Custom Collector Toolkit Structure Technical Reference

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What is a Structure?

A Structure is a user defined data type. Structures are used in Interface Methods to represent data types that are compatible with Historian and allow the custom collectors to interact with Historian.

Note: The abbreviation, TK stands for Toolkit.

For developing basic Custom Collectors, you should have knowledge about the following structures:

  • ihInterfaceTKPreCfgInfo, ihInterfaceTKCfgInfo - Maintains collector configuration information.
  • ihCollectorToolKitDefProperties - Maintains collectors specific properties.
  • ihInterfaceTKDataInfo - Maintains data information.
  • ihInterfaceTKRecordset - Maintains tag recordset.
  • ihTKTagProperties - Maintains tag properties.
  • ihTKTagFields - Maintains tag fields details
  • ihTKTagCriteria - Maintains tag criteria details.
  • ihTKDataType - Maintains tag data type
  • ihInterfaceTKHierarchicalBrowseResponse - Maintains hierarchical browse response information.
  • ihInterfaceTKASyncTagInfo - Maintains Unsolicited tag information.
  • ihInterfaceTKPolledTagInfo - Maintains Polled tag information.

The following are few more structures that are used for developing Custom Collectors:

  • ihTKTagRecordset
  • ihTKBlobData
  • ihTKHiddenValue
  • ihTKRawQuality
  • ihTKQuality
  • ihTKCommentData
  • ihTKComments
  • ihTKDataProperties
  • ihInterfaceTKASyncData
  • ihTKGetDataType
  • ihTKStatus
  • ihTKMessageTopic
  • ihTKCollectorCallbacks
  • ihTKTimeStruct
  • ihTKQualityStatus
  • ihTKQualitySubStatus
  • ihTKDataType
  • ihTKInterfaceType
  • ihTKCollectionType
  • ihTKTimeStampType
  • ihTKTimeResolution
  • ihTKTagId
  • ihTKConditionCollectionComparison
  • ihTKAlarmInterfaceProperties
  • ihTKHierarchicalBrowseResponse

Custom Collector Toolkit Structure Reference


Following are the custom collector toolkit structure references:

The ihInterfaceTKPreCfgInfo structure maintains the pre-configuration information of a collector.

typedef struct ihInterfaceTKPreCfgInfo {
ihTKInterfaceType InterfaceType;
int MultipleInstancesAllowed;
int MinimumInterval;
int MaxTagsPerRead;
int CanReadASync;
int CanBrowseSource;
int CanSourceTimestamp;
int ForceInputScaling;
int NeedMsgPump;
float ForcedScaleHI;
float ForcedScaleLO;
int ForceAsyncSource;
int ForcePolledSource;
int AyncAllowAdjustWhenSource;
int PolledAllowAdjustWhenSource;
int DontWriteASyncOfflineValue;
int DontWritePolledOfflineValue;
int DoesReloadMode;
int DoesLagTimes;
ihTKTagFields ReloadTagFields;
ihTKTagFields NotifyTagFields;
int IsHistoricalCollector;
int CanBrowseHierarchical;
wchar_t ReloadModeName[100];
TKCallBackFunctionCalcLibraryTag * CalcLibraryTagCallback;
void * CalcLibraryTagCallbackParam;
int CanSendOPCQuality;
} ihInterfaceTKPreCfgInfo;
Name Description
InterfaceType Indicates the collector responsible for collecting data for the tag.
MultipleInstancesAllowed Indicates whether multiple instances are allowed.
MinimumInterval Indicates the minimum interval the collector uses.
MaxTagsPerRead Indicates the maximum tags per read.
CanReadASync Indicates whether Async tags can be read.
CanBrowseSource If True, this column indicates that the collector is capable of browsing its source for tags.
CanSourceTimestamp Indicates whether the data source is capable of providing timestamps along with the data.
ForceInputScaling Forces input scaling to be used.
NeedMsgPump Indicates whether a message pump is required.
ForcedScaleHI Forces to use Hi Scaling.
ForcedScaleLO Forces to use Low scaling.
ForceAsyncSource Forces to use Async source.
ForcePolledSource Forces to use polled source.
AsyncAllowAdjustWhenSource Forces Async to allow adjust when source.
PolledAllowAdjustWhenSource Forces to polled to allow adjust when source.
DontWriteASyncOfflineValue Forces not to write Async offline value.
DontWritePolledOfflineValue Forces not to write polled offline values.
DoesReloadMode Uses the reload mode.
DoesLagTimes Defines the lag times.
IsHistoricalCollector Indicates whether it is a historical collector.
CanBrowseHierarchical Indicates whether a hierarchical browse can be done.
ReloadModeName Reload mode name.
CalcLibraryTagCallback Call back function for calculation tag.
CalcLibraryTagCallbackParam Calculation tag call back parameters
CanSendOPCQuality Indicates whether OPC Quality can be sent.


The ihInterfaceTKCfgInfo structure maintains the configuration information of the collectors.

