Send a Link to an RCA Via Email


  1. Access the Root Cause Analysis whose link you want to send.

  2. In the left pane, select the Communicate Findings tab.

    The Communicate Findings workspace appears.

    Communicate Findings

  3. In the workspace, select the Analysis Link tab.

    The Analysis Link section appears.

    Analysis Link Section

  4. Select to add one or more users to whom you want to send the link to the analysis.

    The Add Users section appears, displaying the list of human resources in the left section.

    Add Users

  5. On the left side of the section, select the Human Resource record, and then select .

    The user represented by the Human Resource record is added to the right side of the section.

    Hint: You can add more than one user.

  6. Select to go back to the Analysis Link section.
  7. In the Comment box, enter any additional information about the selected analysis.
  8. In the upper-right corner of the workspace, select Send.

    An email to the selected user is sent.

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