SAP Adapter Mappings
SAP Equipment Mappings
The following table explains the SAP fields that are used to populate the baseline Equipment fields when you extract SAP Equipments to create Equipment records in APM.
All the APM fields belong to the MI_EQUIP000 family.
APM Field ID | APM Field Caption | SAP Table | SAP Field ID | SAP Field Caption |
MI_EQUIP000_CAT_PROF_C | Catalog Profile | EQUZ | RBNR | Catalog Profile |
MI_EQUIP000_CAT_PROF_DESC_C | Catalog Profile Description | T352B_T | RBNRX | Catalog Profile Description |
MI_EQUIP000_SAP_CATEG_C | Category | EQUI | EQTYP | SAP Category |
MI_EQUIP000_SAP_CATEG_DESC_C | Category Description | T370U | TYPTX | SAP Category Description |
MI_EQUIP000_CREATE_DATE_D Note: The time zone used for the value in the CMMS Creation Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | CMMS Creation Date | EQUI | ERDAT | SAP Creation Date |
MI_EQUIP000_CHANGE_DATE_D Note: The time zone used for the value in the CMMS Last Changed Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | CMMS Last Changed Date | EQUI | AEDAT | SAP Last Changed Date |
MI_EQUIP000_SAP_SYSTEM_C | CMMS System | <SY-SID> + <SY-MANDT> | Name of SAP R/3 System - R/3 System, client number from logon | |
MI_EQUIP000_CONSTN_TYP_C | Construction Type | EQUZ | SUBMT | Construction Type |
MI_EQUIP000_CONSTN_TYP_DESC_C | Construction Type Description | MAKT | MAKTX | Construction Type Description |
MI_EQUIP000_CRITI_IND_C | Criticality Indicator | ILOA | ABCKZ | Criticality Indicator |
MI_EQUIP000_CRITI_IND_DESC_C | Criticality Indicator Description | T370C_T | ABCTX | Criticality Indicator Description |
MI_EQUIP000_EAM_REF_CREATE_DT_C | EAM Reference Creation Date | EQUI | ERDAT | SAP Creation Date |
MI_EQUIP000_EAM_REF_CHANGE_DT_C | EAM Reference Last Changed Date | EQUI | AEDAT | SAP Last Changed Date |
MI_EQUIP000_EAM_REF_PRCH_DT_C | EAM Reference Purchase Date | EQUI | ANSDT | Purchase Date |
MI_EQUIP000_EAM_REF_VLD_FRM_DT_C | EAM Reference Valid From Date | EQUZ | DATAB | Valid From Date |
MI_EQUIP000_EAM_REF_WRNTY_EXPR_DT_C | EAM Reference Warranty Expiration Date | BGMKOBJ | GWLEN | Warranty Expiration Date |
MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_C | Equipment ID | EQUI | EQUNR | Equipment ID |
MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_LNG_DESC_T | Equipment Long Description | EQUI | Retrieved using FM READ_TEXT with ID=LTXT, OBJECT=EQUI | Equipment Long Description |
MI_EQUIP000_SN_C | Equipment Serial Number | EQUI | SERGE | Serial Number |
MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_SHRT_DESC_C | Equipment Short Description | EQKT | EQKTX | Equipment Short Description |
MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_C | Equipment Technical Number | EQUZ | TIDNR | Equipment Technical Number |
MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_VNDR_C | Equipment Vendor | EQUI | ELIEF | Equipment Vendor |
MI_EQUIP000_FNC_LOC_C | Functional Location | ILOA | TPLNR | Functional Location |
MI_EQUIP000_FNC_LOC_DESC_C | Functional Location Description | IFLOTX | PLTXT | Functional Location Description |
MI_EQUIP000_INV_NO_C | Inventory Number | EQUI | INVNR | Inventory Number |
MI_EQUIP000_MAIN_WRK_CNR_C | Main Work Center | CRHD | ARBPL | Main Work Center |
MI_EQUIP000_MAIN_WRK_CN_DESC_C | Main Work Center Description | CRTX | KTEXT | Main Work Center Description |
MI_EQUIP000_MAINT_PLANT_C | Maintenance Plant | ILOA | SWERK | Maintenance Plant |
MI_EQUIP000_MAINT_PLANT_DESC_C | Maintenance Plant Description | T001W | NAME1 | Maintenance Plant Description |
MI_EQUIP000_MFR_C | Manufacturer | EQUI | HERST | Manufacturer |
MI_EQUIP000_MOD_NO_C | Model Number | EQUI | TYPBZ | Model Number |
MI_EQUIP000_OBJ_TYP_C | Object Type | EQUI | EQART | Object Type |
MI_EQUIP000_OBJ_TYP_DESC_C | Object Type Description | T370K_T | EARTX | Object Type Description |
MI_EQUIP000_PRT_NO_C | Part Number | EQUZ | MAPAR | Part Number |
MI_EQUIP000_PLANT_SECT_DESC_C | Person Responsible for Plant Section | T357 | FING | Plant Section Description |
MI_EQUIP000_PLANG_GRP_C | Planner Group | EQUZ | INGRP | Planner Group |
MI_EQUIP000_PLANG_GRP_DESC_C | Planner Group Description | T024I | INNAM | Planner Group Description |
MI_EQUIP000_PLNNG_PLNT_C | Planning Plant | EQUZ | IWERK | Planning Plant |
MI_EQUIP000_PLNNG_PLNT_DESC_C | Planning Plant Description | T001W | NAME1 | Planning Plant Description |
MI_EQUIP000_PLANT_SECTION_C | Plant Section | ILOA | BEBER | Plant Section |
MI_EQUIP000_PRCH_D Note: The time zone used for the value in the Purchase Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Equipment. | Purchase Date | EQUI | ANSDT | Purchase Date |
MI_EQUIP000_PO_NO_C | Purchase Order Number | EQBS | KDAUF | Purchase Order Number |
MI_EQUIP000_SAP_CLASS_DESC_C | SAP Class Description | SWOR | KSCHL | SAP Class Description |
MI_EQUIP000_SZ_C | Size/Dimension | EQUI | GROES | Size/Dimension |
MI_EQUIP000_SORT_FIELD_C | Sort Field | ILOA | EQFNR | Sort Field |
MI_EQUIP000_SYS_ST_C | System Status | TJ02T | TXT04 | System Status |
MI_EQUIP000_TECH_DRW_NO_C | Technical Drawing Number | EQUI | HZEIN | Technical Drawing Number |
MI_EQUIP000_VLD_FRM_DAT_D Note: The time zone used for the value in the Valid From Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Equipment | Valid From Date | EQUZ | DATAB | Valid From Date |
MI_EQUIP000_WRNTY_EXPR_D Note: The time zone used for the value in the Warranty Expiration Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Equipment. | Warranty Expiration Date | BGMKOBJ | GWLEN | Date on which the warranty ends |
MI_EQUIP000_WBS_ELMNT_C | WBS Element | ILOA | POST1 | WBS Element |
MI_EQUIP000_YR_CONSTRD_N | Year Constructed | EQUI | BAUJJ | Year Constructed |
SAP Functional Location Mappings
The following table explains the SAP fields that are used to populate the baseline Functional Location fields when you extract SAP Functional Locations to create Functional Location records in APM.
All the APM fields belong to the MI_FNCLOC00 family.
