Family Field Descriptions: AMS Analytics

AMS Asset Records

AMS Asset records store values that are transferred from the AMS Analytics data source. The information in this topic reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. All fields in AMS Asset records are read-only and are populated automatically when you transfer data from the AMS Analytics data source.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.

AMS Asset records include the following fields:

  • Criticality
  • Description
  • Functional Location Path
  • Health Index
  • ID
  • Last Known Tag Path
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Name
  • Protocol
  • Revision
  • Tag Path
  • Type

AMS Asset Alert Records

AMS Asset Alert records store values that are transferred from the AMS Analytics data source. The information in this topic reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. All fields in AMS Asset Alert records are read-only and are populated automatically when you transfer data from the AMS Analytics data source.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.

AMS Asset Alert records include the following fields:

  • Active?
  • AMS Asset ID
  • Date/Time
  • Description
  • Help
  • ID
  • Severity

AMS Asset Event Records

AMS Asset Event records store values that are transferred from the AMS Analytics data source. The information in this topic reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. All fields in AMS Asset Event records are read-only and are populated automatically when you transfer data from the AMS Analytics data source.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.

AMS Asset Event records include the following fields:

  • AMS Asset ID
  • Analyst
  • Certainty
  • Date/Time
  • Description
  • Operational Significance
  • Recommended Actions
  • Severity
  • Status
  • Type
  • Urgency

AMS Asset Folder Records

AMS Asset Folder records store calculated composite health index values based upon related AMS Asset records. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the AMS Asset Folder family. The information in the topic reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.

The following fields in AMS Asset Folder records are read-only and are populated automatically when you transfer data from the AMS Analytics data source:

  • Health Index: Stores the composite health index value the indicates the overall health of all the assets associated with the AMS Asset Folder record. This field contains a value calculated by a rule, which determines the composite health index value based upon the health index values and criticality values that are stored in the AMS Asset records that are linked to the AMS Asset Folder record. This value is calculated each time data is transferred to the GE Digital APM database from an AMS Analytics data source. By default, the Health Index field is not included on the AMS Asset Folder datasheet.

  • Name: The name of the AMS Asset Folder record.

AMS Asset Recommendation Records

AMS Asset Recommendation records contain information about recommendations related to AMS Assets. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the AMS Asset Recommendation family. The information in the topic reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive; instead, it is limited to field behavior that differs from General Recommendations.

The table lists datasheet captions, not field captions.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Asset ID


The value in the Equipment ID field of the Equipment record to which the Recommendation record is linked.

This field is populated automatically when the AMS Asset Recommendation record is created. If the AMS Asset Recommendation record is not linked to an Equipment record, this field will be empty.



A short description of the recommended action.

When the record is created based on an AMS Asset Alert record, this field is populated automatically with the value in the Help field in the associated AMS Asset Alert record.

Functional Location


The value in the Functional Location field of the Functional Location record to which the Recommendation record is linked.

This field is populated automatically when the AMS Asset Recommendation record is created. If the AMS Asset Recommendation record is not linked to a Functional Location record, this field will be empty.



A short description of the recommended action.

This field is populated automatically with the value that appears in Description field in the AMS Asset Alert or AMS Asset Event record to which the AMS Asset Recommendation record is linked.



The priority of the recommended action.