Security Areas

You should keep a separate list of security areas as you plan each group and user account. When you finish, the resulting list contains the names of the security areas you require, allowing you to define your security areas in one session instead of multiple sessions.

Security areas restrict access to database blocks, operator displays, schedules, and recipes. The following table summarizes the access restrictions provided by security areas.

When you assign a security area to a...

You restrict...

Database block

Write access. Read access to blocks is available from any operator display.

Operator display, schedule, or recipe

Read access to the file.

If someone attempts to change a block's value illegally, security generates a message containing the login name of the person who attempted the change. iFIX sends this message to the security audit trail and every enabled alarm destination except the Alarm Summary. To learn more about these messages, refer to the Implementing Alarms and Messages manual. To learn about the security audit trail, refer to the Understanding the Security Log File section.

See Also