typedef struct ihInterfaceTKCfgInfo {
int CanBrowseSource;
int CanSourceTimestamp;
int ForcePolled;
int DoOnFly;
wchar_t* CustomProp1;
wchar_t* CustomProp2;
wchar_t* CustomProp3;
wchar_t* CustomProp4;
wchar_t* CustomProp5;
wchar_t StatusOutputAddress[500];
wchar_t RateOutputAddress[500];
wchar_t HeartbeatOutputAddress[500];
wchar_t InterfaceName[500];
wchar_t HistorianNodeName[1024];
wchar_t LogFilePath[500];
wchar_t BufferFilePath[500];
uint32 MinimumDiskFreeBufferSize;
uint32 MaximumMemoryBufferSize;
int ShouldAdjustTime;
int ShouldQueueWrites;
int SourceTimeInLocalTime;
volatile int32_t CollectionDelay;
wchar_t DefaultTagPrefix[200];
uint32_t DefaultCollectionInterval;
ihTKCollectionType DefaultCollectionType;
ihTKTimeStampType DefaultTimeStampType;
int DefaultLoadBalancing;
int DefaultCollectorCompression;
float DefaultCollectorCompressionDeadband;
uint32_t DefaultCollectorCompressionTimeout;
int ReloadMode;
volatile int32_t DisableOnTheFlyTagChanges;
uint32_t ReadLagTime;
int32_t MaxHistoricalRecoverySeconds;
int32_t HistoricalOverrunThresholdSecs;
int DontStartupPolling;
int DefaultSpikeLogic;
float DefaultSpikeMultiplier;
uint32_t DefaultSpikeInterval;
volatile int32_t DataRecoveryQueueEnabled;
int DefaultAbsoluteDeadbanding;
double DefaultAbsoluteDeadband;
int RedundancyEnabled;
wchar_t RedundancyPrincipalCollector[500];
volatile int32_t RedundancyIsActiveCollector;
wchar_t RedundancyPrimaryCollector[500];
uint32_t SyncThreadInterval;
} ihInterfaceTKCfgInfo;
Name Description
CanBrowseSource If True, this column indicates that the collector is capable of browsing its source for tags.
CanSourceTimestamp Indicates whether the data source is capable of providing timestamps along with the data.
ForcePolled If you set as true then collection type will be forced to be ihPolled.
DoOnFly Indicates whether to enable or disable on the fly changes.
CustomProp1 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CollectorGeneral1 column is not user defined; it is different for each collector.
CustomProp2 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CollectorGeneral2 column is not user defined; it is different for each collector.
CustomProp3 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CollectorGeneral3 column is not user defined; it is different for each collector.
CustomProp4 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CollectorGeneral4 column is not user defined; it is different for each collector.
CustomProp5 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CollectorGeneral5 column is not user defined; it is different for each collector.
StatusOutputAddress[500] The address in the source database into which the collector writes the status signal output.
RateOutputAddress[500] An address or tag name in the data source into which the collector writes the current value of the events per minute output.
HeartbeatOutputAddress[500] The address in the source database into which the collector writes the heartbeat signal output.
InterfaceName[500] The name of the collector. The collector name is unique in a given Historian Server.
HistorianNodeName[1024] The name of the DataArchiver server where we need to store our data.
LogFilePath[500] Path name to specify the location of the log files.
BufferFilePath[500] Path name to specify the location of the buffer files.
MinimumDiskFreeBufferSize The minimum size (in MB) of disk buffer for buffering outgoing data.
MaximumMemoryBufferSize The maximum size of memory buffer (in MB) for buffering outgoing data.
ShouldAdjustTime If the data source supplies the timestamps, the ShouldAdjustTime value is False. If the collector supplies the timestamps, the ShouldAdjustTime value is True.
ShouldQueueWrites Indicates whether queue writes are allowed or not.
SourceTimeInLocalTime Applicable only for data source timestamps. Indicates whether the timestamps use local time. If SourceTimeInLocalTime is False, then UTC time is used.
CollectionDelay The length of time, in seconds, that the collector should delay collection at start-up (to allow data source time to initialize).
DefaultTagPrefix[200] The prefix that is automatically added to all tag names added by the specified collector.
DefaultCollectionInterval The collection interval, in milliseconds, for tags added by the collector.


Type of collection used to acquire data for tags added by the collector:

  • Unsolicited - The collector accepts data from the source whenever the source presents the data.
  • Polled - The collector acquires data from a source on a periodic schedule determined by the collector.


The type of time stamping applied to data samples at collection time for tags added by the collector:

  • Source - The source delivers the timestamp along with the data sample.
  • Collector - The collector delivers the timestamp along with the collected data.
DefaultCollectorCompression Indicates whether the default collector compression is enabled for tags added by the collector.
DefaultCollectorCompressionDeadband The default collector compression deadband for tags added by the collector.
DefaultCollectorCompressionTimeout Indicates the default collector compression time out value.

Indicates whether a user can perform on the fly changes to this tag. When enabled (True), you can make changes to this tag without having to restart the collector.

If this option is disabled (False), any changes you make to this tag does not affect collection until you restart the collector.

DefaultSpikeLogic Indicates whether the Spike Logic is enabled.
DefaultSpikeMultiplier Indicates the default Spike Logic multiplier.
DefaultSpikeInterval Indicates the default Spike Logic interval.
DataRecoveryQueueEnabled Indicates whether the Recovery queue is enabled.
DefaultAbsoluteDeadbanding Indicates if the absolute dead band is enabled.
RedundancyEnabled Indicates that the collector redundancy is enabled.
RedundancyPrincipalCollector[500] Indicates the principal collector.
RedundancyIsActiveCollector Indicates that the current collector is active.
RedundancyPrimaryCollector[500] Indicates the principal collector.

If greater than 0, indicates that the collector is capable of synchronizing EnumeratedSets populated by ihCollectorToolkitGetEnumeratedSets implementation.

ihCollectorToolkitGetEnumeratedSets is fired every x minutes, where x is the value of SyncThreadInterval.


The ihCollectorToolkitDefProperties structure maintains the Custom Collectors specific properties General1-5 definitions.

typedef struct {
wchar_t* InterfaceDefName;
int32_t InterfaceType;
unsigned char IsSystemInterface;
wchar_t* General1Description;
wchar_t* General2Description;
wchar_t* General3Description;
wchar_t* General4Description;
wchar_t* General5Description;
} ihCollectorToolkitDefProperties;
Name Description
InterfaceDefName The name of the Custom Collector.
InterfaceType ihTKCustom- specifies the custom collector type.
IsSystemInterface Boolean. If true, specifies whether it is a System collector or a custom collector. Default - false.
General1Description Collector general-1 property description.
General2Description Collector general-2 property description.
General3Description Collector general-3 property description.
General4Description Collector general-4 property description.
General5Description Collector general-5 property description.

The parameters General1Description, General2Description to General5Description, specifies the collector specific properties descriptions which are not listed among the general collector properties. Using Collector Toolkit we can add up to 5 collector specific properties descriptions.


The ihInterfaceTKDataInfo structure maintains data properties of a collector.

typedef struct ihInterfaceTKDataInfo {
wchar_t *Tag;
ihTKDataProperties DataProp;
ihTKAPIStatus ErrorStatus;
ihTKGetDataType GetDataType;
wchar_t *ErrorMessage;
uint32_t CollectionTime;
wchar_t *CustomProp1;
wchar_t *CustomProp2;
wchar_t *CustomProp3;
wchar_t *CustomProp4;
wchar_t *CustomProp5;
} ihInterfaceTKDataInfo;
Name Description
*ArchiveTagName Tag name of the archive.
*Tag Name of the tag.
DataProp Properties of the data.
ErrorStatus Status of the error.
GetDataType Data type.
*ErrorMessage Error message.
CollectionTime Collection time.
*CustomProp1 CustomProp1 property description.
*CustomProp2 CustomProp2 property description.
*CustomProp3 CustomProp3 property description.
*CustomProp4 CustomProp4 property description.
*CustomProp5 CustomProp5 property description.
Populating data for a single tag.
memset(&data,0, sizeof(ihInterfaceTKDataInfo));
data.Tag= Lcomputername.OperatorName
data.DataProp.ValueDataType= ihTKFloat;// correct data type- same as tag type 
data.DataProp.TimeStamp = pColl->TKGetSystemTime(); //10/01/2014 07:05:00
data.DataProp.Value = 10; // value that matches the data type. 
data.DataProp.Quality = ihTKOPCGood;


