Deleting Digital States

If digital states are deleted in the PI Collector, the corresponding enumerated sets in Historian are not automatically deleted without a restart of the PI collector. Unused enumerated sets cannot be automatically deleted, because the PI server does not notify the PI collector about delete activity.

To address this:
  • Go to the Historian VB admin and delete the unused enumerated set at the Historian side.
For example, consider the following situation, where PHsite1.PumpStatus in Historian is assigned to Tag1:
PI ServerHistorian
ON= 0OFF= 0
OFF= 1ON= 1

If the digital state Site1.PumpStatus is deleted, then the enumerated set PHSite1.PumpStatus remains at the Historian side.

To address this:
  • Go to the Historian VB admin and delete the PHSite1.PumpStatus enumerated set, on the Historian side.