Inspection Management Security Groups and Roles

The following table lists the baseline Security Groups available for users within this module, as well as the baseline Roles to which those Security Groups are assigned.

IMPORTANT: Assigning a Security User to a Role grants that user the privileges associated with all of the Security Groups that are assigned to that Role. To avoid granting a Security User unintended privileges, before assigning a Security User to a Role, be sure to review all of the privileges associated with the Security Groups assigned to that Role. Also, be aware that additional Roles, as well as Security Groups assigned to existing Roles, can be added via Security Manager.

Security Group Roles
MI Inspection

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Power

MI Mechanical Integrity User

MI Inspection Viewer

MI APM Viewer

MI Mechanical Integrity Viewer

The baseline family-level privileges that exist for these Security Groups are summarized in the following table.
FamilyMI Inspection MI Inspection Viewer
Entity Families
AlertView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
CertificationView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Checklist FindingView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Conditional AlertsView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
CorrosionView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
EquipmentView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
EventView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
FindingView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Human ResourceViewView
Inspection MethodView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Inspection ProfileView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Inspection Team MemberView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Inventory Group ConfigurationViewView
Potential Degradation MechanismsViewView
RBI Degradation MechanismsViewView
RBI Inspection Auto-Selection CriteriaViewView
RecommendationView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Reference DocumentView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Resource RoleView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
SAP SystemViewView
Security UserViewView
StrategyView, UpdateView
TaskView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Taxonomy ReferencesViewView
Time Based Inspection IntervalView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Time Based Inspection SettingView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Work PackView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Relationship Families
Belongs to a UnitView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Checklist Has FindingView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has CertificationsView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Degradation MechanismsViewView
Has FindingsView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Inspection MethodView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Inspection ProfileView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Inspection ScopeView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has InspectionsView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Potential Degradation MechanismsViewView
Has RecommendationsView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Reference DocumentsView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has RolesView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Sub-InspectionsView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has TasksView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Task HistoryView, InsertView
Has Task RevisionView, InsertView
Has Team MemberView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Taxonomy Hierarchy ElementViewView
Has Taxonomy MappingViewView
Has Time Based Inspection IntervalView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Work PackView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Is a UserViewView
Is Planned ByView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Is Executed ByView, Insert, Update, DeleteView

Note: Security privileges for all modules and catalog folders can be found in the APM documentation.

Note that:

Note: As part of implementing Inspection Management, you will decide whether you want to link Inspection records to Equipment records, Functional Location records, or both. If you want to link Inspection records to Functional Location records, you will need to grant members of the MI Inspection Security Group at least View privileges to the Functional Location family and the Functional Location Has Equipment relationship family. All new users are automatically assigned to the Everyone user group.

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