Note: You can create only one Risk Matrix Internal for an Instrumented Function.
In the workspace, select the SIL Assessment tab.
The SIL Assessment section appears.
In the SIL Assessment section, in the upper-right corner of the All SIL Assessments subsection, select Add Assessment, and then select Risk Assessment Internal.
A blank datasheet for the Risk Matrix Internal assessment appears.
In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select
The Risk Assessment section appears above the datasheet.
Select the Risk Assessment section.
The Mitigated Risk Assessment window appears, displaying the risk matrix for each category.
Specify the risk ranks for each category by selecting the appropriate cell on the risk matrix interface, and then select Save.
Note: You can also provide financial details, if applicable. These details, however, are not used in SIL calculations.
Based on the risk ranks that you have defined on the risk matrix interface, the GE Digital APM system calculates the following values:
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