Reconfigure Cloud Information and Configuration

If you want to change or add the cloud parameters after install, then you must run the reconfigure_timeseries.exe available in path: C:\Program Files (x86)\GE Digital\Historian Server to Server Collector\Server.

Please note the path may vary for other collectors. Run the command line under Administrative Privileges to ensure that the registry key is updated. Once the tool is run, it will update the necessary information stored under HISTORIANNODENAME registry key for the specified collector.

Help details are seen when running the tool via command line: reconfigure_timeseries.exe help. Parameters available to reconfigure via the tool:

-d, --CloudDestAddressCloud Destination Address, the wss endpoint URL of the Time Series instance.
-g, --ConfigServerAn optional configuration server, typically not needed.
-i, --IdentityIssuerIdentity issuer URL, typically pointing to an UAA endpoint.
-c, --ClientIdClient ID for accessing Time Series.
-s, --ClientSecretClient secret for accessing Time Series.
-z, --ZoneIdZone ID.
-t, --DatapointAttributesDatapoint attributes in JSON, if any.
-p, --ProxyProxy server, if any.
-n, --InstanceName(Default: ServerToServerCollector) Alternative instance name.
-m, --SubInstanceName(Default: ) Alternative sub instance name for same collector multi instances.
-f, --Force(Default: False) Force write to registry despite warning.
-6, --x64(Default: False) Set parameter for a x64 collector.
-y, --DryRun(Default: False) Only generate and print the string value that would be written into register.
-o, --Override(Default: False) overide the user provided setting into register, even if not a cloud collector.
--helpDisplay this help screen.

Example: reconfigure_timeseries.exe -d wss:// -g none -i app-client-id -c test -s test -z bf0e881d-548a-493f-b855-xxxxxxxxxx -o true -n PiCollector