Merging a Historian Server
About this task
If your system architecture has evolved from multiple smaller servers into fewer large archives, you can eliminate the smaller machines while preserving all your tag configuration and collected data.
Consider the following example. You have two machines, Machine A and Machine B. Machine A is running current or any earlier version of Historian and has 100 tags and 10 archive files. The data of these tags are collected from the collector and is being queried by users. Machine B is running the current version of Historian.
- This example does not include Alarm migration. If Machine A was being used to store alarms, then you need to migrate those before eliminating Machine A.
- You cannot migrate tags with Enumerated Data Sets. If you want to migrate data for Enumerated Data Sets, then you must create the Enumerated Data Sets in Historian Administrator or Microsoft Excel and then migrate the tags.
- To migrate tags which are condition based triggers, then you must create the condition-based triggers for that tag in Historian Administrator or Microsoft Excel and then migrate the tags.
You can migrate data only if the file format of the archive files format is .IHA. If the back-up archive is in .zip format, extract the zip files and copy all the .IHA files separately in a folder.