The ihTKTagProperties structure maintains the properties of a Historian tag.

typedef struct ihTKTagProperties {wchar_t* Tagname; wchar_t*
Description; wchar_t* 
EngineeringUnits; wchar_t* 
Comment; ihTKDataType 
unsigned char FixedStringLength;
wchar_t* InterfaceName; wchar_t* 
SourceAddress; ihTKCollectionType 
CollectionType; uint32_t 
CollectionInterval; uint32_t 
CollectionOffset; ihTKBoolean 
LoadBalancing; ihTKTimeStampType 
TimeStampType; double 
double LoEngineeringUnits; 
ihTKBoolean InputScaling; 
double HiScale;
double LoScale;
ihTKBoolean InterfaceCompression; 
float InterfaceDeadbandPercentRange; 
ihTKBoolean ArchiveCompression;
float ArchiveDeadbandPercentRange;
wchar_t* CustomProp1; 
wchar_t* CustomProp2; 
wchar_t* CustomProp3; 
wchar_t* CustomProp4; 
wchar_t* CustomProp5; 
wchar_t* ReadSecurityGroup; 
wchar_t* WriteSecurityGroup;
wchar_t* AdministratorSecurityGroup;
ihTKTimeStruct LastModified; 
wchar_t* LastModifiedUser; 
ihTKInterfaceType InterfaceType; 
ihTKBoolean ObsoleteField; 
int32_t UTCBias;
uint32_t NumberOfCalculationDependencies; 
wchar_t** CalculationDependencies; 
uint32_t AverageCollectionTime; 
ihTKBoolean CollectionDisabled;
uint32_t ArchiveCompressionTimeout; 
uint32_t InterfaceCompressionTimeout; 
ihTKBoolean SpikeLogic;
ihTKBoolean SpikeLogicOverride; 
ihTKBoolean InterfaceAbsoluteDeadbanding; 
double InterfaceAbsoluteDeadband; 
ihTKBoolean ArchiveAbsoluteDeadbanding; 
double ArchiveAbsoluteDeadband; 
ihTKBoolean StepValue;
ihTKTimeResolution TimeResolution; 
ihTKBoolean ConditionCollectionEnabled; 
wchar_t* ConditionCollectionTriggerTag;
ihTKConditionCollectionComparison ConditionCollectionComparison;
wchar_t* ConditionCollectionCompareValue; 
ihTKBoolean ConditionCollectionMarkers; 
ihTKTagId TagId;
} ihTKTagProperties;
Name Description
Tagname Tagname property of the tag.
Description User description of the tag.
EngineeringUnits Engineering units description of the tag.
Comment User comment associated with the selected tag.
DataType The data type returned in this column is the data type that is defined in the Historian Administrator application.
FixedStringLength Zero unless the data type is FixedString. If the data type is FixedString, this number represents the maximum length of the string value.
InterfaceName Name of the collector responsible for collecting data for the specified tag.
SourceAddress Address used to identify the tag at the data source. For iFIXsystems, this is NTF (Node.Tag.Field).
CollectionType Types of collection used to acquire data for the tag.
CollectionInterval The time interval, in milliseconds, between readings of data from this tag.
CollectionOffset The time shift from midnight, in milliseconds, for collection of data from this tag.
LoadBalancing Indicates whether the data collector should automatically shift the phase of sampling to distribute the activity of the processor evenly over the polling cycle. This is sometimes called Phase Shifting.
TimeStampType The type of time stamping applied to data samples at collection time:
  • Source: The source delivers the timestamp along with the data sample.
  • Collector: The collector delivers the timestamp along with the collected data.
HiEngineeringUnits The high end of the engineering units range. Used only for scaled data types and input scaled tags.
LoEngineeringUnits The low end of the engineering units range. Used only for scaled data types and input scaled tags.

Indicates whether the measurement should be converted to an engineering unit's value. When set to False, the measurement is interpreted as a raw measurement.

With input scaling set to True, the system converts the value to engineering units by scaling the value between the Hi and Lo Scale. If InputScaling is not enabled, the system assumes that the measurement is already converted into engineering units.

HiScale The high end value of the input scaling range used for the tag.
LoScale The low end value of the input scaling range used for the tag.

Indicates whether collector compression is enabled for the tag.

Collector compression applies a smoothing filter to incoming data by ignoring incremental changes in values that fall within a dead band centered around the last collected value. The collector passes (to the archiver) any new value that falls outside the dead band and then centers the dead band around the new value.

InterfaceDeadbandPercentRange The current value of the compression dead band.
ArchiveCompression Indicates whether the archive collector compression is enabled for the tag.
ArchiveDeadbandPercentRange The current value of the archive compression dead band.
CustomProp1 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CustomProp1 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.
CustomProp2 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CustomProp2 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.
CustomProp3 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CustomProp3 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.
CustomProp4 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CustomProp4 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.
CustomProp5 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CustomProp5 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.
ReadSecurityGroup The name of the Windows security group controlling the reading of data for the tag.
WriteSecurityGroup The name of the Windows security group controlling the writing of data for the tag.
AdministratorSecurityGroup The name of the Windows security group responsible for controlling configuration changes for the tag.
LastModified The date and time that the tag configuration for this tag was last modified. The time structure includes milliseconds.
LastModifiedUser The user name of the Windows user who last modified this tag's configuration.
InterfaceType The collector responsible for collecting data for the tag.

The time zone bias for the tag. Time zone bias is used to indicate the natural time zone of the tag expressed as an offset from UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) in minutes.

UTC is the international time standard, the current term for what was commonly referred to as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).


Indicates the maximum amount of time from the last stored point before another point is stored, if the value does not exceed the archive compression dead band.

The data archiver treats the incoming sample after the timeout occurs as if it exceeded compression. It then stores the pending sample.

InterfaceCompressionTimeout Indicates the maximum amount of time the collector will wait between sending samples to the archiver.
SpikeLogic Indicates whether the Spike Logic is enabled for the tag.
SpikeLogicOverride Indicates whether the Spike Logic setting for this tag overrides the collector.
InterfaceAbsoluteDeadbanding Indicates if absolute collector deadbanding is enabled for this tag.
InterfaceAbsoluteDeadband Indicates the value for absolute collector dead banding.
ArchiveAbsoluteDeadbanding Indicates if absolute archive dead banding is enabled for this tag.
ArchiveAbsoluteDeadband Indicates the value for absolute archive dead banding.
StepValue Indicates if the StepValue property is enabled for the tag.
TimeResolution Indicates the timestamp resolution in seconds, milliseconds, or microseconds.
ConditionCollectionEnabled Indicates whether condition-based collection is enabled.
ConditionCollectionTriggerTag Tag condition-based collection trigger tag.
ConditionCollectionComparison Tag condition-based collection comparison operator.
ConditionCollectionCompareValue Tag condition-based collection compare value.
ConditionCollectionMarkers Indicates whether to employ condition-based collection markers.
TagId TagID associated with this tag.