APM Field ID | APM Field Caption | SAP Table | SAP Field | SAP Field Caption |
MI_FNCLOC00_BUS_AREA_C | Business Area | ILOA | GSBER | Business Area |
MI_FNCLOC00_BUS_AREA_D_C | Business Area Description | TGSBT | GTEXT | Business Area Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_CAT_PROF_C | Catalog Profile | IFLOT | RBNR | Catalog Profile |
MI_FNCLOC00_CAT_PROF_D_C | Catalog Profile Description | T352B_T | RBNRX | Catalog Profile Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_CATEG_C | Category | IFLOT | FLTYP | Category |
MI_FNCLOC00_CATEG_D_C | Category Description | T370F_T | TYPTX | Category Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_CREATE_DATE_D Note: The time zone used for the value in the CMMS Creation Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | CMMS Creation Date | IFLOT | ERDAT | SAP Creation Date |
MI_FNCLOC00_CHANGE_DATE_D Note: The time zone used for the value in the CMMS Last Changed Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | CMMS Last Changed Date | IFLOT | AEDAT | SAP Last Changed Date |
MI_FNCLOC00_CO_AREA_C | CO Area | ILOA | KOKRS | Controlling Area |
MI_FNCLOC00_CO_AREA_D_C | CO Area Description | TKA01 | BEZEI | Controlling Area Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_CO_CD_C | Company Code | ILOA | BUKRS | Company Code |
MI_FNCLOC00_CO_CD_D_C | Company Code Description | T001 | BUTXT | Company Code Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_CONST_TYP_C | Construction Type | IFLOT | SUBMT | Constr Type Material of Object |
MI_FNCLOC00_CONST_TYP_DESC_C | Construction Type Description | MAKT | MAKTX | Constr Type Material of Object Desc |
MI_FNCLOC00_CST_CNR_C | Cost Center | ILOA | KOSTL | Cost Center |
MI_FNCLOC00_CST_CNR_D_C | Cost Center Description | CSKT | KTEXT | Cost Center Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_CRTCAL_IND_C | Criticality Indicator | ILOA | ABCKZ | ABC Indicator |
MI_FNCLOC00_CRTCAL_IND_D_C | Criticality Indicator Description | T370C_T | ABCTX | ABC Indicator Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_EAM_REF_CREATE_DT_C | EAM Reference Creation Date | IFLOT | ERDAT | SAP Creation Date |
MI_FNCLOC00_EAM_REF_CREATE_DT_C | EAM Reference Last Changed Date | IFLOT | AEDAT | SAP Last Changed Date |
MI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_C | Functional Location | IFLOT | Computed from TPLNR using FM CONVERSION_EXIT_TPLNR_OUTPUT | FunctLocation |
MI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_DESC_C | Functional Location Description | IFLOTX | PLTXT | Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_INTERNAL_ID_C | Functional Location Internal ID | IFLOT | TPLNR | FunctLocation |
MI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_LNG_DESC_C | Functional Location Long Description | IFLOT | Retrieved using FM READ_TEXT with ID=LTXT, OBJECT=IFLOT | Long Text |
MI_FNCLOC00_INSTLD_ALWBL_C | Installation Allowed | IFLOT | IEQUI | Installation Allowed |
MI_FNCLOC00_LOCAT_C | Location | ILOA | STORT | Location |
MI_FNCLOC00_LOCAT_DESC_C | Location Description | T499S | KTEXT | Location Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_MAINT_PLNT_C | Maintenance Plant | ILOA | SWERK | Maintenance Plant |
MI_FNCLOC00_MAINT_PLNT_D_C | Maintenance Plant Description | T001W | NAME1 | Maintenance Plant Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_OBJ_TYP_C | Object Type | IFLO | EQART | Object Type |
MI_FNCLOC00_OBJ_TYP_DESC_C | Object Type Description | T370K_T | EARTX | Object Type Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_PLANNER_GROUP_C | Planner Group | IFLOT | INGRP | Planner Group |
MI_FNCLOC00_PLANNER_GRP_DESC_C | Planner Group Description | T024I | INNAM | Planner Group Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_PLNNG_PLNT_C | Planning Plant | IFLOT | IWERK | Planning Plant |
MI_FNCLOC00_PLNNG_PLNT_D_C | Planning Plant Description | T001W | NAME1 | Planning Plant Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_PLNT_SECT_C | Plant Section | ILOA | BEBER | Plant Section |
MI_FNCLOC00_PLNT_SECT_D_C | Plant Section Description | T357 | FING | Plant Section Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_ROOM_C | Room | ILOA | MSGRP | Room |
MI_FNCLOC00_SAP_CLASS_DESC_C | SAP Class Description | SWOR | KSCHL | Class Description |
MI_FNCLOC00_SORT_FLD_C | Sort Field | ILOA | EQFNR | Sort Field |
MI_FNCLOC00_STRUC_INDIC_C | Structure Indicator | IFLOT | TPLKZ | StrIndicator |
MI_FNCLOC00_SUPR_FNC_LOC_C | Superior Function Location | IFLOT | TPLMA | SupFunctLoc |
MI_FNCLOC00_SYS_STATUS_C | System Status | TJ02T | TXT04 | System Status |
MI_FNCLOC00_WRK_CNTR_C | Work Center | CRHD | ARBPL | Work Center |
MI_FNCLOC00_WRK_CNTR_DESC_C | Work Center Description | CRTX | KTEXT | Work Center Description |
Planned Work Mappings
The following table explains the SAP fields that are used to populate the baseline Planned Work fields.
All the APM fields belong to the MI_EAM_PLAN family.
