Custom Collector Toolkit Interface Technical Reference
Custom Collector Toolkit Interface Technical Reference
The Collector Toolkit interfaces help in writing collectors with basic functionality such as initializing collectors, adding data and tags, the others help in writing advanced features such as store and forward functions, heartbeat, buffering, queuing. The following are the various interfaces in detail:
The shell will call this function at start up and on change to indicate a tag that should be collected. The collector specific code should keep all information about the tags and use it later to deliver the collected data.
- Prototype
int ihInterfaceTKASyncAddTag(ihInterfaceTKASyncTagInfo *ASyncTag, int IsCollectorStarting)
- Returns
- TRUE on success. FALSE if the tag could not be added. For example, if the tag has an invalid address you can return an error here or report bad data later after
is called. - Parameters
Name Data Type Description ASyncTag
Refer to the structure description. IsCollectorStarting
TRUE if this function is being called as part of collector start-up. FALSE if this is being called because a tag was added or modified while the collector was running.
Use this tag to update information to the Collector when a tag is deleted so that it will stop collecting data from the source. For example, if you delete a tag or stop collection in the administrator then the shell will call this function.
- Prototype
int ihCollectorToolkitASyncDeleteTag(int tagId)
- Returns
- TRUE on success; your collector specific code should always return TRUE.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description tagId
Int Tag identifier; the tag name is not passed into this function. You would have to match the tag identifier with a magnate passed in ihCollectorToolkitASyncAddTag
The collector shell will call this to indicate the start of a list of tags to be collected asynchronously. The tags will be delivered via the ihCollectorToolkitASyncAddTag
function and the collector specific code should keep track of all tag information.
- Prototype
int ihInterfaceTKASyncInit(void);
- Returns
TRUE on success; your collector specific code should always return TRUE.
The collector shell will call this method to indicate the end of a list of tags to be collected asynchronously.
- Prototype
int ihInterfaceTKASyncInitCompleted(void)
- Returns
- TRUE on success; your collector specific code should always return TRUE.
This function is used to perform a recalculation on all unsolicited tags in the custom collector. Custom collector must implement the necessary changes to read data from the source and send values via the ihCollectorToolkitDataCallback
. The time frame for recalculation is given in the input parameters StartTime
and EndTime
For more information on the methods of unsolicited tags, refer the methods listed for unsolicited tags in About Interfaces.
- Prototype
int ihCollectorToolkitASyncReload(ihTKTimeStruct TimeStruct *StartTime, ihTKTimeStruct TimeStruct *EndTime)
- Returns
- Always, TRUE.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description StartTime
Reserved EndTime
The collector shell will call this method to indicate that the collector should start reading data for asynchronous tags from the source and report any data changes to the shell.
- Prototype
int CustomCollector:: ihCollectorToolkitASyncStartReading(void)
- Returns
- TRUE on success; your collector specific code should return TRUE.
This callback is used when unsolicited tags get the data and asynchronously writes them into the Historian. Custom collector receives the data from unsolicited tags and sends it to the ihCollectorToolkitDataCallback
. This call back function internally writes the data into the Historian.
- Prototype
voidihCollectorToolkitDataCallback(void *Param)
- Returns
- Void.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description ASyncTag
Refer to the structure description. - Example
- You can use this function as shown in the following example to create a thread using which the unsolicited tags
Use this interface to specify what labels you want to appear on the collector configuration page of the administrator. The administrator will show 5 edit boxes for General 1 to General 5 but with this function you can control what text is show next to each edit box.
All custom collectors share the same set of labels.
- Prototype
void ihCollectorToolkitDefinitionInitialize(ihCollectorToolkitDefProperties* CustomPropertyDesc)
- Returns
- Void.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description CustomPropertyDesc
Pointer to a Custom Collectors specific properties General 1-5 definitions.
Reserved for future use. Your collector specific code should call the CCollectorDelegator
- Prototype
void ihCollectorToolkitDestroyGroupData(int NumTags, void *Data, void *Misc)
- Returns
- Void.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description NumTags
Reserved Data
Reserved Misc
The collector calls this method when a change is detected. 0 indicates only errors and important information should be written to log. 255 is the highest setting for all debug information to display.
