Data Loaders

Download the Data Loader Workbooks


  1. Access the Data Loaders page.
    The Data Bundles Status page appears.
  2. Select Data Loaders.
    The Data Loaders window appears.
  3. In the DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE section, select one of the following options:
    • Default Template: Select to download the available template. For most of the Data Loaders this is only available option.
    • Generate Template: This option appears only for the Equipment and Functional Location Loader for selection to create a customized template. Select to download one of the following type of templates,
      • Construct Hierarchy: You can construct a hierarchy by creating a relationship between the Enterprise/Site/Segment/Asset by appropriate selections.
      • Update/Add Asset only: You can update the existing template data by selecting the required Asset type.
      and then enter information in the available fields.
  4. Select Download Template.
    The Download Templates window appears, displaying a list of the data loader categories.
    Data Loader CategoryWorkbooks in the Category
    APM Connect
    • APM Family
    • Equipment and Functional Location
    • Taxonomy
    • Work History
    APM Failure Elimination
    • Production Loss Analysis (PLA) 1-Admin
    • Production Loss Analysis (PLA) 2-Event
    • Production Loss Analysis (PLA) 3-Plan
    • Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
    • System Reliability
    APM Foundation
    • Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA Checklist)
    • Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA)
    • Custom Asset Hierarchy
    • Geographic Information System (GIS)
    • Policy Instance Data Loader
    • Risk Matrix
    APM Health
    • Rounds Allowable Values
    • Rounds Readings
    • Rounds Routes
    • Rounds Templates
    APM Mechanical Integrity
    • Inspection Management (IM) Assets
    • Inspection Management (IM) Functional Location
    • RBI Components To TML Groups Relationship
    • Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580
    • Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 581
    • Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Corrosion Loop
    • Thickness Monitoring (TM) Equipment
    • Thickness Monitoring (TM) Functional Location
    • Thickness Monitoring (TM) Piping Equipment
    • Thickness Monitoring (TM) Piping Functional Location
    APM Power Generation
    • Generation Availability Analysis (GAA) Events
    • Generation Availability Analysis (GAA) GADS Amplification Codes
    • Generation Availability Analysis (GAA) GADS Cause Code
    APM Safety
    • Calibration
    • Hazards
    APM Strategy
    • Asset Strategy Management (ASM)
    • Asset Strategy Management (ASM) Templates
    • Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
    • FMEA Analysis Template
    • FMEA Asset Template
    • RCM Analysis Template
    • Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
    APM Wind Generation
    • GAA Wind Asset Hierarchy
    • GAA Wind Events
    • GAA Wind Sub Group Capacity


The data loader template is downloaded. The downloaded template, can be populated with data to load into APM.

Run a Data Import Job

Before You Begin

This topic assumes that you have migrated your data to the required format for the modules into which you want to import data. The format should match the Excel workbook templates.


  1. Access the Data Loaders page.
    The Data Bundles Status page appears.
  2. Select Data Loaders.
    The Data Loaders window appears.
  3. In the DATA LOADER TYPE section select the appropriate loader.
  4. In the UPLOAD DATA section, select Select file, and then navigate to and select the file that you want to import. Alternatively, you can also select the file that you want to import and drag and drop the file in the UPLOAD DATA section.
  5. In the Description box, enter a short description of the job.
  6. Select Upload.
    The job is run, and the status of the job appears in the Data Bundles Status page.


The selected file is uploaded into APM.

Process Activity Stages

The Process Activity column in the Data Bundles Status page displays the process state management of the various Data Loader jobs that are running or have run in the APM system.

