
Fields Required for RBI Analyses

This topic provides a list of fields that are required in each family to calculate an RBI Criticality Analysis, RBI PRD Criticality Analysis, and an RBI Pipeline Analysis. Some fields are conditionally required, and these conditions are described in the Notes column in the following tables.

Fields Required to Calculate RBI Criticality Analyses

To calculate an RBI Criticality Analysis, values may be required in certain fields in the following families:

  • Criticality Consequence Evaluation
  • Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval.
  • Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval.
  • Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval.
  • RBI Criticality Analysis

Criticality Consequence Evaluation family: The following table lists the fields in the Criticality Consequence Evaluation family that require values in order to calculate an RBI Analysis:


Consequence Detection Time

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is not Heat Exchanger-Bundle.

Consequence Isolation Time

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is not Heat Exchanger-Bundle.

Corrosion Rate

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle.

Corrosion Rate Shell Side

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle.

Fill Height

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is Storage Tank.

Flammable Leak Type

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle and the leaking fluid is flammable.

Foundation Type

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is Storage Tank.

Initial Fluid Phase


Initial State Shell

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle.

Inspection Interval

Required only for RBI Analysis records:
  • That are linked to Criticality Consequence Evaluation records whose Foundation Type is Sand, Silt, Gravel, or Clay.
  • Whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle.

Leak Effect

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Consequence Evaluation records whose Storage Takes contain Sand, Silt, Gravel, or Clay.

Operating Pressure Shell Side

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle.

Percent Toxic

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Consequence Evaluation records whose Toxic Fluid field contains a value.

Product Unit Value

Required only for the RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is the Heat Exchanger-Bundle.

Rep Fluid Shell Side

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle.

Toxic Leak Type

Required only for the RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is the Heat Exchanger-Bundle and the Leaking Fluid is toxic.

Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval. family

The following table lists the fields in the Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval. family that require values in order to calculate an RBI Analysis:


Date in Service

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Initial Potential

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Inspection Confidence

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Number of Inspections


Equivalent Number of Inspections

(whichever is populated)

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. family

The following table lists the fields in the Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. family that require values in order to calculate an RBI Analysis:


Date in Service

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Estimated Rate

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records whose Selected Corrosion Rate is Estimated.

Inspection Confidence

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Average Corrosion Rate

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records whose Selected Corrosion Rate is Average.

Number of Inspections


Equivalent Number of Inspections

(whichever is populated)

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Selected Corrosion Rate

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. family

The following table lists the fields in the Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. family that require values in order to calculate an RBI Analysis:


Date in Service

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Inspection Confidence

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Long Term Avg. Corr. Rate

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records whose Selected Corrosion Rate is Long Term Avg.

Number of Inspections


Equivalent Number of Inspections

(whichever is populated)

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Selected Corrosion Rate

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Short Term Avg. Corr. Rate

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records whose Selected Corrosion Rate is Short Term Avg.

RBI Criticality Analysis family

The following table lists the fields in the RBI Criticality Analysis family that require values in order to calculate an RBI Analysis:


Allowable Stress

Required only for RBI Analysis records:

  • Whose Criticality Item Type is Storage Tank


  • Whose Allowable Stress is null or 0 (zero)


  • That are linked to Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records whose Estimated Minimum Thickness Override? check box is not selected.

Area Humidity

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Code Year

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Allowable Stress Override check box is not selected and whose Criticality Item Type is not Storage Tank.

Criticality Item Type



Required only for RBI Analysis records:

  • Whose Criticality Item Type is Storage Tank


  • Whose Diameter is null or > 200 (Feet)


  • That are linked to Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records whose Estimated Minimum Thickness Override? check box is not selected.

Construction Code

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Allowable Stress Override check box is not selected.

Design Pressure

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Allowable Stress Override check box is not selected.

Design Temperature

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Allowable Stress Override check box is not selected.

Is Entry Possible? Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.


Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Joint Efficiency


Material Grade

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Allowable Stress Override check box is not selected and Allowable Stress value is not greater than zero.

Material Spec

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Allowable Stress Override check box is not selected.

Operating Pressure


Operating Temperature


Representative Fluid


Stress Lookup Table

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Allowable Stress Override check box is not selected.

Susceptible to CUI

Required only for RBI Analysis records:

  • Whose Criticality Item Type is not Heat Exchanger-Bundle


  • Whose Insulated field is set to null


  • That are associated with a Criticality Calculator External Corrosion record.

Nominal Thickness


Tube Operating Press Channel

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle.