- Prototype
void ihCollectorToolkitDebugModeChange(int DoDebug)
- Returns
- Void.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description DoDebug
Zero or non zero debug level.
This is the function called by the collector shell each time the collector should poll data from the data source. The shell will pass a list of tags by tag id to be read. The tagids were provided to the collector specific code in the PolledAddTag
call. The string tagnames, if needed, are available in the ihInterfaceTKDataInfo
structure. The collector should gather the data and fill in the remaining fields of the ihInterfaceTKDataInfo
- Prototype
void ihCollectorToolkitGetData(int MinInterval, int AnySourceTimes, int CreatePermGroup, int NumTags, int *TagIds, ihInterfaceTKDataInfo *Data)
- Returns
- Void.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description MinInterval
The minimum configured collection interval of the tags being passed in for polling. AnySourceTimes
TRUE if any of the tags to be collected are configured for Time assigned by source. This would mean the collector specific code has to do additional work to provide a timestamp with the data. If this is FALSE, then the collector shell will provide the timestamp. CreatePermGroup
FALSE if this is a one time read such at start up or collector redundancy fail over. In this case, you can choose to not make a permanent collection group inside your code. If this is TRUE, then this is a normal scheduled polled read and you should consider making a permanent group in your code for greater efficiency. NumTags
Number of tags to be read. TagIds
List of tags to be read, identified by tag ID. The tag names are in the data parameter, if required. Data
Pointer to the Proficy Historian Collector Data Properties. This contains some information from the shell and then the collector specific code needs to fill in the collected values. - Example
- Populating data for a single tag.
ihInterfaceTKDataInfodata; memset(&data,0, sizeof(ihInterfaceTKDataInfo)); data.Tag= Lcomputername.OperatorName data.DataProp.ValueDataType= ihTKFloat; // correct data type- same as tag type data.DataProp.TimeStamp= pColl->TKGetSystemTime(); //10/01/2014 07:05:00 data.DataProp.Value = 10; // value that matches the data type. data.DataProp.Quality = ihTKOPCGood;
Use this interface to retrieve and represent the data in a hierarchical manner.
- Prototype
void ihCollectorToolkitGetTagsHierarchical(wchar_t* BrowsePosition, wchar_t* NodeFilter, ihInterfaceTKHierarchicalBrowseResponse* Response)
- Returns
- Void.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description BrowsePosition
Position of browsing for specific Tag. NodeFilter
Node filtering required for tag to get hierarchical information.
Hierarchical Groups of tags browse response.
Use this interface to browse tags from source. The shell will give some criteria and the collector specific code should fill in the result.
Tags can be skipped when they exist in the data source but should not be collected into Proficy Historian. For example, if a tag has a data type that is not compatible with Proficy Historian, you would not return it and you can increment the number skipped.
- Prototype
void ihCollectorToolkitGetTags(ihInterfaceTKTagRecordset *Tags, ihInterfaceTKCfgInfo *Cfg, wchar_t *BrowsePosition, ihTKBoolean Recursive, wchar_t *DescriptionMask, wchar_t *SourceAddressMask, int CanReadASync, int DoMsgPump, int *NumSkipped
- Returns
- Void.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description Tags
Pointer to a Proficy Historian Tags Record set containing browse criteria and where you can return the tags. Cfg
Pointer to Proficy Historian Collector Configuration Information. Use this if necessary to help determine the browse results. BrowsePosition
Pointer to a position of browsing for specific Tag. Recursive
TRUE if the browse should be recursive in collector specific code. Applies only if your data source has a tree of available tags. DescriptionMask
* or a description mask that you should use when determining tags to return. SourceAddressMask
* or a source address mask that you should use when determining tags to return. CanReadASync
Non-zero if your collector is capable of asynchronous reads. Typically, this parameter does not affect browse results. DoMsgPump
0 should be ignored. NumSkipped
Use this to return any tags that were skipped because they did not match the description or source address mask or had an invalid data type.