APM Field ID | APM Field Caption | EAM Table | EAM Field ID | EAM Field Caption | Mapping Formula |
MI_EAM_PLAN_ACTION_ID_C | Action ID | MPOS | LTXT | Maintenance Item Long text | Set with the value of action ID obtained by parsing the first 100 characters of the Maintenance Long text field {"ActionID" :"Action Id value"}. |
MI_EAM_PLAN_DELETE_C | Delete Flag | JEST/TJ02T | TXT04 | Individual status of an object (short form) | If the status of the object is DLT or DLFL, this flag is set to X. |
MI_EAM_PLAN_SYSTEM_ID_C | EAM System ID | None | SY-SID, SY-MANDT | SAP System | Concatenate SY-SID with SY-MANDT. |
MI_EAM_PLAN_EQUIP_C | Equipment | VIMPOS | EQUNR | Equipment Number | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_FUNC_LOC_C | Functional Location | VIMPOS | TPLNR | Functional Location | APM displays the functional location label (TPLNR). |
MI_EAM_PLAN_ITM_CALL_DATE_D | Item Call Date | MHIS | HORDA | Call date Note: The time zone used for the value in the item call date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the maintenance plan in SAP. | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_ITM_CALLDT_EAMRF_C | Item Call Date (EAM Reference Char field) | MHIS | HORDA | Call date | Null |
MI_EAM_ITEM_CHANGE_DT_D | Item Change Date | VIMPOS | AEDAT | Changed On Note: The time zone used for the value in the SAP Last Changed Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Null |
MI_EAM_ITEM_CHNG_DT_EAM_REF_C | Item Change Date (EAM Reference Char field) | VIMPOS | AEDAT | Changed On | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_ITEM_CREATED_DT | Item Created Date | VIMPOS | ERSDT | Date of creation Note: The time zone used for the value in the SAP creation Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Null |
MI_EAM_ITEM_CRT_DT_EAM_REF_C | Item Created Date (EAM Reference Char field) | VIMPOS | ERSDT | Date of creation | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_ITEM_DESC_C | Item Description | VIMPOS | PSTXT | Item Short Text | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_ITEM_ID_C | Item ID | VIMPOS | WAPOS | Maintenance item | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_ITM_LAST_DATE_D | Item Last Executed Date | MHIS | LRMDT | Date of last completion in maintenance plan Note: The time zone used for the value in the item call date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the maintenance plan in SAP. | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_ITM_LASTDT_EAMRF_C | Item Last Executed Date (EAM Reference Char field) | MHIS | LRMDT | Date of last completion in maintenance plan | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_ITEM_LONG_TXT_T | Item Long Text | MPOS | LTXT | Maintenance Item Long text | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_ITM_NEXT_DATE_D | Item Next Planned Date | MHIS | NPLDA | Next planned date Note: The time zone used for the value in the item call date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the maintenance plan in SAP. | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_ITM_NEXTDT_EAMRF_C | Item Next Planned Date (EAM Reference Char field) | MHIS | NPLDA | Next planned date | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_ITM_OBJ_NUM_N | Item Sub Object Number | ROW ID | None | None | Line number of Maintenance items. |
MI_EAM_PLAN_CALL_HORIZ_N | Plan Call Horizon | VIMPLA | HORIZ | Call horizon for maintenance plan calls | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_CATEG_C | Plan Category | VIMPLA | MPTYP | Maintenance plan category | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_CHANGE_DT_D | Plan Change Date | VIMPLA | AEDAT | Changed On Note: The time zone used for the value in the SAP Last Changed Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_CHG_DT_EAM_REF_C | Plan Change Date (EAM Reference Char field) | VIMPLA | AEDAT | Changed On | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_CREATED_DT_D | Plan Created Date | VIMPLA | ERSDT | Date of creation Note: The time zone used for the value in the SAP creation Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_CREA_DT_EAM_REF_C | Plan Created Date (EAM Reference Char field) | VIMPLA | ERSDT | Date of creation | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_DESC_C | Plan Description | VIMPLA | WPTXT | Maintenance Plan Text | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_PLAN_ID_C | Plan ID | VIMPLA | WARPL | Maintenance Plan | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_INACTIVE_C | Plan Inactive | JEST/TJ02T | TXT04 | Individual status of an object (short form) | If the status of the object is DLT or DLFL, this flag is set to X. |
MI_EAM_PLAN_INTERVAL_N | Plan Interval | MMPT | ZYKL1 | Maintenance package cycle/offset | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_INT_UNITS_C | Plan Interval Units | MMPT | ZEIEH | Unit for the performance of maintenance tasks | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_LONG_TEXT_T | Plan Long Text | MPLA | LTXT | Maintenance Plan Long text | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_START_DATE_D | Plan Start Date | VIMPLA | STADT | Start date Note: The time zone used for the value in the item call date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the maintenance plan in SAP. | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_STRATEGY_C | Plan Strategy | VIMPLA | STRAT | Maintenance strategy | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_TL_CHANGE_DT_D | Task List Change Date | PLKO | AEDAT | Changed On Note: The time zone used for the value in the SAP Last Changed Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Null |
MI_EAM_TL_CHNG_DT_EAM_REF_C | Task List Change Date (EAM Reference Char field) | PLKO | AEDAT | Changed On | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_TL_CRT_DT_D | Task List Created Date | PLKO | ANDAT | Date record created on Note: The time zone used for the value in the SAP creation Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Null |
MI_EAM_TL_CRT_DT_EAM_REF_C | Task List Created Date (EAM Reference Char field) | PLKO | ANDAT | Date record created on | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_TL_DELETE_C | Task List Delete Flag | PLKO | LOEKZ | Deletion Indicator | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_TASK_LIST_DESC_C | Task List Description | PLKO | KTEXT | Task list description | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_TASK_LIST_ID_C | Task List ID | PLKO | PLNTY, PLNNR, PLNAL | Deletion Indicator | Concatenate PLNTY, PLNNR, and PLNAL. |
Planned Work Details Mapping
The following table explains the SAP fields that are used to populate the baseline Planned Work Details fields.
All the APM fields belong to the MI_EAM_PLAN_DTL family.
APM Field ID | APM Field Caption | EAM Table | EAM Field ID | EAM Field Caption | Mapping Formula |
MI_EAM_PLAN_DTL_ACTION_ID_C | Action ID | ROUTING | PLPO | Operation Long text | Set with the value of action ID obtained by parsing the first 100 characters of the Operation Long text field {"ActionID" :"Action Id value"}. |
MI_EAM_PLAN_SYSTEM_ID_C | EAM System ID | None | SY-SID, SY-MANDT | SAP System | Concatenate SY-SID with SY-MANDT. |
MI_EAM_OP_CHANGE_DT_D | Operation Change Date | PLPO | AEDAT | Changed On Note: The time zone used for the value in the SAP Last Changed Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Null |
MI_EAM_OP_CHNG_DT_EAM_REF_C | Operation Change Date (EAM Reference Char field) | PLPO | AEDAT | Changed On | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_DTL_OP_CTRL_KY_C | Operation Control Key | PLPO | STEUS | Control key | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_DTL_OP_CRT_DT | Operation Created Date | PLPO | ANDAT | Date record created on Note: The time zone used for the value in the SAP Last Changed Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Null |
MI_EAM_OP_CRT_DT_EAM_REF_C | Operation Created Date (EAM Reference Char field) | PLPO | ANDAT | Date record created on | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_DTL_DELETE_C | Operation Delete Flag | PLPO | LOEKZ | Deletion Indicator | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_DTL_OPER_DESC_C | Operation Description | PLPO | LTXA1, LTXA1 | Operation short text | Concatenate LTXA1 with LTXA1. |
MI_EAM_PLAN_DTL_OPER_ID_C | Operation ID | PLPO | VORNR | Operation/Activity Number | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_DTL_OP_LNG_TXT_T | Operation Long Text | ROUTING | PLPO | Text for task list types - Long text | Null |
MI_EAM_PLAN_TASK_LIST_ID_C | Task List ID | PLKO | PLNTY, PLNNR, PLNAL | Deletion Indicator | Concatenate PLNTY, PLNNR, and PLNAL. |
SAP Work History Mappings
The following tables explain the SAP fields that are used to populate the baseline Work History fields when you extract Orders and Notifications from SAP.
