To connect multiple
OLE DB data providers or databases:
- Open the VisiconX Data Control OLE Properties dialog box. For information on how to do this in your product, refer to the Accessing VisiconX OLE Control Properties section.
- For simplicity, configure the first VisiconX Data Control to access the database and table whose data you want displayed; configure the second Data Control to access the database that supplies the value for the row filter.
- Create a query in the first VisiconX Data Control that equates a query property to a column common to both database tables.
- Animate the query property, using the data supplied by the second data control as its data source.
NOTE: CIMPLICITY users need to use CimEdit Basic script to use query properties. For more information, see Using Query Properties in CIMPLICITY.
See Also
Connecting to an ODBC Driver Using a Data Source Name
Connecting to Microsoft Jet OLE DB Provider
Connecting to a Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Connecting to Microsoft OLE DB Simple Provider
Connecting to Microsoft OLE Provider for Oracle
Connecting to an ODBC Driver Using a Connection String
Overview: Connecting to an OLE DB Data Provider