Acknowledge Alerts and Warnings


  1. Access the Health Summary page.
  2. In the This Asset subsection, select the check box next to each health indicator whose status you want to acknowledge.

    Note: If you select health indicators with no readings, with a normal status, or whose status has already been acknowledged, only the health indicators with warning or alert statuses will be acknowledged.

  3. Above the grid, select .

    The Acknowledge window appears.

  4. Optionally, in the Acknowledgment Note box, enter comments.
  5. If you want the acknowledgment to remain valid only until a new reading is added, select the One Time check box.


    If you want to set an expiration date for the acknowledgment, select the Valid Until check box, and then select an expiration date from the calendar.

  6. Select Create.


The icon is added to the Acknowledgment column to indicate that the status of the health indicator will count as normal until a new reading is added or until the acknowledgment expires, depending on your selection.

Note: The status icon and the gauge displayed for the individual health indicator will still show the actual warning or alert status.

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