Access the Inspection Auto-Selection Workspace

The Inspection Auto-Selection workspace allows you to enable the Inspection Auto-Selection feature. You can then access, create, or modify RBI Inspection Auto-Selection Criteria records. These records are used to define the criteria for automatically linking Inspections to a Degradation Mechanism Evaluation (DME).


  1. Access the Application Settings page.
  2. Select Risk Based Inspection.

    The RBI Admin Preferences page appears, displaying the Global Preferences workspace.

  3. In the left pane, select the Inspection Auto-Selection tab.

    The Inspection Auto-Selection workspace appears. By default, the Inspection Auto-Selection check box in the upper-right corner of the workspace is cleared.

    If you select the Inspection Auto-Selection check box, the Inspection Auto-Selection feature is enabled, and your preference is saved. A list of baseline RBI Inspection Auto-Selection Criteria records appears in a grid in the workspace.

    You can modify or delete the baseline records, or create a new one. If Inspection Auto-Selection Criteria records do not exist, then all the applicable Inspections are assigned to the DME automatically.

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