Root Cause Analysis Workflow
This workflow describes the process for conducting a root cause analysis to analyze causes of failures and tracking performance of the equipment.
Create RCA
Persona: Analyst
Create a new RCA Analysis and save.
Assemble Team
Persona: Analyst
Assemble team members to perform an RCA.
Preserve Data
Persona: Analyst
Collect data for task assignments and task management.
Create Event Diagram
Persona: Analyst
Create an event diagram of all contributing factors that are possible causes of a failure event.
Create Logic Tree (Fishbone)
Persona: Analyst
View a complex logic diagram analysis of the event and all of the causes that led up to the event.
Verify Assumptions
Persona: Analyst
Prove or disprove a specific hypotheses based on detailed analysis.
Save RCA as Template
Persona: Analyst
Use an RCA to save as a template.
Communicate Findings
Persona: Analyst
Send the results of a comprehensive analysis report to one or more email recipients.
Track Performance
Persona: Analyst
Specify tracking parameters related to an asset and provide notifications when the specified criteria has been exceeded.
Notification of Poor Performance Sent
Persona: Analyst
When any of the conditions set as tracking items are met, the designated individuals are alerted of the poor performance via an automated email alert.
Publish RCA
Persona: Analyst
Publish the completed analysis to enable the RCA to be viewed by all RCA users.
Manage Performance Recommendations
Persona: Analyst
Create and manage recommendations designed to improve future performance.
Go to the Manage Performance Recommendations workflow.
Other Workflows
Persona: Analyst
Other Workflows provide production data from: SAP, EAM, Recommendations.