This topic describes how to define the following types of lines:
You can also define a Process Reliability line.
In the left pane, select the Production Data tab.
The Production Data workspace appears.
In the upper-right corner of the workspace, select Production Lines.
In the list, select the type of Production Line that you want to define. You can define one of the following types of Production Lines:
Demonstrated Line (DL): Represents the production output when the unit is operating at its observed rate of its capability. The region between the Demonstrated Line and the Nameplate Line is represented as the Efficiency/Utilization Loss region in the Production Loss Regions pane.
The Add/Modify <Production Line> window appears, where <Production Line> is type of the Production Line that you selected. The window displays various methods to define a Production Line.
For example, the following image displays the window for adding a Demonstrated Line:
Note: If you selected Custom Line, then the Add Custom Line window appears.
Select OK.
The selected type of Production Line is drawn.
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