
About the APM Connect Data Loaders

The APM Connect Data Loaders allow you to import records from external sources into APM. A new improved version for data ingestion with improved user experience, dynamic classifications or types, improved performance, data or process error visibility at the record level, and better state management is introduced.

To use Data Loaders, you must first configure the Ingestion database.

APM Rules and the Data Loaders

When loading data into APM, it is important to understand how APM treats data, and the subsequent impact on data loads.

APM creates records based on the rules for that family. Therefore, the data that is loaded into APM via the Data Loaders are also subject to the same rules. This could result in blank Equipment records with no data if the rules for the family do not require data. Similarly, there is no restriction on key fields having to contain a value other than what is required by the rules.

For example, the baseline Equipment family does not have any fields that are marked as required in the rules, so when using the data loaders, equipment records are created even with only one field populated in the worksheet. If you only populated Maintenance Plant on the APM Connect data loader spreadsheet, then an equipment records would be created with only maintenance plant and no other identifying information. It is also important to understand that since data is also being loaded into GEDA that the GEDA Classifications or Types are required.

Access the Data Loaders Page


In the Applications menu, navigate to the TOOLS section, and then select Data Loaders.
Note: Currently, in the TOOLs section, Data Loaders appears as Data Loaders V2. This will be updated to Data Loaders in a future release.
The Data Bundles Status page appears, displaying information about the data import jobs. Each data import job is considered as a Bundle and the status of all the data import jobs in the last 48 hours appears on the page.
  • You can use the drop-down option to change the time range filter from 48 hours to another time range. Alternatively, you can use the Custom Date Range option to specify a custom range.
  • The default frequency of refreshing the page is 10mins. You can use the drop-down option to change the frequency of refreshing the page (Off, 30 sec, 1 min, 5 min and 10 min). Also, you can manually refresh the page using the Refresh option.
  • The default Data Bundles origin is selected as All Origins. You can change the origin of the Data Bundle from the drop-down option.

Data Loaders Workflow

This workflow provides the basic, high-level steps for using this module. The steps and links in this workflow do not necessarily reference every possible procedure.


  1. Identify the data you want to transfer from external sources to APM.
  2. Download the Data Loader Workbooks, and then populate the data loader workbooks. Alternatively, you can use a zip file of .csv files that conform to the data loader workbook format.
    Note: If you do not have a Data Loader Template ready to be loaded, you can download the Default Template or select Generate Template and enter the required details to create the required template and then select Download Template.
  3. In APM, select the appropriate file, and then run a data import job.
  4. Review the Data Bundle Execution Details page for warnings, messages, or errors.
  5. If there are transfer errors, resolve the errors.