Add a Reference Document Image

IMPORTANT: To use the reference document image functionality, you must use the GE Digital APM mobile application on a mobile device. If you are using GE Digital APM in a web browser, you cannot access the camera on your device. Additionally, to add reference document images to an Offline Inspection family, the Has Reference Documents relationship must be defined for that family. If this relationship is not defined, the Reference Document Image icons will not be enabled.


  1. Via the GE Digital APM mobile application, access the Inspection Field Data Collection Overview page.
  2. On the Inspection Field Data Collection Overview page, select the Inspection for which you want to add a reference document image.

    The Inspection Details section for the selected Inspection appears.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the workspace, select Take a Picture.

    The native camera app for your device appears.

  4. Using the camera on your mobile device, take a picture of the Inspection asset that you want to add as a reference document.

    Note: After taking a picture that you want to keep, follow the prompts to save the image.
    IMPORTANT You can include a maximum of 20 reference documents for each Inspection Report, which includes the Inspection Report's associated records.

    The Inspection Details section appears.


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