When this method is called by the collector shell, it indicates that the initialization is complete.
- Prototype
- Returns
- FALSE on success; collector should return FALSE.
Use this interface to initialize the collector by using information in the ihInterfaceTKCfgInfo
and ihInterfaceTKPreCfgInfo
structures. Your code also needs to save away the callback pointers passed into this function for use later with unsolicited reads and browses.
- Prototype
int ihCollectorToolkitInitialize(ihInterfaceTKCfgInfo *Cfg, ihInterfaceTKPreCfgInfo *PreCfg, wchar_t *ErrorMsg, int ErrorMsgSize,wchar_t *RegKeyName, ihCollectorToolkitCollectorCallbacks *Callbacks, int DoDebug)
- Returns
TRUE if initialization was successful. Otherwise, FALSE. If initialization failed, you can return a text string error message in the
parameter and that message will be entered into the collector log. - Parameters
Name Data Type Description Cfg
Pointer to the Proficy Historian Collector Configuration Information. PreCfg
Pointer to the Collector pre-Configuration Information. ErrorMsg
Pointer to an Initialization Error Message, if any. Any error would be reported to collector log. ErrorMsgSize
Error Message Size. This is the maximum length that your error message size can be. RegKeyName
Pointer to a Registry Key Name. Will be filled in with the location of your collectors registry information. Callbacks
Pointer to callbacks to functions inside the collector shell. Save these function pointers and call them at the appropriate time, such as to deliver unsolicited data into the shell. DoDebug
This value will be zero if the collector is not in debug mode and non-zero if debug mode is enabled. Save this value and use it to log more or less information to your collector log.
Reserved for future use. Your collector specific code should simply call the function in the CCollectorDelegator
- Prototype
int ihCollectorToolkitMiscReload(ihTKTimeStruct *StartTime, ihTKTimeStruct *EndTime)
- Returns
TRUE; your collector specific code should return TRUE.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description *StartTime
Reserved *EndTime
The collector shell calls this to indicate the tag will be used later in polled collection. The collector specific code should keep all information given as it will be used in the ihInterfaceGetData
The polled tag add notification is done via ihCollectorToolkitPolledAddTag
and data is sent to Historian via ihCollectorToolkitGetData
. The frequency of asking for data for polled tag is based on the tag collection interval.
- Prototype
int ihCollectorToolkitPolledAddTag(ihInterfaceTKPolledTagInfo *PolledTag, int IsCollectorStarting)
- Returns
- TRUE on success; your collector specific code should return TRUE.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description PolledTag
Pointer to a Historian Collector Polled Tag Information. IsCollectorStarting
Parameter to provide information about collector state.
Use this interface to provide the toolkit with some of the capabilities of the collector. Here, you can specify if you support multiple instances, if you support unsolicited reads, and if your collector supports browsing.
Information filled into the ihInterfaceTKCfgInfo
structure will later be passed into the ihCollectorToolkitInitialize
- Prototype
void ihCollectorToolkitPreInitialize(ihInterfaceTKPreCfgInfo *PreCfg, ihInterfaceTKCfgInfo *Cfg)
- Returns
- Void.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description PreCfg
Pointer to Collector Configuration Information. Cfg
Pointer to additional Collector Configuration Information.
This function is called when the user changes any collector property in the Historian Administrator such as the General1 -5 properties. Your collector specific code can decide what changes are meaningful.
- Prototype
void ihCollectorToolkitPropertyUpdate(ihInterfaceTKCfgInfo *Cfg)
- Returns
- Void.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description Cfg
Current values of Collector configuration information.
The collector shell calls this method at start up and on change to indicate the start of a list of tags to be polled, as the collector runs. The actual polling takes place in the ihInterfaceGetData
- Prototype
int ihCollectorToolkitPolledInit(void);
- Returns
- FALSE on success; your collector specific code should return FALSE.
The collector shell will call this to indicate the end of the polled tag list. This informs the source to begin its initialization.
