An Asset Strategy Optimization (ASO) analysis is made up of records and links as defined by the ASO Data Model. Specifically, an ASO analysis is a collection of Scenarios, Resources, and simulation results. An ASO analysis is represented by a System analysis record, which stores identifying information about the analysis and is linked to other records that make up the analysis.
Beyond understanding an ASO analysis at the entity level, it is helpful to visualize it at a conceptual level, where groups of records and links make up the main elements of the analysis. These elements are described in the following list:
Diagram: A logical, visual representation of the physical structure of equipment and locations, including the connections between them. Each ASO analysis contains one Diagram.
Note: If you create an ASO analysis from an Asset Strategy, a Diagram will exist, but it will contain only an Asset element.
A Diagram is represented by a System Subsystem record, which can be linked to System Subsystem, System Sensor, System Buffer, System Link, System Asset, and System Switch records. The items that these records represent are referred to as elements, which are simply the components that make up the Diagram itself.
Scenario: A representation of one possibility for managing the risk and cost for a given piece of equipment or location. A Scenario is represented by a System Scenario record, which contains all the identifying information for the Scenario and is linked to other records that help define the Scenario. Each ASO analysis contains multiple Scenarios and will always contain at least the following Scenarios:
Unmitigated Scenario
Note: The Unmitigated Scenario cannot be manipulated in ASO. It represents the unmitigated strategy, or the strategy as it exists with only Risks and no Actions. The simulation results will include results for the Unmitigated Scenario, but you cannot modify the Unmitigated Scenario in ASO.
An ASO analysis can contain additional Scenarios if you choose to create them. Except for the Unmitigated Scenario, each Scenario can contain the following components:
Risk: A component that identifies a specific way that a piece of equipment or location can fail, specifies the consequences of the failure, and includes Time to Failure (TTF) and Time to Repair (TTR) distribution data. A Risk is represented by a System Risk record, which contains all of the identifying information for the risk.
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