The tables are divided into sections, depending on the source of the Work History records. The Work History records can be created from:
- Orders with Notifications
- Orders without associated Notifications
- Notifications without associated Orders
Values Mapped to Records That Were Created from Orders with Notifications
APM Field ID | APM Field Caption | SAP Table | SAP Field ID | SAP Field Caption |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_PM_ACT_C Note: The value in the Activity Type field is associated with Order Preventive Maintenance. | Activity Type | VIAUFKST | ILART | Maintenance activity type |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_PM_ACT_DESC_C Note: The value in the Activity Type Description field is associated with Order Preventive Maintenance. | Activity Type Description | T353I_T | ILATX | Description of maintenance activity type |
MI_EVWKHIST_ACT_LABOR_TIME_N Note: The value in the Actual Labor field is calculated as the sum of actual hours across all Operations that are associated with the Order (in the SAP user interface, this value is visible in the box in the Act. Data section of the Operation). | Actual Labor | AFVV | ISMNW | Actual work |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASMBLY_DESC_C | Assembly Description | MAKT | MAKTX | Material description |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASST_TECH_ID_C | Asset Tech ID | EQUZ | TIDNR | Technical identification number |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASST_TYP_DESC_C | Equipment Type Description | T370K_T | EARTX | Text for Object Type |
MI_EVWKHIST_BRKDN_IND_F | Breakdown Indicator | VIQMEL | MSAUS | Breakdown Indicator |
MI_EVWKHIST_SAP_SYSTEM_C | CMMS System | SY-SYSID + “-” + SY-MANDT | N/A | Name of SAP R/3 System - R/3 System, client number from logon |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_START_DT_C | EAM Reference Event Start Date | VIQMEL | QMDAT, MZEIT | Date/Time of Notification |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_MAINT_COMPL_DT_C | EAM Reference Maintenance Completion Date | VIAUFKST | GETRI, GEUZI | Actual finish date/time |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_MAINT_START_DT_C | EAM Reference Maintenance Start Date | VIAUFKST | GSTRI, GSUZI | Actual start date/time |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_MECH_AVAIL_DT_C | EAM Reference Mechanically Available Date | VIQMEL | AUSBS, AUZTB | End of Malfunction (Date/Time) |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_MECH_UNAVL_DT_C | EAM Reference Mechanically Unavailable Date | VIQMEL | AUSVN, AUZTV | Start of Malfunction (Date/Time) |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_ORDR_CRT_DT_C | EAM Reference Order Creation Date | VIAUFKST | ERDAT, ERFZEIT | Created on Date/Time |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_ORDR_CHNG_DT_C | EAM Reference Order Last Change Date | VIAUFKST | AEDAT, AEZEIT | Change date/time for Order Master |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_RQST_CRT_DT_C | EAM Reference Request Creation Date | VIQMEL | ERDAT, ERZEIT | Date/Time on which the record was created |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_ORDR_CHNG_DT_C | EAM Reference Request Last Change Date | VIQMEL | AEDAT, AEZEIT | Date/Time of Last Change |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_SCHED_COMPL_DT_C | EAM Reference Scheduled Completion Date | VIAUFKST | GLTRS, GLUZS | Scheduled finish date/time |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_SCHED_START_DT_C | EAM Reference Scheduled Start Date | VIAUFKST | GSTRS, GSUZS | Scheduled start date/time |
MI_EVWKHIST_EFFCT_CD_C | Effect Code | VIQMEL | AUSWK | Effect on Operation |
MI_EVWKHIST_EFFCT_DESC_C | Effect Description | T357A_T | AUSWKT | Text - Effect on Operation |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASST_CTGRY_DESC_C | Equipment Category Description | T370U | TYPTX | Equipment category description |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASST_CL_DESC_C | Equipment Class Description | SWOR | KSCHL | Keywords |
MI_EVENT_ASST_ID_CHR | Equipment ID | VIAUFKST/OBJK | EQUNR | Equipment number |
MI_EVENT_ASST_DESC_CHR | Equipment Short Description | EQKT | EQKTX | Description of technical object |
MI_EVWKHIST_EST_LABOR_TIME_N Note: The value in the Estimated Labor field is calculated as the sum of planned hours across all Operations that are associated with the order (in the SAP Adapter, this value is visible in the Work box in the Internal section of the Operation.) | Estimated Labor | AFVV | ARBEI | Work involved in the activity |
MI_EVWKHIST_EVENT_DATE_DESC_C Note: If the Notification is not assigned to a Work Order, the Event Date Description field is populated with the following static value: Order Actual Start Date. Otherwise, this field is populated with the following value: Notification Date. | Event Date Description | N/A | N/A | N/A |
MI_EVENT_ID | Event ID | VIQMEL, VIAUFKST | QMNUM, AUFNR (Combination of WH-QMNUM-AUFNR) | Notification Number - Order Number |
MI_EVENT_LNG_DSC_TX | Event Long Description | QMEL, AUFK | LTXT, KOPF | Notification long text - work Order long text |
MI_EVENT_SHRT_DSC_CHR | Event Short Description | VIQMEL | QMTXT | Short Text |
MI_EVENT_STRT_DT Note: The value in the Event Start Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Notification. | Event Start Date | VIQMEL | QMDAT, MZEIT | Date/Time of Notification |
MI_EVENT_TYP_CHR Note: The value in the Event Type field is populated with the following static value: Work History. | Event Type | N/A | N/A | N/A |
MI_EVWKHIST_FAILR_MODE_CD_C | Failure Mode Code | VIQMEL | QMCOD | Coding |
MI_EVWKHIST_FAILR_MODE_DESC_C | Failure Mode Description | QPCT | KURZTEXT | Short Text for Code |
MI_EVENT_LOC_ID_CHR | Location ID | VIQMEL/OBJK | TPLNR | Functional Location |
MI_EVENT_LOC_SHRT_DESC_CHR | Location Short Description | IFLOTX | PLTXT | Description of functional location |
MI_EVWKHIST_MAINT_COMPL_D Note: The value in the Maintenance Completion Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Work Order. | Maintenance Completion Date | VIAUFKST | GETRI, GEUZI | Actual finish date/time |
MI_EVWKHIST_MAINT_CST_N | Maintenance Cost | PMCO | Σ(WRT00 - WRT16) | Sum of (Period value in ledger currency) |
MI_EVWKHIST_MAINT_CST_UOM_C | Maintenance Cost UOM | PMCO | COCUR | Maintenance Cost UOM |
MI_EVWKHIST_MAINT_START_D Note: The value in the Maintenance Start Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Work Order. | Maintenance Start Date | VIAUFKST | GSTRI, GSUZI | Actual start date/time |
MI_EVWKHIST_MECH_DWN_TIME_N | Mechanical Down Time | VIQMEL | AUSZT | Breakdown Duration |
MI_EVWKHIST_MECH_AVAIL_D Note: The value in the Mechanically Available Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Notification. | Mechanically Available Date | VIQMEL | AUSBS, AUZTB | End of Malfunction (Date/Time) |
MI_EVWKHIST_MECH_UNAVL_D Note: The value in the Mechanically Unavailable Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Notification. | Mechanically Unavailable Date | VIQMEL | AUSVN, AUZTV | Start of Malfunction (Date/Time) |