There are three different high-level Process activity stages:
  • Prepare: Preparing stage involves Registering, Collecting, Transforming and Transmitting states
  • Process: Process stage involves Normalizing, Compiling and Slicing states
  • Ingest: Ingest stage involves Ingesting, Synchronizing and Notifying states

The following table contains the list of available stages and status mapping with description:

Process StageStatusDescription
Prepare – TransmittingIn Progress / FailureThe data upload job status is in either In Progress or Failure and the process activity is in Transmitting state of Prepare stage.
Process – NormalizeIn Progress / FailureThe data upload job status is in either In Progress or Failure and the process activity is in Normalizing state of Process stage.
Process – CompilingIn Progress / FailureThe data upload job status is in either In Progress or Failure and the process activity is in Compiling state of Process stage.
Process – SlicingIn Progress / FailureThe data upload job status is in either In Progress or Failure and the process activity is in Compiling state of Slicing stage.
Ingest – IngestingIn Progress / In Progress with Rejects / FailureThe data upload job status is in either In Progress or In Progress with Rejects or Failure and the process activity is in Ingesting state of Ingest stage.
Ingest – SynchronizingIn Progress / In Progress with Rejects / Failure / Complete with Rejects / CompleteThe data upload job status is in either In Progress or In Progress with Rejects or Failure and the process activity is in Synchronizing state of Ingest stage.
DoneComplete with Rejects / CompleteThe data upload job status is in either Complete or Complete with Rejects and all process activities are Done state.

Access the Data Bundle Execution Details of an Import Job

Before You Begin

This topic assumes that you have successfully ingested the Data Bundle Execution.


  1. Access the Data Loaders page.
    The Data Bundles Status page appears.
  2. In the Data Bundles Status page, select the job for which you want to access the details.
    The Data bundle execution details page appears, displaying the detailed information of the job.


The Data Bundle Execution details of the job is displayed with the status and progress of the imported data. You can export the data of the rejected rows during the import job to view the details of the errors occurred, if any.

Details of the Data Bundle Execution

When you select a job in the Data Bundles Status page, the data import details page appears displaying the detailed import status and the progress of the selected data import job.

The Data Bundle Execution Details page displays the following sections:

Worksheet FieldDescription
Overall Job Status

The section displays the overall details of the job such as Asset name, Status, File name, Start Time, End Time, Bundle ID, and Progress Bar that displays the Process Stage.

Summary of the Records Processed

The section displays the summary of the processed records (# of Insert, Delete, Update, Reject and Total Records) in a donut chart. It also displays the System Errors in the job processing, if any.

System Errors

The section displays the System errors occurred during processing of the job.

Rejected Rows

The section displays all the records that are rejected while processing the job. The details include Sheet Name, Row #, Primary Record Id, Slice ID, Error Code, Message, Timestamp, Data. Select a record to view the full data of the record. You can download the Rejected record data into an .xlsx file using the Export Current Page option available in the Rejected Rows section.

Event TimelineThe section displays the process activity event timelines. The details include Timestamp, Process state of Step, Status, Message (displays system errors, if any).

You can use the Refresh option for setting the frequency of refreshing the page (Off, 30 sec, 1 min, 5 min and 10 min). Also, you can manually refresh the page.

Export the Rejected Data Details of an Import Job


  1. Access the Data Bundle Execution Details of an Import Job.
  2. In the Rejected Rows section, select and then select Export Current Page to download the details of the rejected data during the import job.


The details of the rejected data in the Data Bundle Execution job is exported.

Sort Data in a Column in Data Bundle Status


  1. Access the Data Loaders page.
    The Data Bundles Status page appears.
  2. Select a column header, such as BUNDLE TYPE.
    The data in the column is sorted in a specific order (ascending or descending).
  3. Select the column header again to reverse the sort order.
    The data in the columns is sorted in the reverse order.


You can sort the data in the columns in the Data Bundles Status page in an ascending or descending order.

Show Data in a Column in Data Bundle Status


  1. Access the Data Loaders page.
    The Data Bundles Status page appears.
  2. Select , and then select the check box next to the column name that you want to view.
    The selected column appears.

Hide Data in a Column in Data Bundle Status


  1. Access the Data Loaders page.
    The Data Bundles Status page appears.
  2. Select , and then clear the check box next to the column name that you want to hide.
    The selected column is hidden.