iFIX security generates an audit trail of security-related actions taken by iFIX users. The security audit trail log file resides in the default iFIX alarm path and has the name format YYMMDD.LOG. For example, the file 031023.LOG contains the audit trail for October 23, 2003. If you have configured the Alarm ODBC Service and your relational database, iFIX writes these messages to your relational database.
By reviewing the audit trail log file you can learn:
- Who logged in and out.
- Each time there is an unsuccessful attempt to access iFIX.
- When an operator failed to complete the login process three times.
- When someone attempted to access a security area or application feature for which they had no privilege.
- When someone successfully or unsuccessfully signed for a data entry or alarm acknowledgement action.
- When an operator exceeded the length of time he or she can remain logged in.
Refer to the Setting up the Environment manual for more information about the iFIX Alarm path.