Collector Instance Fields
This topic provides information on the collector instance fields. These fields are categorized based on the destination of the collector.
Destination: Historian Server
Field | Description |
DESTINATION SERVER | The machine name of the Historian server to which you want the collector to send data. |
USERNAME | The username to access the Historian server. |
PASSWORD | The password to access the Historian server. |
Destination: Predix Timeseries
Field | Description |
CLOUD DESTINATION ADDRESS | The URL of a data streaming endpoint exposed by the Predix Time Series instance to which you want to send data. Typically, it starts with “wss://”. This value is used as part of the interface name and default tag prefix of the collector. Your Predix Time Series administrator can provide this URL. |
IDENTITY ISSUER | The URL of an authentication endpoint for the collector to authenticate itself and acquire necessary credentials to stream to the Predix Time Series. In other words, this is the issuer ID of the UAA instance that you want to use to connect to Predix Time Series. Typically, it starts with https:// and ends with “/oauth/token”. |
CLIENT ID | Identifies the collector when interacting with Predix Time
Series. This is equivalent to the username in many authentication
schemes. The client must exist in the UAA instance identified by the
identity issuer, and the system requires that the
timeseries.zones. {ZoneId}.ingest and
timeseries.zones.{ZoneId}.query authorities are
granted access to the client for the Predix Zone ID specified. Your
Predix Time Series administrator can provide this
information. |
CLIENT SECRET | The secret to authenticate the collector. This is equivalent to the password in many authentication schemes. |
ZONE ID | Unique identifier of the instance to which the collector will send data. |
PROXY | Identifies the URL of the proxy server to be used for both the authentication process and for sending data. If the collector is running on a network where proxy servers are used to access web resources outside of the network, then you must provide the proxy server settings. However, it does not affect the proxy server used by Windows when establishing secure connections. As a result, you must still configure the proxy settings for the Windows user account under which the collector service runs. |
PROXY USERNAME | The username to connect to the proxy server. |
PROXY PASSWORD | The password to connect to the proxy server. |
DATAPOINT ATTRIBUTES | The attributes or parameters related to a datapoint that you want the collector to collect. Select Add Attributes to specify the attributes. You can add maximum five attributes for each collector instance. |
CHOOSE CONFIGURATION | The type of the configuration to specify the tags whose data you
want to collect. Select one of the following options:
CONFIGURATION HISTORIAN SERVER | The host name of the machine from which you want to access Historian Administrator to add the tags manually for the collector. This field appears only if you have selected Historian Configuration in the CHOOSE CONFIGURATION field. |
Destination: Azure IoT Hub
Field | Description |
DEVICE CONNECTION STRING | Identifies the Azure IoT device to which you want to send data.
Enter a value in the following format:
HostName=<value>;DeviceId=<value>;SharedAccessKey=<value> |
TRANSPORT PROTOCOL | The protocol that you want to use to send data to Azure IoT Hub.
Select one of the following options:
PROXY | Identifies the URL of the proxy server to be used for both the authentication process and for sending data. If the collector is running on a network where proxy servers are used to access web resources outside of the network, then you must provide the proxy server settings. However, it does not affect the proxy server used by Windows when establishing secure connections. As a result, you must still configure the proxy settings for the Windows user account under which the collector service runs. |
PROXY USERNAME | The username to connect to the proxy server. |
PROXY PASSWORD | The password to connect to the proxy server. |
CHOOSE CONFIGURATION | The type of the configuration to specify the tags whose data you
want to collect. Select one of the following options:
CONFIGURATION HISTORIAN SERVER | The host name of the machine from which you want to access Historian Administrator to add the tags manually for the collector. This field appears only if you have selected Historian Configuration in the CHOOSE CONFIGURATION field. |
Destination: MQTT
Field | Description |
HOST ADDRESS | The host name of the MQTT broker to which you want the collector to send data. A value is required. |
PORT | The port number of the MQTT broker. |
CLIENT ID | The name of the MQTT client. A value is required and must be unique for an MQTT broker. |
TOPIC | The MQTT topic to which you want the collector to publish data. A value is required. |
AUTO REFRESH | Indicates whether you want to automatically refresh the
authentication token when it expires.
USERNAME | Enter the username to connect to the MQTT broker. |
PASSWORD | Enter the password to connect to the MQTT broker. |
CA SERVER ROOT FILE | Enter the path of the CA server root file that you want to use to connect to the MQTT broker. |
CLIENT CERTIFICATE | Enter the path to the client certificate that you want to use to connect to the MQTT broker. |
PRIVATE KEY FILE | Enter the path to the private key file that you want to use to connect to the MQTT broker. |
PUBLIC KEY FILE | Enter the path to the public key file that you want to use to connect to the MQTT broker. |
CHOOSE CONFIGURATION | The type of the configuration to specify the tags whose data you
want to collect. Select one of the following options:
CONFIGURATION HISTORIAN SERVER | The host name of the machine from which you want to access Historian Administrator to add the tags manually for the collector. This field appears only if you have selected Historian Configuration in the CHOOSE CONFIGURATION field. |