About Cognition Execution

When a cognition is executed, the input data is processed according to the classification logic designed in the cognition. You can manually execute a cognition, or you can configure a cognition to be executed according to a schedule. Each time a cognition is executed, the results are recorded on the History workspace.

IMPORTANT: Only active cognitions will be executed.

If you want to configure a scheduled cognition to only classify records that have changed since the last, successful execution, you can add a query prompt to a date field, such as the Event Start Date field, to pass a date parameter to the query that supplies your input data so that the query only returns records created or updated since that date.

If a cognition that uses a query prompt on a date field is configured to be executed according to a schedule and a date is entered in the Process Cognition data starting from this date: box in the Details workspace, on the first execution, the cognition will only classify records from the input data after the date entered. After each subsequent, successful execution, the date from the Last Scheduled Execution field will be automatically populated in the Process Cognition data starting from this date: box, and then the cognition will only classify records that have changed since the last scheduled execution.

If a cognition that uses a query prompt on a date field is configured to be executed according to a schedule and the Process Cognition data starting from this date: box in the Details workspace is blank, on the first execution, the cognition will classify all records from the input data. After each subsequent, successful execution, the date from the Last Scheduled Execution field will be automatically populated in the Process Cognition data starting from this date: box, and then the cognition will only classify records that have changed since the last scheduled execution.

If a cognition is executed manually and the query supplying the input data has a query prompt on a date field, the value in the Process Cognition data starting from this date: box in the Details workspace is passed as a date parameter, and the query will only return records that satisfy the query prompt's logic.

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