MI_EVWKHIST_OBJECT_NUMBER_C | Object Number | VIAUFKST | AUFNR | Work Order Object number |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_CALL_NBR_C | Order Call Number | VIAUFKST | ABNUM | Maintenance plan call number |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_CRT_DT_D Note: The value in the Order Creation Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Order Creation Date | VIAUFKST | ERDAT, ERFZEIT | Created on Date/Time |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_DESC_C | Order Description | VIAUFKST | KTEXT | Short text |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_CHNG_DT_D Note: The value in the Order Last Change Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Order Last Change Date | VIAUFKST | AEDAT, AEZEIT | Change date/time for Order Master |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_MAINT_ITEM_C | Order Maintenance Item | VIAUFKST | WAPOS | Maintenance item |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_MAINT_PLAN_C | Order Maintenance Plan | VIAUFKST | WARPL | Maintenance plan |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_PRTY_C | Order Priority | VIAUFKST | PRIOK | Priority |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_PRTY_DESC_C | Order Priority Description | T356_T | PRIOKX | Priority Text |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_SYS_COND_C | Order System Condition | VIAUFKST | ANLZU | Overall condition of technical system |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_SYS_CND_DES_C | Order System Condition Description | T357M_T | ANLZUX | Text on Operating Condition |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_SYS_STAT_C | Order System Status | TJ02T | TXT04 | Individual status of an object (short form) |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_TYP_CD_C | Order Type Code | VIAUFKST | AUART | Order Type |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_TYP_DESC_C | Order Type Description | T003P | TXT | Short Text |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_USER_STAT_C | Order User Status | TJ30T | TXT04 | Individual status of an object (short form) |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_CRT_DT_D Note: The value in the Request Creation Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Request Creation Date | VIQMEL | ERDAT, ERZEIT | Date/Time on which the record was created |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_DESC_C | Request Description | VIQMEL | QMTXT | Short Text |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_ID_C | Request ID | VIQMEL/OBJK | QMNUM/IHNUM | Notification Number |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_CHNG_DT_D Note: The value in the Request Last Change Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Request Last Change Date | VIQMEL | AEDAT, AEZEIT | Date/Time of Last Change |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_PRTY_C | Request Priority | VIQMEL | PRIOK | Priority |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_PRTY_DESC_C | Request Priority Description | T356_T | PRIOKX | Priority Text |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_SYS_STAT_C | Request System Status | TJ02T | TXT04 | Individual status of an object (short form) |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_TYP_CD_C | Request Type Code | VIQMEL | QMART | Notification Type |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_TYP_DESC_C | Request Type Description | TQ80_T | QMARTX | Notification Type Texts |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_USER_STAT_C | Request User Status | TJ30T | TXT04 | Individual status of an object (short form) |
MI_EVENT_ASST_CTGRY_CHR | SAP Category | EQUI | EQTYP | Equipment category |
MI_EVENT_ASST_CL_CHR | SAP Class | KLAH | CLASS | Class Number |
MI_EVENT_ASST_TYP_CHR | SAP Type | EQUI | EQART | Type of Technical Object |
MI_EVWKHIST_SCHED_COMPL_D Note: The value in the Scheduled Completion Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Work Order. | Scheduled Completion Date | VIAUFKST | GLTRS, GLUZS | Scheduled finish date/time |
MI_EVWKHIST_SCHED_START_D Note: The value in the Scheduled Start Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Work Order. | Scheduled Start Date | VIAUFKST | GSTRS, GSUZS | Scheduled start date/time |
MI_EVWKHIST_SUB_OBJECT_NUM_C | Sub Object Number | VIAUFKST/OBJK | OBZAE | Object List Count |
Values Mapped to Records That Were Created Without Notifications
APM Field ID | APM Field Caption | SAP Table | SAP Field ID | SAP Field Caption |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_PM_ACT_C Note: The value in the Activity Type field is associated with Order Preventive Maintenance. | Activity Type | VIAUFKST | ILART | Maintenance activity type |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_PM_ACT_DESC_C Note: The value in the Activity Type Description field is associated with Order Preventive Maintenance. | Activity Type Description | T353I_T | ILATX | Description of maintenance activity type |
MI_EVWKHIST_ACT_LABOR_TIME_N Note: The value in the Actual Labor field is calculated as the sum of actual hours across all Operations that are associated with the Order (in the SAP user interface, this value is visible in the Actual work box in the Act. Data section of the Operation). | Actual Labor | AFVV | ISMNW | Actual work |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASMBLY_DESC_C | Assembly Description | MAKT | MAKTX | Material description |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASST_TECH_ID_C | Asset Tech ID | EQUZ | TIDNR | Technical identification number |
MI_EVWKHIST_SAP_SYSTEM_C | CMMS System | SY-SYSID + “-” + SY-MANDTSY | N/A | Name of SAP R/3 System - R/3 System, client number from logon |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_START_DT_C | EAM Reference Event Start Date | VIAUFKST/VIQMEL | GSTRI, GSUZI / QMDAT/MZEIT | Date, Time of Work Order / Notification |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_MAINT_START_DT_C | EAM Reference Maintenance Start Date | VIAUFKST | GSTRI, GSUZI | Actual start date/time |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_ORDR_CRT_DT_C | EAM Reference Order Creation Date | VIAUFKST | ERDAT, ERFZEIT | Date/Time on which the record was created |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_ORDR_CHNG_DT_C | EAM Reference Order Last Change Date | VIAUFKST | AEDAT, AEZEIT | Date/Time of Last Change |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASST_CTGRY_DESC_C | Equipment Category Description | T370U | TYPTX | Equipment category description |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASST_CL_DESC_C | Equipment Class Description | SWOR | KSCHL | Keywords |
MI_EVENT_ASST_ID_CHR | Equipment ID | VIAUFKST/OBJK | EQUNR | Equipment number |
MI_EVENT_ASST_DESC_CHR | Equipment Short Description | EQKT | EQKTX | Description of technical object |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASST_TYP_DESC_C | Equipment Type Description | T370K_T | EARTX | Text for Object Type |
MI_EVWKHIST_EST_LABOR_TIME_N Note: The value in the Estimated Labor field is calculated as the sum of planned hours across all Operations that are associated with the order (in the SAP Adapter, this value is visible in the Work box in the Internal section of the Operation.) | Estimated Labor | AFVV | ARBEI | Work involved in the activity |
MI_EVWKHIST_EVENT_DATE_DESC_C Note: If the Notification is not assigned to a Work Order, the Event Date Description field is populated with the following static value: Order Actual Start Date. Otherwise, this field is populated with the following value: Notification Date. | Event Date Description | N/A | N/A | N/A |
MI_EVENT_ID | Event ID | VIAUFKST | AUFNR | Order Number |
MI_EVENT_LNG_DSC_TX | Event Long Description | AUFK | Retrieved by calling FM READ_TEXT with ID=LTXT, OBJECT=AUFK | Long Desc |
MI_EVENT_SHRT_DSC_CHR | Event Short Description | VIAUFKST/VIQMEL | KTEXT / QMTXT | Short text |
MI_EVENT_STRT_DT Note: The value in the Event Start Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Notification. | Event Start Date | VIAUFKST/VIQMEL | GSTRI, GSUZI / QMDAT/MZEIT | Date, Time of Work Order / Notification |
MI_EVENT_TYP_CHR Note: The value in the Event Type field is populated with the following static value: Work History. | Event Type | N/A | N/A | N/A |
MI_EVENT_LOC_ID_CHR | Location ID | VIAUFKST/OBJK | TPLNR | Functional Location |
MI_EVENT_LOC_SHRT_DESC_CHR | Location Short Description | IFLOTX | PLTXT | Description of functional location |
MI_EVWKHIST_MAINT_COMPL_D Note: The value in the Maintenance Completion Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Work Order. | Maintenance Completion Date | VIAUFKST | GETRI, GEUZI | Actual finish date/time |
MI_EVWKHIST_MAINT_CST_N | Maintenance Cost | PMCO | Σ(WRT00 - WRT16) | Sum of (Period value in ledger currency) |
MI_EVWKHIST_MAINT_CST_UOM_C | Maintenance Cost UOM | PMCO | COCUR | Maintenance Cost UOM |
MI_EVWKHIST_MAINT_START_D Note: The value in the Maintenance Start Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Work Order. | Maintenance Start Date | VIAUFKST | GSTRI, GSUZI | Actual start date/time |