Fields Required to Calculate RBI PRD Criticality Analyses

Several fields in RBI families are required to calculate RBI PRD Criticality Analyses. If you try to calculate an RBI PRD Analysis and any required fields do not contain values, the analysis will not be calculated, and the Calculation Status dialog box will appear, displaying a list of the required fields that do not contain values.
Note: At least one Over Pressure Criticality Degradation Mech Evaluation record must be linked on the RBI PRD Criticality Analysis.
The lists are categorized by the family to which the required fields belong.
  • Consequence for Protected Assets
    Note: The Consequence for Protected Assets field is required only when the pressure relief device protects asset.
  • If the Analysis contains a Leak Criticality Degradation Mech Evaluation the following fields are required:
    • Cost of Fluid
    • Environmental Cost
    • Unit Production Margin
Criticality Leak Deg. Mech. Eval :
  • Date in Service
  • Service Severity – Leak
Criticality Over Pressure Deg. Mech. Eval.:
  • Date in Service
RBI PRD Criticality Analysis:
  • Criticality Item Type
  • Operating Pressure
    Note: If the pressure relief device protects RBI Components, the Operating Pressure field is populated automatically from the Operating Pressure field in the driving RBI Component. If, however, the pressure relief device protects asset, you must type a value in this field manually.
  • Operating Temperature
  • PRD Discharge Location
  • Service Severity
  • Driving Component
    Note: The Driving Component field must contain a value if the pressure relief device protects RBI Components.
  • Damage Factor Class
    Note: The Damage Factor Class field must contain a value if the pressure relief device protects asset.
  • PRD Relief Area
    Note: The PRD Relief Area field is required and must contain a value greater than zero if the Multiple PRDs check box is selected.
  • PRD Total Relief Area
    Note: The PRD Total Relief Area field is required and must contain a value greater than zero if the Multiple PRDs check box is selected.
  • MAWP (Maximum Allowable Working Pressure)
  • Next Inspection Date

Criticality PRD Component - Relief Valve:

  • Inlet Size
  • Set Pressure
  • Rated Capacity

Fields Required to Calculate RBI Pipeline Analyses

In order to calculate an RBI Pipeline Analysis, you are required to enter values in fields in the following families:

  • Criticality Consequence Evaluation
  • RBI Pipeline Analysis
  • Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval.
  • Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval.

Criticality Consequence Evaluation family

The following table lists the fields in the Criticality Consequence Evaluation family that require values in order to calculate an RBI Pipeline Analysis:

Soil Type None
High Value Area None
Population Density Adjustment None
High Consequence Area None

Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval.

The following table lists the fields in the Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. family that require values in order to calculate an RBI Pipeline Analysis:

Wall Thickness LossNone

Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval.

The following table lists the fields in the Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. family that require values in order to calculate an RBI Pipeline Analysis:

Wall Thickness LossNone

Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval.

The following table lists the fields in the Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval. family that require values in order to calculate an RBI Pipeline Analysis:

Previous Damage None
Above Ground Facilities None
Public Education None
One Call System None

RBI Pipeline Analysis

The following table lists the fields in the RBI Pipeline Analysis family that require values in order to calculate an RBI Pipeline Analysis:

Allowable Stress None
Built Prior to 1970 None
Code Year None
Construction Code None
Construction/Inspection Records Available None
Criticality Item Type None
Defects Reported None
Design Pressure None
Design Temperature None
Diameter None
Flow Rate None
Insulated None
Is CP System Present? None
Is Piggable? None
Joint Efficiency None
LMPA (Land Movement Potential) None
Material Grade None
Material Spec None
Nominal Thickness None
Operating Pressure None
Operating Temperature None
Pipeline Segment Type None
Representative Fluid None
SPA (Pressure Surge Adjustment) None
Stress Lookup Table None
Submerged at Water CrossingIf the value in the Pipeline Segment Type field is Above Ground, then the value in the Submerged at Water Crossing field is always No.
Tube Nominal Thickness None
Tube Operating Press Channel None

Calculated Inventory

This topic has been intentionally excluded from the APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the APM system.

Calculating Equivalent Number of Inspections

This topic has been intentionally excluded from the APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the APM system.

Allowable Stress Calculation

This topic has been intentionally excluded from the APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the APM system.

About the Non-Intrusive Requirement Met Field

This topic has been intentionally excluded from the APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the APM system.

About T-Min Calculations

This topic has been intentionally excluded from the APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the APM system.