Replacing Defective Configurable USB Keys

About this task

A defective Configurable USB hardware key causes your GE Vernova software product to run in demo mode. Make sure the key is firmly inserted into your USB port before assuming it is defective. Additionally, if the indicator light at the end of the key is off, then the key is not communicating correctly. You can also use the License Viewer to determine if the key is defective. If your key is defective, the License Viewer does not display the proper enabled options, or an error message stating that a hardware key is required to view the enabled options may appear.

GE Vernova replaces defective keys as quickly as possible. To obtain a replacement hardware key:


  1. Call your local GE Vernova technical support representative.
    The support representative will instruct you to FAX a completed copy of a Merchandise Return Authorization form. After receiving the form, GE Vernova can program a new hardware key and send it to you overnight.
  2. When you receive the hardware key, you must return the old one along with a copy of the form sent with the new key.
    GE Vernova reserves the right to invoice you for defective keys that are not returned.