MI_EVWKHIST_OBJECT_NUMBER_C | Object Number | VIAUFKST | AUFNR | Work Order Object number |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_CALL_NBR_C | Order Call Number | VIAUFKST | ABNUM | Maintenance plan call number |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_CRT_DT_D Note: The value in the Order Creation Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Order Creation Date | VIAUFKST | ERDAT, ERFZEIT | Date/Time on which the record was created |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_DESC_C | Order Description | VIAUFKST | KTEXT | Short text |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_CHNG_DT_D Note: The value in the Order Last Change Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Order Last Change Date | VIAUFKST | AEDAT, AEZEIT | Date/Time of Last Change |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_MAINT_ITEM_C | Order Maintenance Item | VIAUFKST | WAPOS | Maintenance item |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_MAINT_PLAN_C | Order Maintenance Plan | VIAUFKST | WARPL | Maintenance plan |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_PRTY_C | Order Priority | VIAUFKST | PRIOK | Priority |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_PRTY_DESC_C | Order Priority Description | T356_T | PRIOKX | Priority Text |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_SYS_COND_C | Order System Condition | VIAUFKST | ANLZU | Overall condition of technical system |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_SYS_CND_DES_C | Order System Condition Description | T357M_T | ANLZUX | Text on Operating Condition |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_SYS_STAT_C | Order System Status | TJ02T | TXT04 | Individual status of an object (short form) |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_TYP_CD_C | Order Type Code | VIAUFKST | AUART | Order Type |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_TYP_DESC_C | Order Type Description | T003P | TXT | Short Text |
MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_USER_STAT_C | Order User Status | TJ30T | TXT04 | Individual status of an object (short form) |
MI_EVENT_ASST_CTGRY_CHR | SAP Category | EQUI | EQTYP | Equipment category |
MI_EVENT_ASST_CL_CHR | SAP Class | KLAH | CLASS | Class Number |
MI_EVENT_ASST_TYP_CHR | SAP Type | EQUI | EQART | Type of Technical Object |
MI_EVWKHIST_SUB_OBJECT_NUM_C | Sub Object Number | VIAUFKST/OBJK | OBZAE | Object List Count |
Values Mapped to Records That Were Created from Notifications Without Associated Orders
APM Field ID | APM Field Caption | SAP Table | SAP Field ID | SAP Field Caption |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASMBLY_C | Assembly | VIQMEL | BAUTL | Assembly |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASMBLY_DESC_C | Assembly Description | MAKT | MAKTX | Material description |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASST_TECH_ID_C | Asset Tech ID | EQUZ | TIDNR | Technical identification number |
MI_EVWKHIST_BRKDN_IND_F | Breakdown Indicator | VIQMEL | MSAUS | Breakdown Indicator |
MI_EVWKHIST_SAP_SYSTEM_C | CMMS System | SY-SYSID + “-” + SY-MANDTSY | N/A | Name of SAP R/3 System - R/3 System, client number from logon |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_START_DT_C | EAM Reference Event Start Date | VIQMEL | QMDAT, MZEIT | Date/Time of Notification |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_MECH_AVAIL_DT_C | EAM Reference Mechanically Available Date | VIQMEL | AUSBS, AUZTB | End of Malfunction (Date/Time) |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_MECH_UNAVL_DT_C | EAM Reference Mechanically Unavailable Date | VIQMEL | AUSVN, AUZTV | Start of Malfunction (Date/Time) |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_RQST_CRT_DT_C | EAM Reference Request Creation Date | VIQMEL | ERDAT, ERZEIT | Date/Time on which the record was created |
MI_EVWKHIST_EAM_REF_RQST_CHNG_DT_C | EAM Reference Request Last Change Date | VIQMEL | AEDAT, AEZEIT | Date/Time of Last Change |
MI_EVWKHIST_EFFCT_CD_C | Effect Code | VIQMEL | AUSWK | Effect on Operation |
MI_EVWKHIST_EFFCT_DESC_C | Effect Description | T357A_T | AUSWKT | Text - Effect on Operation |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASST_CTGRY_DESC_C | Equipment Category Description | T370U | TYPTX | Equipment category description |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASST_CL_DESC_C | Equipment Class Description | SWOR | KSCHL | Keywords |
MI_EVENT_ASST_ID_CHR | Equipment ID | VIQMEL | EQUNR | Equipment number |
MI_EVENT_ASST_DESC_CHR | Equipment Short Description | EQKT | EQKTX | Description of technical object |
MI_EVWKHIST_ASST_TYP_DESC_C | Equipment Type Description | T370K_T | EARTX | Text for Object Type |
MI_EVWKHIST_EVENT_DATE_DESC_C Note: The value in the Event Date Description field is populated with the following static value: Notification Date. | Event Date Description | N/A | N/A | N/A |
MI_EVENT_ID | Event ID | VIQMEL | QMNUM | Notification Number |
MI_EVENT_LNG_DSC_TX | Event Long Description | QMEL | Retrieved by calling FM READ_TEXT with ID=LTXT, OBJECT=QMEL | Notification Long Desc |
MI_EVENT_SHRT_DSC_CHR | Event Short Description | VIQMEL | QMTXT | Short Text |
MI_EVENT_STRT_DT Note: The value in the Event Start Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Notification. | Event Start Date | VIQMEL | QMDAT, MZEIT | Date/Time of Notification |
MI_EVENT_TYP_CHR Note: The Event Type field is populated with the following static value: Work History. | Event Type | N/A | N/A | N/A |
MI_EVWKHIST_FAILR_MODE_CD_C | Failure Mode Code | VIQMEL | QMCOD | Coding |
MI_EVWKHIST_FAILR_MODE_DESC_C | Failure Mode Description | QPCT | KURZTEXT | Short Text for Code |
MI_EVENT_LOC_ID_CHR | Location ID | VIQMEL | TPLNR | Functional Location |
MI_EVENT_LOC_SHRT_DESC_CHR | Location Short Description | IFLOTX | PLTXT | Description of functional location |
MI_EVWKHIST_MECH_DWN_TIME_N | Mechanical Down Time | VIQMEL | AUSZT | Breakdown Duration |
MI_EVWKHIST_MECH_AVAIL_D Note: The value in the Mechanically Available Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Notification. | Mechanically Available Date | VIQMEL | AUSBS, AUZTB | End of Malfunction (Date/Time) |
MI_EVWKHIST_MECH_UNAVL_D Note: The value in the Mechanically Unavailable Date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Notification. | Mechanically Unavailable Date | VIQMEL | AUSVN, AUZTV | Start of Malfunction (Date/Time) |
MI_EVWKHIST_OBJECT_NUMBER_C | Object Number | VIAUFKST | AUFNR | Work Order Object number |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_CRT_DT_D Note: The value in the Request Creation Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Request Creation Date | VIQMEL | ERDAT, ERZEIT | Date/Time on which the record was created |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_DESC_C | Request Description | VIQMEL | QMTXT | Short Text |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_ID_C | Request ID | VIQMEL | QMNUM | Notification Number |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_CHNG_DT_D Note: The value in the Request Last Change Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Request Last Change Date | VIQMEL | AEDAT, AEZEIT | Date/Time of Last Change |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_PRTY_C | Request Priority | VIQMEL | PRIOK | Priority |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_PRTY_DESC_C | Request Priority Description | T356_T | PRIOKX | Priority Text |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_SYS_STAT_C | Request System Status | TJ02T | TXT04 | Individual status of an object (short form) |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_TYP_CD_C | Request Type Code | VIQMEL | QMART | Notification Type |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_TYP_DESC_C | Request Type Description | TQ80_T | QMARTX | Notification Type Texts |
MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_USER_STAT_C | Request User Status | TJ30T | TXT04 | Individual status of an object (short form) |
MI_EVENT_ASST_CTGRY_CHR | SAP Category | EQUI | EQTYP | Equipment category |
MI_EVENT_ASST_CL_CHR | SAP Class | KLAH | CLASS | Class Number |
MI_EVENT_ASST_TYP_CHR | SAP Type | EQUI | EQART | Type of Technical Object |
MI_EVWKHIST_SUB_OBJECT_NUM_C | Sub Object Number | VIAUFKST/OBJK | OBZAE | Object List Count |
SAP Work History Detail Mappings
The following table explains the SAP fields that are used to populate the baseline Work History Detail fields when you extract Orders and Notifications from SAP.
