Changing Historian Server Name

Important: You do not have the latest version of Historian! You are missing out on the newest capabilities and enhanced security. For information on all the latest features, see the Historian product page. For more information on upgrades, contact your GE Digital sales agent or e-mail GE Digital Sales Support. For the most up-to-date documentation, go here.

Changing the Historian Server Name Using Registry

By default, custom collector tries to connect to the local Historian server. If you want the collector to connect to a remote Historian server, you must change the HistorianNodeName registry key located at:

  • On a 64 bit machine, this is under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Intellution, Inc.\iHistorian\Services\<CollectorName>\
  • On a 32 bit collector, this is under \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intellution, Inc.\iHistorian\Services\<CollectorName>\