The following table outlines the steps that you must complete to deploy and configure this module for the first time.
These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.
Step | Task | Notes |
1 | Review the Inspection Management data model to determine which relationship definitions you will need to modify to include your custom equipment and location families. Via Configuration Manager, modify the relationship definitions as needed. | This step is required only if you store equipment and location information in families other than the baseline Equipment and Functional Location families. |
2 | Configure GE Digital APM to create Task Revision records. | This step is required only if you want Task Revision records to be created every time you create or update a task. These records are used to track historical data related to a task. |
Assign Security Users to one or more of the Security Roles used in IM. |
This step is required. Security Users will need permissions to the Inspection Management families before they can use the Inspection Management features. |
Modify baseline Application Configuration settings. | This step is required only if you want to modify Application Configurations. The following Application Configurations are defined in the baseline database: Asset Query Path; Associated Relationship Family; Published Query Path; Summary Query Path; Alerts Query Path; Asset Is Successor; Profile Configuration; Method Configuration; Strategy Rule Configuration. |
Define the Inspection Profile for each piece of equipment that you will inspect. | This step is required only if you plan to create Inspection records in baseline families other than the Checklists subfamilies. |
Modify the baseline Asset query. | This step is required only if you want Inspection records to be linked to records in a family other than the Equipment family. |
Define Event Configurations for any new Inspection families that you have created. | This step is required only if you have created custom Inspection families that you want to use within Inspection Management. |
Create Checklist Configuration Templates for custom inspections. | This step is optional. |
Define Taxonomy Configurations for Inspection Families and Checklist Configurations. | This step is required only if you want to link Inspection Families and Checklist Configurations to assets using equipment taxonomy. |
Assign certifications to users. | This step is optional. |
Group inspection work into Work Packs. | This step is optional. |
Define Time-Based Inspection settings. | This step is optional. |
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