The ihTKTagFields structure maintains the information that should be provided to Historian while creating tags.

typedef struct ihTKTagFields { 
ihTKBoolean    AllFields; 
ihTKBoolean    Tagname; 
ihTKBoolean    Description; 
ihTKBoolean    EngineeringUnits; 
ihTKBoolean    Comment; 
ihTKBoolean    DataType; 
ihTKBoolean    FixedStringLength; 
ihTKBoolean    InterfaceName; 
ihTKBoolean    SourceAddress; 
ihTKBoolean    CollectionType;
ihTKBoolean    CollectionInterval; 
ihTKBoolean    CollectionOffset; 
ihTKBoolean    LoadBalancing; 
ihTKBoolean    TimeStampType; 
ihTKBoolean    HiEngineeringUnits; 
ihTKBoolean    LoEngineeringUnits; 
ihTKBoolean    InputScaling; 
ihTKBoolean    HiScale;
ihTKBoolean    LoScale;
ihTKBoolean    InterfaceCompression; 
ihTKBoolean    InterfaceDeadbandPercentRange; 
ihTKBoolean    ArchiveCompression;
ihTKBoolean    ArchiveDeadbandPercentRange;
ihTKBoolean    CustomProp1; 
ihTKBoolean    CustomProp2; 
ihTKBoolean    CustomProp3; 
ihTKBoolean    CustomProp4; 
ihTKBoolean    CustomProp5; 
ihTKBoolean    ReadSecurityGroup; 
ihTKBoolean    WriteSecurityGroup;
ihTKBoolean    AdministratorSecurityGroup;
ihTKBoolean    ObsoleteField; 
ihTKBoolean    LastModified; 
ihTKBoolean    LastModifiedUser; 
ihTKBoolean    InterfaceType; 
ihTKBoolean    TimeResolution; 
ihTKBoolean    UTCBias;
ihTKBoolean    AverageCollectionTime; 
ihTKBoolean    CalculationDependencies; 
ihTKBoolean    CollectionDisabled; 
ihTKBoolean    ArchiveCompressionTimeout; 
ihTKBoolean    InterfaceCompressionTimeout; 
ihTKBoolean    SpikeLogic;
ihTKBoolean    SpikeLogicOverride; 
ihTKBoolean    InterfaceAbsoluteDeadbanding; 
ihTKBoolean    InterfaceAbsoluteDeadband; 
ihTKBoolean    ArchiveAbsoluteDeadbanding; 
ihTKBoolean    ArchiveAbsoluteDeadband; 
ihTKBoolean    StepValue;
ihTKBoolean    MaxTagsToRetrieve; 
ihTKBoolean    ConditionCollectionEnabled; 
ihTKBoolean    ConditionCollectionTriggerTag; 
ihTKBoolean    ConditionCollectionComparison; 
ihTKBoolean    ConditionCollectionCompareValue; 
ihTKBoolean    ConditionCollectionMarkers; 
ihTKBoolean    TagId;
} ihTKTagFields;
Name Description
AllFields Tag request contains all fields.
Tagname Tag request contains Tagname.
Description Tag request contains Description.
EngineeringUnits Tag request contains EngineeringUnits.
Comment Tag request contains Comment.
DataType Tag request contains DataType.
FixedStringLength Tag request contains FixedStringLength.
InterfaceName Tag request contains InterfaceName.
SourceAddress Tag request contains SourceAddress.
CollectionType Tag request contains CollectionType.
CollectionInterval Tag request contains CollectionInterval.
CollectionOffset Tag request contains CollectionOffset.
LoadBalancing Tag request contains LoadBalancing.
TimeStampType Tag request contains TimeStampType.
HiEngineeringUnits Tag request contains HiEngineeringUnits.
LoEngineeringUnits Tag request contains LoEngineeringUnits.
InputScaling Tag request contains InputScaling.
HiScale Tag request contains HiScale.
LoScale Tag request contains LoScale.
InterfaceCompression Tag request contains InterfaceCompression.
InterfaceDeadbandPercentRange Tag request contains InterfaceDeadbandPercentRange.
ArchiveCompression Tag request contains ArchiveCompression.
ArchiveDeadbandPercentRange Tag request contains ArchiveDeadbandPercentRange.
CustomProp1 Tag request contains CustomProp1.
CustomProp2 Tag request contains CustomProp2.
CustomProp3 Tag request contains CustomProp3.
CustomProp4 Tag request contains CustomProp4.
CustomProp5 Tag request contains CustomProp5.
ReadSecurityGroup Tag request contains ReadSecurityGroup.
WriteSecurityGroup Tag request contains WriteSecurityGroup.
AdministratorSecurityGroup Tag request contains AdministratorSecurityGroup.
ObsoleteField Tag request contains ObsoleteField.
LastModified Tag request contains LastModified.
LastModifiedUser Tag request contains LastModifiedUser.
InterfaceType Tag request contains InterfaceType.
TimeResolution Tag request contains TimeResolution.
UTCBias Tag request contains UTCBias.
AverageCollectionTime Tag request contains AverageCollectionTime.
CalculationDependencies Tag request contains CalculationDependencies.
CollectionDisabled Tag request contains CollectionDisabled.
ArchiveCompressionTimeout Tag request contains ArchiveCompressionTimeout.
SpikeLogic Tag request contains SpikeLogic.
SpikeLogicOverride Tag request contains SpikeLogicOverride.
InterfaceAbsoluteDeadbanding Tag request contains InterfaceAbsoluteDeadbanding.
InterfaceAbsoluteDeadband Tag request contains InterfaceAbsoluteDeadband.
ArchiveAbsoluteDeadbanding Tag request contains ArchiveAbsoluteDeadbanding.
ArchiveAbsoluteDeadband Tag request contains ArchiveAbsoluteDeadband.
StepValue Tag request contains StepValue.
MaxTagsToRetrieve Tag request contains MaxTagsToRetrieve.
ConditionCollectionEnabled Tag request contains ConditionCollectionEnabled.
ConditionCollectionTriggerTag Tag request contains ConditionCollectionTriggerTag.
ConditionCollectionComparison Tag request contains ConditionCollectionComparison.
ConditionCollectionCompareValue Tag request contains ConditionCollectionCompareValue.
ConditionCollectionMarkers Tag request contains ConditionCollectionMarkers.
TagId Tag request contains TagId