- Prototype
int ihCollectorToolkitPolledInitCompleted(void);
- Returns
- FALSE on success; your collector specific code should return FALSE.
This function is called when the user changes any collector property in the Historian Administrator such as the General1 -5 properties. Your collector specific code can decide what changes are meaningful.
- Prototype
void ihCollectorToolkitPropertyUpdate(ihInterfaceTKCfgInfo *Cfg)
- Returns
- Void.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description Cfg
Current values of Collector configuration information.
The shell calls this function to notify the collector specific code that a tag will no longer be polled.
- Prototype
int ihCollectorToolkitPolledDeleteTag(int tagId);
- Returns
- TRUE on success; your collector specific code should return TRUE.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description TagId
TagId that is being deleted. The tag name is not passed into this function. Match the TagId with the information passed in the ihCollectorToolkitPolledAddTag
The collector shell will call this to indicate the end of the polled tag list. This informs the source to begin its initialization.
- Prototype
int ihCollectorToolkitPolledInitCompleted(void);
- Returns
- FALSE on success; your collector specific code should return FALSE.
The toolkit will call this function when the collector is being paused or shutdown. Proficy Historian stores collector information before the Collector is shut down.
- Prototype
void ihCollectorToolkitReset(int Shutdown)
- Returns
- Void.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description Shutdown
0 if the collector pauses and non-zero if the collector is shutting down.
When the shell calls this method, it indicates the collector specific code to start polled and unsolicited reading from the source.
- Prototype
int ihCollectorToolkitStartReading(void)
- Returns
- TRUE on success; your collector specific code should return TRUE.
The collector shell will call this function when the collector executable (.exe
) is shutting down.
- Prototype
void ihInterfaceTKShutdown(void);
- Returns
- Void.
The toolkit will call this function when the properties of a tag are changed in client tools, Proficy Historian Administrator, or other external tools. The tag and what properties have changed are indicated in the tag props and changed fields.
This function is called on tag property change and is not involved with data changes.
Your collector should decide how to react to tag property changes or should ignore the changes.
- Prototype
int ihCollectorToolkitTagChange(int TagId, iHTKTagProperties *TagProps, iHTKTagFields *ChangedFields
- Returns
- int (TRUE/FALSE).
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description TagId
TagID that has changed. TagProps
Pointer to a Proficy Historian Tag Property structure that indicates the new tag property values. ChangedFields
Pointer to information about which tag properties have changed.
The toolkit calls this function based on the value configured under the SynchInterval
registry key value. This function is called every x minutes, where x is the value configured for the registry key.
Collectors implemented using the Collector Toolkit have to implement this method to fetch the EnumeratedSet
from their source.
- Prototype
int ihCollectorToolkitGetEnumeratedSets(ihTKEnumeratedSetRecordSet *EnumeratedSetRecordSet)
- Returns
- int (TRUE/FALSE).
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description EnumeratedSetRecordSet
Pointer to an EnumeratedSetRecordSet
structure which should be added to Historian Server.
The toolkit will call this function once per minute if the user has configured heartbeat/status/rate tags. If your collector does not support this feature you can hard code a return value and not do the write.
- Prototype
void ihCollectorToolkitWriteValue(wchar_t *Tag, wchar_t *SValue, double DValue
- Returns
- Void.
- Parameters
Name Data Type Description Tag
wchar_ t
Pointer to a source address in the data source to write to. doubled Value
Numeric value to be written, if the Tag is a numeric tag. For example, a report rate would be written to a rate tag or a 1 would be written to a heartbeat tag. SValue
The string value to be written if tag source address is a string tag. For example, the string Running would be written to a status tag.
What is a Helper Method?
Helper Methods are used to allocate memory for variables while developing Collectors. Using these helper methods will prevent cross boundary issues. The following are the Helper Methods:
Name | Description |
wchar_t*TKStrdup(const wchar_t* string) |
Use this method to allocate memory on the heap, assign values and returns. |
voidTKFree(void* pointer) |
Use this method to free up pointer memory. |
void*TKMalloc(_In_ size_t _Size) |
Use this method to allocate memory. |