A verification is a test that you will conduct to prove or disprove (i.e., verify) a hypothesis. To indicate that a hypothesis was proven true, you will need to create and link an RCA Verification to that RCA Hypothesis.
This topic describes how to add a Verification node to the Logic Tree from the design canvas. You can also copy a Verification.
In the lower-left corner of the workspace, select the Verifications pane.
A list of Verifications that are available for the selected Hypothesis node appears.
Above the list, select
Note: RCA Verifications are associated only with RCA Hypothesis. If you do not select a Hypothesis node in the Logic Tree, an error message appears, prompting you to select a Hypothesis to add a new Verification.
The Create Verification pane appears.
In the Assigned to list, select the team member to whom you want to assign the Verification.
A blank datasheet appears.
The RCA Verification is saved and linked to the RCA and the Hypothesis.
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