APM Sync Services Tasks
APM Sync Services Overview
APM Sync Services is a solution provided for GE Digital APM handheld applications (e.g., Operator Rounds) that is built upon the Microsoft Sync Framework. The APM Mobile Sync Server provides a connection between handheld devices and the GE Digital APM Application Server so that data can be synchronized between the windows mobile devices and the GE Digital APM database.
Install APM Sync Services
Before You Begin
- You must be logged in as the administrator for the system.
- IIS must be reset before installation.
- Install Microsoft Sync Framework.
Verify Installation of APM Sync Services
Modify the Web.config for an Oracle Sync Services Database Connection
About This Task
These instructions assume that:
- The Oracle database that will contain the database tables for the APM Sync Services already exists.
- You have accessed the APM System Administration tool on the APM Sync Server machine.
Modify the Web.config for a SQL Sync Services Database Connection
About This Task
These instructions assume that:
- The SQL database that will contain the database tables for the APM Sync Services already exists.
- You have accessed the APM System Administration tool on the APM Sync Server machine.
Modify APM Sync Config
When you perform a sync operation in the APM Mobile Framework, the device connects to the APM Sync Server, which in turn connects to the specified GE Digital APM Application Server and logs in to the data source defined in the file MeridiumSync.config. Security User credentials are required for logging in to the data source.
About This Task
Before you can perform a sync operation, you will need to define the following settings on the APM Sync Server:
- The GE Digital APM Server
- The GE Digital APM data source
- The APM Sync Services Security User credentials that will be used to connect the APM Sync Server to the GE Digital APM database
The user you specify must have the family-level privileges required to access all data that needs to be downloaded to the Windows Mobile Device for a given application. The MI Operator Rounds Administrator and MI Operator Rounds Mobile User Security Groups, which are provided with the baseline Operator Rounds product, have these privileges. Therefore, you can create your own Security User and assign it to either one of these Security Groups for this purpose.
To specify these settings, you will need to modify the MeridiumSync.Config file via the APM System Administration tool on the APM Sync Server machine.
The following instructions provide details on defining the GE Digital APM server, data source, and Sync Services Security User credentials in the MeridiumSync.config file. These instructions assume that you have:
- Created the Security User whose credentials you will enter in the configuration file and granted them the appropriate permissions to Operator Rounds families.
- Accessed the APM System Administration tool on the APM Sync Services server machine.
Configure Security for APM Sync Service
When you install APM Sync Services, the service MeridiumSyncService is created under the Default Web Site in IIS on the APM Sync Server machine. The Windows user account that is configured at the Default Web Site level to be used for anonymous access is granted permission to the following folder: <root>\MeridiumSyncService. Where <root> is the drive and root folder where the APM Sync Services was installed (e.g., C:\Program Files\Meridium).
If you configure a different Windows user account to be used for anonymous access at the MeridiumSyncService level, you must grant that user the following permissions to the folder <root>\MeridiumSyncService:
- Modify
- Read & Execute
- List Folder Contents
- Read
- Write
If these permissions are not granted, when any user attempts to perform a sync operation in the APM Mobile Framework, an error message will be displayed, and synchronization will fail. For details on granting these permissions, see the Microsoft documentation.