All the APM fields belong to the MI_DTWKHIST family.
APM Field ID | APM Field Caption | SAP Table | SAP Field | SAP Field Caption |
MI_DTWKHIST_CAUSE_CD_C | Cause Code | QMUR | URCOD | Cause Code |
MI_DTWKHIST_CAUSE_DESC_C | Cause Description | QPCT | KURZTEXT | Short Text for Code |
MI_DTWKHIST_CREATE_DATE_D Note: The time zone used for the value in the CMMS Creation Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | CMMS Creation Date | VIAUFKS | ERDAT, ERZEIT | SAP Creation Date |
MI_DTWKHIST_CHANGE_DATE_D Note: The time zone used for the value in the CMMS Last Changed Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | CMMS Last Changed Date | VIAUFKS | AEDAT, AEZEIT | SAP Last Changed Date |
MI_DTWKHIST_CNDTN_CD_C | Condition Code | QMFE | FECOD | Problem |
MI_DTWKHIST_CNDTN_DESC_C | Condition Description | QPCT | KURZTEXT | Short Text for Code |
MI_DTWKHIST_DTL_NARTV_T | Detail Narrative | QMFE | LTXT | Long Text |
MI_DTWKHIST_EAM_REF_CREATE_DT_C | EAM Reference Creation Date | VIAUFKS | ERDAT, ERZEIT | SAP Creation Date |
MI_DTWKHIST_EAM_REF_CHANGE_DT_C | EAM Reference Last Changed Date | VIAUFKS | AEDAT, AEZEIT | SAP Last Changed Date |
MI_DTWKHIST_ASST_CTGRY_C | Equipment Category | EQUI | EQTYP | Equipment category |
MI_DTWKHIST_ASST_CTGRY_DESC_C | Equipment Category Description | T370U | TYPTX | Equipment category description |
MI_DTWKHIST_ASST_CLASS_C | Equipment Class | KLAH | CLASS | Class Number |
MI_DTWKHIST_ASST_CLASS_DESC_C | Equipment Class Description | SWOR | KSCHL | Keywords |
MI_DTWKHIST_ASST_ID_C | Equipment ID | VIQMEL | EQUNR | Equipment number |
MI_DTWKHIST_ASST_TYP_C | Equipment Type | EQUI | EQART | Type of Technical Object |
MI_DTWKHIST_ASST_TYP_DESC_C | Equipment Type Description | T370K_T | EARTX | Text for Object Type |
MI_DTWKHIST_LOC_ID_C | Location ID | VIQMEL | TPLNR | Functional Location |
MI_DTWKHIST_MAINT_ITEM_CD_C | Maintainable Item Code | QMFE | OTEIL | Part of Object |
MI_DTWKHIST_MAINT_ITEM_DESC_C | Maintainable Item Description | QPCT | KURZTEXT | Short Text for Code |
MI_DTWKHIST_MAINT_ACTN_CD_C | Maintenance Action Code | QMMA | MNCOD | Activity Code |
MI_DTWKHIST_MAINT_ACTN_DESC_C | Maintenance Action Description | QPCT | KURZTEXT | Short Text for Code |
MI_DTWKHIST_MARKED_FOR_DEL_F | Marked for Deletion? | QMFE | KZLOESCH | Delete Data Record |
MI_DTWKHIST_EVNT_DTL_DESC_C | Work History Detail Description | VIQMEL | QMTXT | Short Text |
MI_DTWKHIST_EVNT_DTL_ID_C | Work History Detail ID | QMFE, VIQMEL | QMNUM, AUFNR, FENUM | Notification Number - Order Number |
MI_DTWKHIST_WRK_HISTRY_ID_C | Work History ID | VIAUFKS | QMNUM | Notification Number |
MI_DTWKHIST_RQST_ID_C | Request ID | VIQMEL | QMNUM | Notification Number |
SAP Technical Characteristics Mappings
The following table explains the SAP fields that are used to populate the baseline Technical Characteristic fields when you extract SAP characteristics to create Technical Characteristic records in APM.
APM Field Name | APM Field Name | SAP Table | SAP Field ID |
Length of Data Type | MI_TECHCHAR_NUM_CHARS_N | CABN | ANZST |
Number of Decimal Places | MI_TECHCHAR_NUM_DEC_PLACES_N | CABN | ANZDZ |
Functional Location ID | MI_TECHCHAR_FLOC_ID_C | IFLOT | TPLNR |
Technical Characteristics ID | MI_TECHCHAR_ID_C | CABNT | ATINN |
Unit of Measurement | MI_TECHCHAR_UOM_C | TCURC T006 | ISOCD MSEH6 |
Restrictable Characteristic Indicator | MI_TECHCHAR_IS_RESTRICTABLE_F | CABN | ATGLA |
Technical Characteristic Value Description | MI_TECHCHAR_VALUE_DESC_C | CABNT | ATBEZ |
SAP Work Management Mappings
The following table explains the SAP fields that are used to populate the baseline Work Management fields when you extract SAP characteristics to create Work Management records in APM.
All the APM fields belong to the MI_TASKCALB/MITASKINSP family.
