Manage Simulations

For a proposed scenario in ASO to be adopted into a strategy in ASM it is necessary to ensure that what the user is viewing in ASM represents the latest scenario data from ASO. The view from ASM is updated automatically each time a simulation is run. If the strategy in ASM does not represent the latest modifications in the proposed ASO scenario the user will be prompted of the need to rerun the simulation. It will not be possible to propose changes to the linked strategy until this is done.

The Run Simulation feature enables the user to exercise the scenarios created in ASO to the defined timeframe. Using a Monte Carlo simulation engine, when complete the user will be presented with a set of results which are based on a most probable outcome within a defined level of confidence. Before a simulation can be successfully run, all mandatory data fields must be fully populated.

This topic provides a list of all procedures related to managing ASO scenarios, as well as links to the related concept and reference topics.

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