type is either Combustible or Flammable.
FLUID TYPESFluid TypesThis system code table stores the type of fluid. The fluid type is either Gas or Liquid.
MI_INTGY_ASSET_TYPEIntegrity Asset TypeThis system code table is required to calculate certification requirements for the asset of the following types:
  • Pressure Vessel
  • Simple Pressure Vessel
  • Steam Boiler
  • Piping
MI_INTGY_REGULATIONIntegrity Inspection RegulationsThis system code table is populated with a list of European Inspection regulations to be linked to a task. This field is always disabled.
MI_MAPPING_REFERENCEMI Mapping ReferenceThis system code table stores the references of a Compliance Recommendation Mapping record
MI_INTGY_FLUID_NAMEIntegrity Fluid NameThis system code table stores a list of fluid names. You can choose from the baseline values, populated from a drop-down list box
MI_INTGY_FLUID_GROUPIntegrity Fluid GroupThis system code table specifies the fluid group according to Table F: Fluid Group Table.
MI_INTGY_GRACE_PERIOD_BASISGrace Period BasisThis system code table contains the information about basis on which the Inspection Grace Date is calculated.
MI_CHAMBERChamberThis system code table information about the type of chamber. The values in this field are populated from a drop-down list box.
EU_INSP_INSTEuropean Inspection InstructionsThis system code table stores the value selected in the Inspection Instruction. The values in this field are populated from a drop-down list box.
MI_EN_DOC_CTGYInspectionThis system code table stores the value selected in the Inspection Document Category. The values in this field are populated from a drop-down list box.
MI_EU_TASK_RESCHEDULEInspectionThis system code table captures the information based on how the Next Date field is calculated. The field can be calculated either by the Completion Date or the Previous Next Date. This field is always disabled.

Compliance Management State Management

The following state changes can be applied to Compliance Recommendations and Inspection Plans based on user Security Roles.

The diagram below shows the workflow of the baseline State Management process as it applies to Compliance Recommendations.

The diagram below shows the workflow of the baseline State Management process as it applies to Inspection Plans.


  • The Proposed state is the initial state of all Compliance Recommendations.
  • The Proposed state is the initial state of all Inspection Plans.
  • When you change the state of an Inspection Plan from Approved to Modified, an Inspection Plan Revision History record is created.
  • Operations in Compliance Management change the state of Compliance Recommendations or Inspection Plans. Users must have the appropriate security roles to execute these operations.

Reserved States and Operations for Compliance Recommendations

The following tables indicate whether the baseline states and operations are reserved. You cannot remove or modify reserved states or operations.

State CaptionReserved StateSecurity Role
  • MI Compliance Analyst
  • MI Inspection Plan Approver
Not RequiredYes
  • MI Compliance Analyst
  • MI Inspection Plan Approver
  • MI Compliance Analyst
  • MI Inspection Plan Approver
  • MI Compliance Analyst
  • MI Inspection Plan Approver
OperationReserved OperationPredecessor StateSuccessor State
ProposeNoNot RequiredProposed
Mark Not RequiredYesProposedNot Required

Reserved States and Operations for Inspection Plans

The following tables indicate whether the baseline states and operations are reserved. You cannot remove or modify reserved states or operations.

State CaptionReserved StateSecurity Roles
ApprovedNoMI Inspection Plan Approver
  • MI Compliance Analyst
  • MI Inspection Plan Approver
  • MI Compliance Analyst
  • MI Inspection Plan Approver
Operation IDReserved OperationPredecessorSuccessor

Compliance Recommendation and Inspection Task Mappings

When you implement a Compliance Recommendation, you can create new Inspection Tasks or link existing Inspection Tasks to the Compliance Recommendation. Values from the Compliance Recommendation fields populate fields in the Inspection Task.

The following tables list the Inspection Task fields that are populated automatically from these sources.