APM Field ID | APM Field Caption | SAP Table | SAP Field | SAP Field Caption | Mapping Formula |
MI_TASK_LAST_DATE_DT Note: The time zone used for the value in the Actual finish: Execution (date) field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Work Management. | Last Date | AFVV | IEDD | Actual finish: Execution (date) | Null |
MI_TASK_EAM_REF_LAST_DT_C | EAM Reference Last Date | AFVV | IEDD | Actual finish: Execution (date) | Null |
MI_TASK_DESC_TX | Task Description | VIMPOS / PLKO | EQUNR / TPLNR | Equipment/Functional Location | Concatenate EQUNR or TPLNR with - and PLPO.LTXA1 + PLPO.LTXA2 |
MI_TASK_TASK_LIST_GROUP_CNTR_C | Task List Group Counter | PLKO | PLNAL | Group Counter | PLNAL |
MI_TASK_TASK_LIST_GROUP_C | Task List Group | PLKO | PLNNR | Key for Task List Group | PLNNR |
MI_TASK_MAINT_PLAN_ITEM_NBR_C | Maintenance Item | MPOS | WAPOS | Maintenance item | WAPOS |
MI_TASK_MAINT_PLAN_NBR_C | Maintenance Plan | MPLA | WARPL | Maintenance Plan | WARPL |
MI_TASK_NEXT_DATE_DT Note: The time zone used for the value in the Next planned date field is the same as the time zone of the user who created the Work Management. | Next Date | MHIS | NPLDA | Next planned date | Null |
MI_TASK_EAM_REF_NEXT_DT_C | EAM Reference Next Date | MHIS | NPLDA | Next planned date | Null |
MI_TASK_DESIR_INTER_NBR | Desired Interval | Null | Null | Null | Null |
MI_TASK_DESIR_INTER_UOM_C | Desired Interval UOM | Null | Null | Null | Null |
MI_TASK_MIN_INTER_NBR | Min Interval | Null | Null | Null | Null |
MI_TASK_MIN_INTER_UOM_C | Min Interval UOM | Null | Null | Null | Null |
MI_TASK_MAX_INTER_NBR | Max Interval | Null | Null | Null | Null |
MI_TASK_MAX_INTER_UOM_C | Max Interval UOM | Null | Null | Null | Null |
MI_TASK_OPERATION_NBR_C | Operation Number | PLPO | VORNR | Operation/Activity Number | VORNR |
MI_TASK_TASK_LIST_TYPE_C | Task List Type | PLKO | PLNTY | Task List Type | PLNTY |
MI_TASK_CREATE_DATE_D Note: The time zone used for the value in the SAP Creation Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Create Date | PLPO | ANDAT | SAP Creation Date | ANDAT |
MI_TASK_EAM_REF_CREATE_DT_C | EAM Reference Creation Date | PLPO | ANDAT | SAP Creation Date | ANDAT |
MI_TASK_MAINT_PLANT_C | Maintenance Plant | MPOS | SWERK | SAP Maintenance Plant | SWERK |
MI_TASK_CHANGE_DATE_D Note: The time zone used for the value in the SAP Last Changed Date field is the same as the SAP server time zone. | Change Date | PLPO | AEDAT | SAP Last Changed Date | AEDAT |
MI_TASK_EAM_REF_CHANGE_DT_C | EAM Reference Last Changed Date | PLPO | AEDAT | SAP Last Changed Date | AEDAT |
MI_TASK_SAP_SYSTEM_C | SAP System | None | SY-SID, SY-MANDT | SAP System | Concatenate SY-SID with SY-MANDT |
MI_TASK_WO_NUMBER_C | Work Order Number | MIHO | AUFNR | Order Number | Null |
SAP Recommendation Mappings
The following tables explain the Recommendation fields that are used to populate SAP Notification fields when you use the Notification Management Adapter.
APM Field ID | APM Field Caption | SAP Table ID | SAP Field ID | BAPI Structure | BAPI Field | SAP Field Caption | Notes |
MI_REC_ASSET_ID_CHR | Asset ID | VIQMEL | EQUNR | BAPI2080_NOTHDRI | EQUIPMENT | Equipment number | None |
MI_REC_LOC_ID_CHR | Functional Location ID | VIQMEL | TPLNR | BAPI2080_NOTHDRI | FUNCT_LOC | Functional Location | None |
MI_REC_NOTIF_TYPE_C | M2 | VIQMEL | QMART | None | NOTIF_TYPE | Notification Type | By default, the Notification Type field in SAP is always populated with the value M2. You can, however, configure the APM system to create other notification types. |
None | None | None | None | BAPI2080_NOTHDRI | REPORTEDBY | Name of Person Reporting Notification | The Reported By field is populated in SAP with the first twelve characters of the user ID of the Security User that was logged in to APM when the Notification was created. |
MI_REC_LONG_DESCR_TX | Recommendation Description | None | None | None | None | Notification Long Text | The value in this field appears as a string. |
MI_REC_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Recommendation Headline | VIQMEL | QMTXT | BAPI2080_NOTHDRI | SHORT_TEXT | Short Text | None |
The following fields are updated in the Recommendation record based on data from the created Notification.
APM Field ID | APM Field Caption | SAP Table ID | SAP Field ID | BAPI Structure | BAPI Field | SAP Field Caption | Notes |
MI_REC_EAM_REF_CHANGE_DATE_C | EAM Reference Change Date | VIQMEL | AEDAT/ AEZEIT | None | None | Changed on Date/Time | The value in this field appears as a string to match the date and time in SAP. |
MI_REC_EAM_REF_CREATE_DATE_C | EAM Reference Creation Date | VIQMEL | ERDAT/ ERZEIT | None | None | Created on Date/Time | The value in this field appears as a string to match the date and time in SAP. |
MI_REC_WR_EQUIP_C | Work Request Equipment | VIQMEL | EQUNR | None | None | Equipment number | None |
MI_REC_WR_LOC_C | Work Request Functional Location | VIQMEL | TPLNR | None | None | Functional Location | None |
MI_REC_WK_REQ_REF_CHR | Work Request Reference | VIQMEL | QMNUM | None | None | Notification Number | None |
SAP Task Value Mappings
When you use the Work Management Interface to create Orders from APM Task records, several values in the APM Task record are passed to the SAP Order and its associated Operations.
The following table explains the Task fields whose values are passed to the SAP Function Module /MIAPM/MAINTAIN_ORDER (which calls the SAP BAPI BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN).
APM Field Caption | BAPI Structure | SAP BAPI Field |
Task List Type | None | TASKLIST_TYPE |
Task List Group | None | TASKLIST_GROUP |
Task List Group Counter | None | TASKLIST_GROUP_CTR |
Task Details | None | IT_TEXT_LINES |
Work Order Number | None | ORDER_NUMBER |
The APM system maps a value from the Equipment record to which the Task record is linked, based upon the configuration of the query Get SAP ID for Equipment, which is stored in the Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SAP Integration Interfaces\Queries. | BAPI_ALM_ORDER_HEADERS_I | EQUIPMENT |
The APM system maps a value from the Functional Location record to which the Task record is linked, based upon the configuration of the query Get SAP ID for Functional Location, which is stored in the Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SAP Integration Interfaces\Queries. | None | FUNCT_LOC |
Work Order User Status | None | IV_USR_STATUS |
After these values are passed to the SAP BAPI, the Function Module then sends additional data from the associated SAP Task List to the SAP Order, as described in the following table.
Task List Field | BAPI Structure | Order Field |
None. The value 4 is always mapped. | BAPI_ALM_ORDER_HEADERS_I | SCHED_TYPE |
Also, for each Operation that belongs to the Task List, a corresponding Operation will belong to the Order. The following table identifies the values that are mapped from each Operation that is attached to the Task List to each Operation that is attached to the Order.
Task List Field | BAPI Structure | Order Field |
APM Field Caption | BAPI Structure | SAP BAPI Field |
Notification Type | None | NOTIF_TYPE |
Task Description | NOTIFHEADER | SHORT_TEXT |
Task Details | LONGTEXTS | TEXT_LINE |
The APM system maps a value from the Equipment record to which the Task record is linked based on the configuration of the query Get SAP ID for Equipment, which is stored in the Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SAP Integration Interfaces\Queries. | NOTIFHEADER | EQUIPMENT |
The APM system maps a value from the Functional Location record to which the Task record is linked based on the configuration of the query Get SAP ID for Functional Location, which is stored in the Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\SAP Integration Interfaces\Queries. | NOTIFHEADER | FUNCT_LOC |
Notification User Status | None | IV_USR_STATUS |