To test the OLE
DB data provider connection:
- Open the VisiconX Data Control OLE Properties dialog box. For information on how to do this in your product, refer to the Accessing VisiconX OLE Control Properties section.
- In the Provider tab, select the OLE DB data provider.
- Click the Database tab.
- Select a database to access.
- If necessary, enter the information required to access a secured OLE DB data provider.
- Click Test Connection.
See Also
Data Control OLE Properties Dialog Box
Connecting to an ODBC Driver Using a Data Source Name
Connecting to a Microsoft Jet OLE DB Provider
Connecting to a Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Connecting to a Microsoft OLE DB Simple Provider
Connecting to a Microsoft OLE Provider for Oracle
Connecting to Multiple OLE DB Data Providers or Databases
Connecting to an ODBC Driver Using a Connection String