Table 1. Link Existing Inspection Tasks to Compliance Recommendations
Desired IntervalThe value in the Recommended Interval Scope field.
Note: This field is populated with the value of the Recommended Interval Scope field only if the value in the Override Interval field is False.
Compliance Recommendation
Desired Interval BasisCompliance Recommendation
Note: This field is populated with the value of the Recommended Interval Scope field only if the value in the Override Interval field is False.
Compliance Recommendation
Task DetailsThe value in the Recommended Inspection Scope field.Compliance Recommendation
Task TypeThe value in the Task Type field.Compliance Recommendation
Table 2. Link New Tasks to Compliance Recommendations
Desired IntervalThe value in the Recommended Interval Scope field.Compliance Recommendation
Desired Interval BasisCompliance RecommendationCompliance Recommendation
Override IntervalFalseCompliance Recommendation
Task DetailsThe value in the Recommended Inspection Scope field.Compliance Recommendation
Task IDThe values in the Damage Mechanism and Task Type fields in the following format: <Damage Mechanism><Task Type>.Compliance Recommendation
Task TypeThe value from the Task Type field.Compliance Recommendation
Asset KeyThe key of the asset that the recommendation is linked to.Compliance Recommendation
Last DateUser provided input. Default value is current date.Compliance Recommendation

Values Mapped to Action

When you promote an Asset to Asset Strategy Management (ASM), an Action is created in ASM for each Compliance Recommendation in the active Inspection Plan. This Action contains the details of the Recommendation.

The following table provides a list of fields on an Action datasheet whose values are populated from the Compliance Recommendation.
This Action populated with:
Action BasisThe Name of the Compliance Strategy Template.
Action SourceThe value Compliance.
Action Task TypeThe value in the Task Type field.
Action TypeThe value in the Action Type field.
Description<Recommendation Inspection Scope> ~ <Recommendation Basis>
IntervalThe value in the Interval field in the Compliance Recommendation
Interval UnitsThe value Months.
Name<Damage Mechanism> ~ <Task Type>

European Inspection Management Security Groups

The following table lists the baseline Security Groups available for users within this module, as well as the baseline Roles to which those Security Groups are assigned.

Important: Assigning a Security User to a Role grants that user the privileges associated with all of the Security Groups that are assigned to that Role. To avoid granting a Security User unintended privileges, before assigning a Security User to a Role, be sure to review all of the privileges associated with the Security Groups assigned to that Role. Also, be aware that additional Roles, as well as Security Groups assigned to existing Roles, can be added via Security Manager.
Security GroupRoles
RBI Security Groups
MI RBI Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI RBI Analyst

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Power

MI RBI Viewer

MI APM Viewer

MI Mechanical Integrity Viewer

TM Security Groups
MI Thickness Monitoring Viewer

MI APM Viewer

MI Mechanical Integrity Viewer

MI Thickness Monitoring User

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Power

MI Mechanical Integrity User

MI Thickness Monitoring Inspector

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Power

MI Mechanical Integrity User

MI Thickness Monitoring AdministratorMI Mechanical Integrity Administrator
Inspection Management Security Groups
MI Inspection

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Power

MI Mechanical Integrity User

MI Inspection Viewer

MI Mechanical Integrity Viewer

MI APM Viewer

The following table provides a list of the baseline family-level privileges that exist for the MI RBI Administrator, MI RBI Analyst, and MI RBI Viewer Security Groups.

The baseline family-level privileges that exist for these Security Groups are summarized in the following table.

FamilyMI RBI Administrator MI RBI Analyst MI RBI Viewer MI Thickness Monitoring ViewerMI Thickness Monitoring UserMI Thickness Monitoring InspectorMI Thickness Monitoring AdministratorMI InspectionMI Inspection Viewer
Fluid DataView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Asset Technical DataView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Compliance Recommendation MappingView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Inspection Summary ReferenceNoneNoneViewNoneNoneViewNoneView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
European Admin SettingsNoneNoneViewNoneNoneViewNoneView, Update, Insert, DeleteView