The ihTKTagCriteria structure maintains the information required while retrieving data from Historian.

typedef struct ihTKTagCriteria {
wchar_t* TagnameMask; 
uint32_t NumberOfTags; 
wchar_t** TagnameArray; 
wchar_t* DescriptionMask; 
wchar_t* EngineeringUnits; 
wchar_t* Comment; 
ihTKDataType DataType;
unsigned char FixedStringLength;
wchar_t* InterfaceName; 
wchar_t* SourceAddress; 
ihTKCollectionType CollectionType; 
uint32_t CollectionInterval; 
uint32_t CollectionOffset; 
ihTKBoolean  LoadBalancing; 
ihTKTimeStampType TimeStampType; 
double HiEngineeringUnits;
double LoEngineeringUnits;
ihTKBoolean InputScaling;
double HiScale;
double LoScale;
ihTKBoolean InterfaceCompression; 
float InterfaceDeadbandPercentRange; 
ihTKBoolean ArchiveCompression;
float ArchiveDeadbandPercentRange;
wchar_t* CustomProp1; 
wchar_t* CustomProp2; 
wchar_t* CustomProp3; 
wchar_t* CustomProp4; 
wchar_t* CustomProp5; 
wchar_t* ReadSecurityGroup; 
wchar_t* WriteSecurityGroup;
wchar_t* AdministratorSecurityGroup;
ihTKTimeStruct LastModified; 
wchar_t* LastModifiedUser; 
ihTKInterfaceType InterfaceType; 
ihTKBoolean ObsoleteField; 
int32_t UTCBias;
uint32_t AverageCollectionTime; 
ihTKBoolean CollectionDisabled; 
uint32_t ArchiveCompressionTimeout; 
uint32_t InterfaceCompressionTimeout; 
ihTKBoolean SpikeLogic;
ihTKBoolean SpikeLogicOverride; 
ihTKBoolean InterfaceAbsoluteDeadbanding; 
double InterfaceAbsoluteDeadband; 
ihTKBoolean ArchiveAbsoluteDeadbanding; 
double ArchiveAbsoluteDeadband; 
ihTKBoolean SourceAddressIsMask; 
ihTKBoolean StepValue;
int32_t MaxTagsToRetrieve; 
ihTKTimeResolution TimeResolution; 
ihTKBoolean ConditionCollectionEnabled; 
wchar_t* ConditionCollectionTriggerTag;
ihTKConditionCollectionComparison ConditionCollectionComparison;
wchar_t* ConditionCollectionCompareValue; 
ihTKBoolean ConditionCollectionMarkers; 
ihTKTagId TagId;
} ihTKTagCriteria;
Name Description
TagnameMask Tag name mask criteria.
NumberOfTags Number of tags for a tag.
TagnameArray Tag name array of a tag.
DescriptionMask Tag description mask criteria.
EngineeringUnits Tag engineering units criteria.
Comment Tag comment criteria.
DataType Tag data type criteria.
FixedStringLength Tag fixed string length criteria.
InterfaceName Tag interface name.
SourceAddress Tag source address criteria.
CollectionType Tag collection type criteria.
CollectionInterval Tag collection interval criteria.
CollectionOffset Tag collection offset criteria.
LoadBalancing Tag load balancing enabled criteria.
TimeStampType Tag timestamp type criteria.
HiEngineeringUnits Tag high engineering unit criteria.
LoEngineeringUnits Tag low engineering unit criteria.
InputScaling Tag input scaling enabled criteria.
HiScale Tag high scale value criteria.
LoScale Tag low scale value criteria.
InterfaceCompression Tag interface compression.
InterfaceDeadbandPercentRange Tag interface deadband percentage range.
ArchiveCompression Tag archive compression enabled criteria.
CustomProp1 Tag custom property 1.
CustomProp2 Tag custom property 2.
CustomProp3 Tag custom property 3.
CustomProp4 Tag custom property 4.
CustomProp5 Tag custom property 5.
ReadSecurityGroup Tag read security group name criteria.
WriteSecurityGroup Tag write security group name criteria.
AdministratorSecurityGroup Tag administrator security group name criteria.
LastModified Tag last modified time criteria.
LastModifiedUser Tag last modified user name criteria.
InterfaceType Tag interface type.
ObsoleteField Tag obsolete field.
UTCBias Tag UTC bias criteria.
AverageCollectionTime Tag average collection time.
CollectionDisabled Tag collection disabled criteria.
ArchiveCompressionTimeout Tag archive-compression time out criteria.
InterfaceCompressionTimeout Tag interface compression time out.
SpikeLogic Tag spike logic enabled criteria.
SpikeLogicOverride Tag spike logic override enabled criteria.
InterfaceAbsoluteDeadbanding Tag interface absolute deadbanding.
ArchiveAbsoluteDeadbanding Tag archive compression absolute deadband criteria.
SourceAddressIsMask Whether to interpret source address criteria as a wildcard expression.
StepValue Tag step value enabled criteria.
MaxTagsToRetrieve Maximum number of tags to retrieve per query.
TimeResolution Tag time resolution criteria.
ConditionCollectionEnabled Tag condition-based collection enabled criteria.
ConditionCollectionTriggerTag Tag condition-based collection trigger tag criteria.
ConditionCollectionComparison Tag condition-based collection comparison operator criteria.
ConditionCollectionCompareValue Tag condition-based collection compare value criteria.
ConditionCollectionMarkers Tag condition-based collection markers enabled criteria.
TagId TagId criteria.


The ihTKDataType structure contains the data types supported by Historian.

typedefenum ihTKDataType { 
ihTKDataTypeUndefined = 0, 
Name Description
ihTKDataTypeUndefined An Undefined data type.
ihTKScaled A single precision (32-bit) floating-point type.
ihTKFloat A single precision (32-bit) floating-point type.
ihTKDoubleFloat A double precision (64-bit) floating-point type.
ihTKInteger A short, signed integral type (16-bit).
ihTKDoubleInteger A long, signed integral type (32-bit).
ihTKFixedString A fixed-length UNICODE string The length is determined by Tag.FixedStringLengthtag property.
ihTKVariableString A variable-length UNICODE string.
ihTKBlob An unstructured, binary data type.
ihTKTime A date-time type (64-bit), capable of storing one DateTime instance value.
ihTKInt64 A __int64-bit quad integer.
ihTKUInt64 A __int64-bit unsigned quad integer.
ihTKUInt32 A long, unsigned integral type (32-bit).
ihTKUInt16 A short, unsigned integral type (16-bit).
ihTKMaxDataType A max data type.


