User Accounts

A user account defines the privileges assigned to one person. iFIX identifies each user account with a login name and an optional password. User accounts can belong to one or more groups. When a user account belongs to a group, it inherits all the privileges associated with the group. The user account can have privileges in addition to the group privileges

When designing a user account, always include the user's full name, login name, and password in your security plan. If you plan to use Windows security, you should also include the domain name if you plan to store the user accounts on a domain controller.

Including the user's full name is especially important when you are using electronic signatures, because the full name is recorded in messages sent to the audit trail for electronic signatures.

Including the password is particularly important because iFIX security does not display user account passwords. Consequently, including user passwords ensures that you provide the correct password to your operators.

NOTE: iFIX user passwords are case insensitive when not using Windows security.

See Also