Installing and Configuring the Collector Toolkit for Linux

Installing and Configuring the Collector Toolkit for Linux

Before you begin

The toolkit is compiled and tested on CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 14. The minimum system requirements are:

  • g++(GCC) 4.8.x
  • glibc2.17+

About this task

Installing the Collector Tool kit for Linux

The Collector Toolkit is delivered as a tar file. There are four different artifacts to choose from: static and shared library versions of debug and non-debug (release) versions. Choose whichever of the artifacts best fits your needs.

Unzip the tar file at a location where you want to install it. There are 4 folders at the top level.

  • shared: The shared folder contains an example collector using the Collector Toolkit. A sample Make file is also provided. This example works as is. Your can use this as a template to create your own custom collector.
  • lib: The lib folder contains two libraries: libihAPI and libihCollectorDelegator.
  • include: The include folder contains include files that you would need to include in your custom collector. ihAPI.h is optional. It needs to be included only if you are making use of any System APIs directly in your custom collector.
  • bin: The bin folder contains some pre-compiled binaries. Random is the binary for the Simulation Collector. RandomValueSimulator is the sample collector built using the example code in the shared folder.
Configuring the Collector Tool Kit


  1. Update the following key in the HistorianServers.reg file: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Intellution, Inc.\iHistorian\Services\<ServiceName>.
    <ServiceName> must match the service name passed to the InitializeCollector() function in main() in your custom collector.
  2. Update the following two properties in the HistorianServers.reg file.
    • HistorianNodeName: Update this to your Historian Server???s name or IP Address. The custom collector tries to connect to the Historian Server specified by this property.
    • InterfaceName: Change this to the interface name of your choice. The custom collector uses this to identify itself in Historian Admin Console.