The ihInterfaceTKASyncTagInfo structure contains unsolicited tag information.

typedef struct ihInterfaceTKASyncTagInfo {
int TagId;
wchar_t *ArchiveTagName;
wchar_t *Tag;
int Interval;
double DeadbandPct; 
ihTKDataType DataType; 
int UseSourceTimeStamp; 
wchar_t *CustomProp1; 
wchar_t *CustomProp2; 
wchar_t *CustomProp3; 
wchar_t *CustomProp4; 
wchar_t *CustomProp5;
} ihInterfaceTKASyncTagInfo;
Name Description
TagId TagId of the tag to be stored.
*ArchiveTagName Tag name of the corresponding TagId stored in the archiver.
*Tag Tag name used as primary key.
Interval Collection interval of the tag.
DeadbandPct Deadband percentage used for compression.
DataType Datatype of the tag.
UseSourceTimeStamp Enables you to specify to use source time stamp or collector timestamp.
*CustomProp1 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CustomProp1 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.
*CustomProp2 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CustomProp2 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.
*CustomProp3 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CustomProp3 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.
*CustomProp4 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CustomProp4 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.
*CustomProp5 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CustomProp5 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.


The ihInterfaceTKPolledTagInfo structure maintains the polled tag information of the collectors.

typedef struct ihInterfaceTKPolledTagInfo {
int TagId;
wchar_t *ArchiveTagName;
wchar_t *Tag; 
int Interval; 
int Offset;
double DeadbandPct;
ihTKDataType DataType; 
int UseSourceTimeStamp; 
wchar_t *CustomProp1; 
wchar_t *CustomProp2; 
wchar_t *CustomProp3; 
wchar_t *CustomProp4; 
wchar_t *CustomProp5;
} ihInterfaceTKPolledTagInfo;
Name Description
TagId TagId of the tag to be stored.
*ArchiveTagName Tag name of the corresponding tagid stored in the archiver.
*Tag Tag name used as primary key.
Interval Collection interval of the tag.
Offset Offset from midnight (in seconds) to force sampling at a specific time of day.
DeadbandPercentage Deadband percentage used for compression.
ihTKDataType DataType Datatype of the tag.
UseSourceTimeStamp Enables you to specify to use source time stamp or collector timestamp.
*CustomProp1 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CollectorGeneral1 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.
*CustomProp2 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CollectorGeneral2 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.
*CustomProp3 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CollectorGeneral3 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.
*CustomProp4 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CollectorGeneral4 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.
*CustomProp5 The general (or spare) configuration fields for the collector. The CollectorGeneral5 column is not user-defined; it is different for each collector.


The ihTKTagRecordset structure maintains Historian tags' record set.

typedef struct ihTKTagRecordset { 
ihTKTagFields RequestedFields; 
ihTKTagCriteria Criteria; 
ihTKTagFields CriteriaFields; 
uint32_t NumberOfRecords; 
ihTKTagPropertiesPtr TagRecords;
} ihTKTagRecordset;
Name Description
RequestedFields Tag fields structure, which can be used to retrieve the specific fields of tags.
Criteria Criteria structure, which can be used to query the tags based on the fields that are set.
CriteriaFields Tag fields structure that need to be populated based on query criteria. For example, if user wants to query the tags based on Tag names then CriteriaFields.Tagname must set to true.
NumberOfRecords Number of TagRecords.
TagRecords Array of TagRecords. Each TagRecord is a tag property of each tag.


The ihTKBlobData structure contains some memory that can support data in any format such as XML or CSV.

typedefstruct ihTKBlobData {
Name Description
Blob Blob data.
BlobSize Blob size.


The ihTKHiddenValue structure represents the mapping of supported data types Historian and Microsoft, the operating system.

typedef union ihTKHiddenValue {
short Integer;
int32_t DoubleInteger;
float Float;
double DoubleFloat; 
ihTKBlobData Blob; 
wchar_t* String; 
ihTKTimeStruct Time; 
int64_t Int64; 
uint64_t UInt64; 
uint32_t UInt32; 
uint16_t UInt16;
} ihTKHiddenValue;
Name Description
Integer Single integer.
DoubleInteger Double integer.
Float Float.
DoubleFloat Double float.
Blob Blob.
String String.
Time Timestamp structure with seconds and nanoseconds.
Int64 Quad integer.
UInt64 Unsigned quad integer.
UInt32 Unsigned double integer.
UInt16 Unsigned short.


The ihTKRawQuality structure maintains the raw quality types of the tag data.

typedef struct ihTKRawQuality {
ihTKBoolean Deleted; 
ihTKBoolean Replaced; 
unsigned char QualityStatus;
unsigned char QualitySubStatus; 
ihTKBoolean OPCQualityValid; 
unsigned short OPCQuality;
} ihTKRawQuality;
Name Description
Deleted Deleted tag data.
Replaced Replaced tag data.
QualityStatus QualityStatus of the tag data.
QualitySubStatus QualitySubStatus of the tag data.
OPCQualityValid OPCQualityValid.
OPCQuality OPCQuality.


The ihTKQuality structures determines the percentage of good data in the raw quality.

typedefunion ihTKQuality { 
ihTKRawQuality RawQuality; 
float PercentGood;
Name Description
ihTKRawQuality RawQuality.
ihTKQuality PercentGood.


The ihTKCommentData structure maintains the comment about Comment Data in the tag, if any.

typedefstruct ihTKCommentData {
Name Description
DataTypeHint Data type.
CommentData Comment data.


The ihTKComments structure maintains the information about comment data.

typedef struct ihTKComments { 
ihTKTimeStruct StoredOnTimeStamp; 
ihTKTimeStruct CommentTimeStamp; 
wchar_t* SuppliedUsername; 
wchar_t* Username;
ihTKCommentData CommentData;
} ihTKComments;
Name Description
StoredOnTimeStamp Stored time (Set by Archiver).
CommentTimeStamp Timestamp.
SuppliedUsername Supplied username (optionally given in ihCommentAdd).
Username NT user name of writer. (Set by Archiver).
CommentData Comment Data.


The ihTKDataProperties structure represents the properties of the data.

typedef struct ihTKDataProperties { 
ihTKTimeStruct TimeStamp; 
ihTKDataType ValueDataType; 
ihTKValue Value;
ihTKQuality Quality;
unsigned char NumberOfComments;
ihTKCommentsPtr Comments;
} ihTKDataProperties;
Name Description
TimeStamp Time stamp of the data.
ValueDataType Data type.
Value Data value.
Quality Quality.
NumberOfComments Number of comments, if any.
Comments Array of comments.


