VisiconX Data Control OLE Properties Dialog Box

The VisiconX Data Control OLE Properties dialog box displays the following items:

Provider Tab



Select Data Provider

Lists the OLE DB data providers that are installed on your computer.  Select the data provider that you want to query from the list of data providers.  

NOTE: A data provider must be selected before other tabs in the Data Control OLE Properties dialog box can be accessed.

Automatically connect to database in Run Mode

Lets you automatically connect to the selected OLE DB data provider when you activate the run-time environment.  Clear this check box if you want to manually control when to connect to and disconnect from the data provider.  

Database Tab

NOTE: The contents displayed in the upper part of the Database Tab depend on which type of data provider was selected in the Provider Tab. Consult the following tables for information on the items that are displayed for each type of data provider.

Microsoft Jet



Database path and file name

For a Microsoft Jet provider, lets you enter or browse for the database path and name of a Microsoft Access database, which has *.MDB as a default file extension.  

System (Security) Database path and file name

For a Microsoft Jet provider, lets you enter or browse for the Microsoft Access system security database path and name, which has *.MDA or *.MDW as a default file extension; enter a value in this field if the Microsoft Access database selected for the query is secured.




DSN Name

Lets you select an ODBC data source name defined through the ODBC Administrator tool in the Windows Control Panel.  The list includes both system and user-defined data source names.

Use ODBC Connection String (No DSN Required)

Lets you use an ODBC connection string, rather than an ODBC data source name, to establish a connection to an ODBC driver.  

ODBC Connection String

Lets you enter an ODBC connection string to establish a connection to an ODBC driver.

Oracle Server



Server Name

Lets you enter the name of the Oracle server.

Microsoft SQL Server



Server Name

Lets you select the name of a SQL Server data provider.

Database Name

Lets you select a database defined to the selected SQL Server data provider.

Generic Server



OLE DB Connection String

Lets you enter a connection string to connect to an OLE DB Provider. Below is an example connection string for a Simple Provider:  

Data Source=QALAB15; Initial Catalog=Test;

NOTE: The Database Security Settings area in the lower part of the Database Tab is always displayed regardless of which type of data provider was selected in the Provider Tab.

Database Security Settings Area



User Name

Lets you enter your user name as defined to the selected data provider; if access to the data provider is not secured, then the user name is not required.


Lets you enter the password as defined to the selected data provider; if access to the data provider is not secured, then the password is not required.

Prompt for user name and password in Run Mode

Displays a login box in Run mode, which prompts for a user name and password before accessing the selected data provider.

Use Windows NT integrated security

For SQL Server data providers, uses Windows integrated security to control access to secured SQL Server data providers.

Test Connection

Click this button to test the connection to the selected data provider.  VisiconX responds with a message that indicates a successful or failed connection.  In the case of failed connections, the message includes a reason for the failure.

Record Source Tab



Command Type

Lets you select the type of query to use for the selected database.  The options are:  

  • SQL Command – Uses an SQL statement to acquire, add, or update data; you can create the statement with the SQL Wizard or you can enter or paste one directly into the displayed scroll box.
  • Stored Procedure – Uses a stored procedure to acquire data.
  • Table – Uses an SQL Select statement to acquire all data in a selected table.

Do not allow SQLWizard at runtime

Select this check box to prevent the SQL Wizard from being accessed when the data control is opened in run mode.

Electronic Signature

Select this check box to apply electronic signature requirements to the data control in run mode.

NOTE: This item is only available in iFIX.

Perform Only

Select this option to require a Perform Only electronic signature for the data control in run mode.

NOTE: This item is only available in iFIX.

Perform and Verify

Select this option to require Perform and Verify electronic signatures for the data control in run mode.

NOTE: This item is only available in iFIX.

Run SQL Wizard

Click this button to create an SQL statement using the SQL Wizard.

SQL Edit Box

Lets you enter or paste an SQL statement. This box also displays statements built by the SQL Wizard, which can be edited. Press Ctrl+Enter to create line breaks in the SQL command.


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