Create the Intermediate Repository Database

This topic describes how to set up a repository in preparation to run your first job.

Important: Each time you run the CreateIntermediateRepository you recreate the GE Digital APM database to the baseline settings, removing any previous configuration. When you run the addSourceSystem job, the job will add new source systems based on the CMMS_ID and the SOURCE_SYSTEM_TYPE. If the job is run an additional time with the same configuration, it will reset the control values of an existing source system.


  1. Log in to the APM Connect Administration Center web application.

    Note: The user logging in must have access to the Job Conductor by being designated the Operations Manager role. By default, users designated as administrators do not have Job Conductor permissions.

  2. In the Job Conductor workspace, in the appropriate project, select the CreateIntermediateRepository job.

  3. Select Context parameters.

    The Context parameters section appears.

  4. Configure the following parameter.

    Context Parameter



    The file path to context files for the jobs.

    IMPORTANT: You must change the default value to reflect the actual path to your configuration file.

  5. Select Run.

    The intermediate repository is created for the project.

    If you are configuring a single system, you have completed your configuration. The intermediate repository database is created for the project.

    If you are configuring multiple EAM systems, perform the remaining steps in this topic.

  6. In the Job Conductor workspace, in the appropriate project, select the addSourceSystem job.
  7. Configure the following parameter.

    Context Parameter



    The file path to context files for the jobs.

    • You must change the default value to reflect the actual path to your configuration file.
    • CMMS_ID and SOURCE_SYSTEM_TYPE must be set in the context file.
  8. Select Run.
  9. If you are using multiple adapters, repeat steps 6 through 8 for all adapters.

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