Create Offline Inspection Recommendations


  1. Access the Inspection Field Data Collection page.

  2. Select the inspection for which you want to create a recommendation.

    The corresponding offline inspection form appears, displaying the Inspection Details section.

  3. Optionally, if you want to create a recommendation for either a General Finding or a Checklist Inspection record, select or to navigate to the appropriate section.

  4. In the upper-right corner of the page, select Create Recommendation.

    In the workspace, a new Inspection Recommendation offline form appears.

  5. As needed, enter values in the available fields. Note that:

  6. Select Save.

    The Recommendation pane appears, displaying the newly added recommendation.

    Note: The default status for newly added offline Inspection Recommendations is Not Synced.

  7. Select to close the Recommendations pane.

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