Configure the Ingestor Database

Before You Begin

  1. Deploy APM Connect.
  2. On the PostgreSQL database created in the APM Connect server, create a database with the same name as the APM data source name.

About This Task

The Ingestor database is used to store the data uploaded using a data loader. It is deployed on the PostgreSQL database created for APM Connect.

This topic describes how to configure the Ingestor database to work with APM.


  1. Access APM.
  2. In the module navigation menu, select ADMIN > Operations Manager > Ingestor Database Configuration.
    The Ingestor Database Configuration page appears.
  3. Enter values as described in the following table.
    HOSTEnter the hostname of the APM Connect server in which PostgreSQL is installed.
    PORTEnter 5432.
    DATABASE NAMEEnter the PostgreSQL database name.
    USERNAMEEnter postgres.
    PASSWORDEnter the password of the PostgreSQL database.
  4. Select Save.
    The Ingestor service is configured.