The ihInterfaceTKASyncData structure represents the unsolicited tags' data. ihInterfaceTKASyncData can be defined as an array of pointers if user want to send multiple data for multiple tags in one callback. This callback doesnt return errors, but will log any errors in writing to either the DA log or the collector specific log.

typedef struct ihInterfaceTKASyncData {
int NumValues; int *TagIds; 
ihTKDataProperties *Values; 
uint32_t *CollectionTimes;
} ihInterfaceTKASyncData;
Name Description
NumValues Number of data properties.
*TagIds Tag ids.
*Values Array of data properties.
*CollectionTimes Collected Times.
Adding data to ihInterfaceTKASyncData structure.
uint32_tcollectionTime = (uint32_t)time(0); 
int tagId = tag->TagId; 
ihInterfaceTKASyncData asyncData;
memset(&asyncData,0, sizeof(ihInterfaceTKASyncData));
asyncData.NumValues= 1; asyncData.TagIds = &tagId;
asyncData.Values = &data.DataProp;
asyncData.CollectionTimes= &collectionTime;


The ihTKGetDataType structure indicates the different ways data is collected from source.

typedef enum ihTKGetDataType { 
ihTKGetDataTimed = 0, 
} ihTKGetDataType;
Name Description
ihTKGetDataTimed Polled data. The collector acquires data from a source on a periodic schedule determined by the collector.
ihTKGetDataAsync Asynchronous data, the collector accepts data from the source whenever the source presents the data.
ihTKGetDataDemand Data on demand, the collector accepts data from source whenever there is a demand for data.


The ihTKStatus structure contains the error statuses of Historian.

typedef enum ihTKStatus { 
} ihTKStatus;
Name Description
ihTKSTATUS_FAILED Generic failure.
ihTKSTATUS_API_TIMEOUT Server machine name not found, or server found but Archiver service is not running.
ihTKSTATUS_NOT_ CONNECTED Not currently connected to a Historian server.
ihTKSTATUS_INTERFACE_ NOT_FOUND Interface not found.
ihTKSTATUS_DUPLICATE_DATA WriteData was called with error_on_replace = TRUE and the supplied data would have overwritten the existing data.
ihTKSTATUS_NOT_VALID_USER Server found, but invalid username or password.
ihTKSTATUS_ACCESS_DENIED Access is denied by the Historian server. Check user name/password or security group membership.
ihTKSTATUS_WRITE_IN_FUTURE Write time stamp is too far in the future.
ihTKSTATUS_WRITE_ARCH_OFFLINE There is no Archiver to hold the write time stamp.
ihTKSTATUS_ARCH_READONLY The archive to hold the write time stamp is marked as read-only.
ihTKSTATUS_WRITE_OUTSIDE_ACTIVE The write time stamp is before the active hours (now - "data is read only after") setting.
ihTKSTATUS_WRITE_NO_ARCH_AVAILABLE No archive is available to hold the write time stamp.
ihTKSTATUS_INVALID_TAGNAME Tagname used is not valid. Tagname does not exist in the Historian server.
ihTKSTATUS_LIC_TOO_MANY_TAGS Exceeded tag license count on the server.
ihTKSTATUS_LIC_TOO_MANY_USERS Exceeded user license count on the server.
ihTKSTATUS_LIC_INVALID_LIC_DLL An invalid license DLL is installed.
ihTKSTATUS_NO_VALUE No value has been passed to the function.
ihTKSTATUS_NOT_LICENSED Your installation of Historian is not licensed.
ihTKSTATUS_INVALID_SERVER_VERSION You are attempting to use this API on an invalid version of Historian.
ihTKSTATUS_DATA_RETRIEVAL_COUNT_ EXCEEDED You tried to request too many samples in one read request.
ihTKSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER Generic failure when an invalid value is passed into the user API.


The ihTKMessageTopic structure posts the status messages of Historian.

typedef enum ihTKMessageTopic { 
ihTKAlertTopics, ihTKMessageTopics,
} ihTKMessageTopic;
Name Description
ihTKConnections Connection related messages.
ihTKConfigurationAudit Audit messages.
ihTKGeneral General messages.
ihTKServiceControl Service control messages.
ihTKPerformance Performance related messages.
ihTKSecurity Security related messages.
ihTKMessageTopicMax Must be the last one after the basic topics and before the combinations.
ihTKAlertTopics Any alerts.


The ihTKCollectorCallbacks structure controls the way the Async tags functions are performed.

typedef struct ihTKCollectorCallbacks { 
TKCallBackFunctionNoParams *ShutdownFunc; 
TKCallBackFunctionOneParam *LogMsgFunc; 
TKCallBackFunctionOneParam *DataFunc; 
TKCallBackFunctionOneLongParam *AsyncOverrunFunc; 
TKCallBackFunctionOneLongParam *ChangeInterfaceControlFunc; 
TKCallBackFunctionTwoLongParams *ReconnectFunc; 
TKCallBackFunctionMessageAdd *AddMessageCallback;
//CallbackFunctionAlarmNotification *AlarmNotificationFunc; 
TKCallBackFunctionGetTimeOffset *GetTimeOffsetFunc;
} ihTKCollectorCallbacks;
Name Description
*ShutdownFunc When the Collector shuts down, this callback will be called from the toolkit.
*LogMsgFunc When user wants to log any information, this call back is used.
*DataFunc When data needs to be added, this call back is used.
*AsyncOverrunFunc This callback is called for data overruns.
*ReconnectFunc When user needs to reconnect to Historian, this callback is used.
*AddMessageCallback When user wants to add a message to Historian, this callback is used.
*GetTimeOffsetFunc When time offsets need to be adjusted, this callback is used.


The ihTKTimeStruct structure contains the time value in seconds and Nanoseconds.

typedef struct ihTKTimeStruct {
uint32_t Seconds;
uint32_t Nanoseconds;
} ihTKTimeStruct
Name Description
Seconds The time value in seconds.
Nanoseconds The time value in nanoseconds.


The ihTKQualityStatus structure defines the quality of the incoming data value that Historian stores.

typedef enum ihTKQualityStatus {
ihTKOPCBad = 0, 
} ihTKQualityStatus;
Name Description
Bad The quality of the associated data value is bad. There is low or no confidence in the associated data value.
Uncertain There is uncertainty about the associated data value.
NA The associated data value is unused.
Good The quality of the associated data value is good.


