Event Timeline

About the Event Timeline

In Root Cause Analysis, a Failure Event is often the result of a sequence of contributing events. The Event Timeline is an organizational tool that enables RCA Team Members to collate and display Event data in a form that provides a visual representation of the timeline in which a sequence of contributing events have played out.

Once you have added a primary Event to the Event Timeline, you can add Secondary Events to create a more detailed representation of events associated with the failure.

Access the Event Timeline


  1. Access the Root Cause Analysis for which you want to view the Event Timeline.
  2. In the pane, select the Event Timeline tab.

    The Event Timeline for the selected RCA appears in the workspace.

    Note: If you access the Event Timeline tab for the first time, the RCA Event datasheet will appear in the workspace. In this datasheet, you can define an RCA Failure Event. If you previously accessed the Event Timeline tab and defined a Failure Event, you will see the Event node in the main display area.

    Tip: To view a specific portion of the Event Timeline, choose from the default values in the calendar or input in the time frame that you want to view.

What To Do Next

Add an Event to the Event Timeline.

Add an Event to the Event Timeline


  1. Access the Event Timeline.
  2. Select .
    A blank Event Datasheet appears below the timeline.
  3. In the Event Datasheet, select the in the datasheet and enter values in the available fields.
  4. Select .
    The secondary event is saved and appears in the Event Timeline.

What To Do Next

Export the Event Timeline.

Export the Event Timeline


  1. Access the Event Timeline.
  2. Select .
    The Event Timeline appears in a new page, and a window appears displaying printing options.

Delete an Event from the Event Timeline

Before You Begin

You cannot delete the primary event in the Event Timeline.


  1. Access the Event Timeline.
  2. In the Event Datasheet, select the checkbox for the events that you want to delete.
  3. In the heading of the Event Datasheet section, select and then select .
    A message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the secondary event.
  4. Select Yes.
    The secondary event is deleted.

Contributing Event

You can label an event on the timeline as a Contributing Event to identify the root cause of the problem and diagnosis the events leading up to and after the failure as relevant or not.


  1. Access the Event Timeline.
  2. In the Event Datasheet, select the checkbox in the Contributing Event column for an event.
  3. Select .
    Tip: To view only the Contributing Events on the Event Timeline, select the Contributing Events Only check box.

Event Type Legend

The legend is used to visually show which colors the events in the timeline are labeled as and a user can turn on or off the specific events that they want to see in the timeline.


  1. Access the Event Timeline.
  2. Select to view the legend.
    By default, all labels will be visible in the timeline. Select the label that you do not want to not see in the timeline.
  3. Select to hide the legend.

Show/Remove All Flags

If the flags are overlapping or if you want to hide some of the flags, you can minimize or, open all flags at once.


  1. Access the Event Timeline.
  2. Select the flag settings button .
  3. Select Remove all flags or Show all flags, depending on what you want to do.
    Tip: You can manually collapse or open flags by clicking on the colored part of a flag.

Set Current View as Default

This feature allows you to set a specific view as default, that is, whenever you open an analysis, export the timeline, or generate a report, the default view appears. This view is based off time range, contributing events, legend selection, and flags.


  1. Access the Event Timeline.
  2. Select .
  3. Select Set current view as default.

Reset Current View as Default

This feature enables you to reset the timeline view back to the default view.


  1. Access the Event Timeline.
  2. Select .
  3. Select Reset view to default.

Clear All Filters

You can clear all selections for date filters, legend selections, contributing events and closed flags so that the timeline is set to the the original view.


  1. Access the Event Timeline.
  2. Select
  3. Select Clear all filters.