The ihTKQualitySubStatus structure indicates the reasons for the quality of associated data value.

typedef enum ihTKQualitySubStatus { 
ihTKOPCNonspecific = 0, 
ihTKOffLine, ihTKNoValue, 
} ihTKQualitySubStatus;
Name Description
Nonspecific The quality of the data value due to a nonspecific status.
ConfigurationError The quality of the data value due to a configuration error.
NotConnected The quality of the data value due to a non-connectivity.
DeviceFailure The quality of the data value due to device failure.
SensorFailure The quality of the data value due to sensor failure.
LastKnownValue The quality of the data value from the last known value.
CommFailure The quality of the data value due to sensor failure.
OutOfService The quality of the data value due to an out of service status.
ScaledOutOfRange The quality of the data value due to the value being out of range.
OffLine The quality of the data value due to the source being offline.
NoValue The quality of the data value if the source does not provide a value.
CalculationError The quality of the data value due to a calculation error.
ConditionCollectionHalted The quality of the data due to halting the collection.
CalculationTimeout The quality of the data value due to calculation time-out


The ihTKDataType structure contains the data types supported by Historian.

typedef enum ihTKDataType { 
ihTKDataTypeUndefined = 0, 
} ihTKDataType;
Name Description
ihTKDataTypeUndefined An Undefined data type.
ihTKScaled A single precision (32-bit) floating-point type.
ihTKFloat A single precision (32-bit) floating-point type.
ihTKDoubleFloat A double precision (64-bit) floating-point type.
ihTKInteger A short, signed integral type (16-bit).
ihTKDoubleInteger A long, signed integral type (32-bit).
ihTKFixedString A fixed-length UNICODE string The length is determined by Tag.FixedStringLengthtag property.
ihTKVariableString A variable-length UNICODE string.
ihTKBlob An unstructured, binary data type.
ihTKTime A date-time type (64-bit), capable of storing one DateTime instance value.
ihTKInt64 A __int64-bit quad integer.
ihTKUInt64 A __int64-bit unsigned quad integer.
ihTKUInt32 A long, unsigned integral type (32-bit).
ihTKUInt16 A short, unsigned integral type (16-bit).
ihTKMaxDataType A max data type.


The ihTKInterface structure contains the different interfaces that can interact with Historian. For example, ihTKCustom is a custom collector type generated by Toolkit.

typedef enum ihTKInterfaceType { 
} ihTKInterfaceType;
Name Description
ihTKIFix Interface for iFix_collector.
ihTKRandom Interface for Simulation collector.
ihTKOPC Interface for OPC DA collector.
ihTKFile Interface for File collector.
ihTKIFixLabData Interface for Deprecated.
ihTKManualEntry Interface for Deprecated.
ihTKOther Interface for Deprecated.
ihTKCalcEngine Interface for Calculation collector.
ihTKServerToServer Interface for ServerToServer collector.
ihTKPI Interface for OSI PI collector.
ihTKOPCAE Interface for OPC A&E collector.
ihTKCIMPE Interface for Native CIMPLICITY collector.
ihTKPIDistributor Interface for OSI PI distributor.
ihTKCIMME Interface for Proficy Machine Edition collector.
ihTKCustom Interface for Custom collector.


The ihTKCollectionType structure indicates the types of data collection methods Historian supports.

typedef enum ihTKCollectionType {
ihTKUnsolicited=1, ihTKPolled
} ihTKCollectionType;
Name Description
ihTKUnsolicited Asynchronous data collection based on incoming data value changes.
ihTKPolled Periodic data collection based on a configured interval.


The ihTKTimeStampType structure stores timestamp for data according to source time or the collector time.

typedef enum ihTKTimeStampType {
ihTKSource = 1, ihTKInterface,
} ihTKTimeStampType;
Name Description
ihTKSource Stores the timestamp from data source.
ihTKInterface Stores the timestamp from the collector based on the host computer clock.


The ihTKTimeResolution structure contains the time resolution that Historian supports.

typedef enum ihTKTimeResolution {
ihTKSeconds = 0, 
} ihTKTimeResolution;
Name Description
ihTKSeconds Time up to a resolution of 1 second.
ihTKMilliseconds Time up to a resolution of 1 millisecond (1-thousandth of a second).
ihTKMicroseconds Time up to a resolution of 1 microsecond (1-millionth of a second).
ihTKNanoseconds Time up to a resolution of 1 nanosecond (1-billionth of a second).


The ihTKTagId structure indicates the GUID of a tag.

typedef struct { uint32_t  
Data1; unsigned short 
Data2; unsigned short 
unsigned char Data4[ 8 ];
} ihTKTagId;


The ihTKConditionCollectionComparison structure eliminates storing the values that are not within the defined range.

typedef enum ihTKConditionCollectionComparison
ihTKConditionComparisonUndefined = 0, 
Name Description
ihTKConditionComparisonEqual Equality comparison operator.
ihTKConditionComparisonLessThan Value less than the comparison operator.
ihTKConditionComparisonLessThanEqual Value less than or equal comparison operator.
ihTKConditionComparisonGreaterThan Value greater than comparison operator.
ihTKConditionComparisonGreaterThanEqual Value greater than or equal comparison operator.
ihTKConditionComparisonNotEqual Inequality comparison operator.


typedef struct ihTKAlarmInterfaceProperties { 
ihTKBoolean SupportsEventFiltering; 
ihTKBoolean SupportsCategoryFiltering; 
ihTKBoolean SupportsSourceFiltering; 
ihTKBoolean SupportsAreaFiltering;
ihTKBoolean SupportsSeverityFiltering;
int NumSimpleEvents; 
wchar_t** SimpleEventList; 
int NumTrackingEvents; 
wchar_t** TrackingEventList; 
int NumConditionEvents;
wchar_t** ConditionEventList;
} ihTKAlarmInterfaceProperties;
Name Description
SupportsEventFiltering Indicates if it supports event filtering.
SupportsCategoryFiltering Indicates if it supports category filtering.
SupportsSourceFiltering Indicates if it supports source filtering.
SupportsAreaFiltering Indicates if it supports area filtering.
SupportsSeverityFiltering Indicates if it supports severity filtering.
NumSimpleEvents Number of simple events.
SimpleEventList Simple events.
NumTrackingEvents Number of tracking events.
TrackingEventList Tracking events.
NumConditionEvents Number of condition events.
ConditionEventList Condition events.


The ihTKHierarchicalBrowseResponse structure represents the tags in a hierarchical way.

typedef struct ihTKHierarchicalBrowseResponse {
int NodeCount;
wchar_t**      NodeNames; 
wchar_t**      FullNodeNames; 
int LeafCount;
wchar_t**      LeafNames;
wchar_t**      FullLeafNames;
} ihTKHierarchicalBrowseResponse;
Name Description
NodeCount Number of elements in the node.
NodeNames Names of all the node names.
FullNodeNames Complete node name.
LeafCount Number of leaf elements.
LeafNames Names of all the leaf elements.
FullLeafNames Complete leaf names.